Volume: 1 - Issue:  26504 June 2012
Iran Update - ISDCI Newsletter
Iran Update



We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Iran Accuses IAEA of Spying, Says It Will Never Halt Enrichment

Iran accused the United Nations nuclear inspectorate of spying, vowed never to suspend uranium enrichment and cast doubt on whether a deal allowing wider atomic inspections is possible.  Read On... 

Is the Obama State Department Above the Rule of Law?
The Huffington Post

One of the chief contentions by those supporting President Obama's candidacy for president in 2008 was that his administration would change, change, change. In particular, the promise was made repeatedly that the rule of law would be followed, and followed strictly. Above all, human rights were to be safeguarded zealously. Read On... 

Baghdad dreaming
The Washington Times

Having apparently learned nothing from 10 years of futile negotiations with Iran, President Obama seemed perilously close late last month to yet another deal purportedly making "progress" eliminating the ayatollahs' nuclear weapons program. Read On... 

South Africa police probe MTN Iran graft allegations

South Africa's elite Hawks police unit has opened an investigation into allegations of corruption at mobile phone giant MTN relating to its purchase of a cellular license in Iran, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. Read On... 

US to Iran: Allow IAEA probe of alleged nuke site

A U.S. envoy challenged Iran on Tuesday to disprove suspicions it had worked to develop nuclear arms by throwing open a military site to U.N. inspection. He also urged Tehran to curb uranium enrichment, noting that - with further work - the material it has already amassed would be enough for use in several atomic bombs. Read On... 

Please see links below for some more media coverage of Ashraf situation:


Thank you for your reading Iran Update. We welcome your comments. 





ISDCI News Group