Volume: 1 - Issue:  29527 August 2012
Iran Update - ISDCI Newsletter
Iran Update



We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Call to save women prisoners and supporters of PMOI

Call to save the lives of two women prisoners and supporters of PMOI, who have been transferred to Gharechak Varamin prison. Read On...

Freedom or Oppression - Defining Responsibility
Politics Home

Lord Maginnis calls on the US to remove the People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran from the Foreign Terrorist Organisation list. Read On... 

Frida Ghitis: Listen to what Iran is saying

The Sacramento Bee


In recent days, much attention has focused on signs from Israel that an attack on Iran's nuclear installations may be imminent.  Read On... 

Please see links below for some more media coverage of Ashraf situation:


Thank you for your reading Iran Update. We welcome your comments. 





ISDCI News Group