The CHATLine
for October 12, 2011
Presbytery Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to read The CHATLine!
All Are Invited! Revival at Hebron Zion
October 17-21, 2011
Monday, Oct. 17th
Reverend Anthony Arnold
For the Sake of Souls Ministry - Moncks Corner, SC
Tuesday, Oct. 18th
Reverend Anthony Arnold
For the Sake of Souls Ministry - Moncks Corner, SC
Wednesday, Oct. 19th
Associate Minister, Franklin Washington
Royal Baptist Church, N. Charleston, SC
Thursday, Oct. 20th
Reverend Jimmy Ravenel
James Chapel A. M. E. Church - Charleston, SC
Friday, Oct. 21st
Apostle Levon Smalls
Christ Temple Church - North Charleston, SC
2915 Bohicket Road, Johns Island, SC 29455
(843) 559-0865
Reverend Henry Rivers, Pastor
Elder Reginald Simmons, Worship Committee Chairman
Schedule for Presbytery Wide Cluster Meetings
Sunday, October 23, 2011, 4:00 PM
Lowcountry PC, Bluffton, SC
Saturday, November 5, 2011; 10:00 AM
Second PC, Charleston, SC
Sunday, November 6, 2011; 4:00 PM
Barnwell PC, Barnwell, SC
Sunday, November 20, 2011; 3:00 PM
Hebron Zion PC, Johns Island, SC
Discussion Topics for Each Cluster Meeting - Changes to CAP Manual of Administrative Operations
- Questions about nFOG from congregations: what do congregations need to be doing?
- State of the presbytery/CAP budget challenges: past, present and future (PowerPoint)
- Open Forum
Final Wrap-Up Session for Manual of Administrative Operations Thursday, December 8, 2011; 10:00 AM at the Presbytery Office
Celebration Luncheon for Eddie Soto
Tuesday, November 1st, at 12:00 pm
The EP and Staff are planning a presbytery lunch gathering to celebrate the ministry of Eddie Soto, Associate for Latin American Ministry. PLan now to join us on Tuesday, November 1st, at 12:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall at Summerville Presbyterian.
2011 National Tentmaking Conference
November 4th-6th
This Conference Is For:
- Tentmaker / Bi-vocational Pastors
- Prospective Tentmakers
- Commissioned Lay Pastors
- Seminarians, Candidates, & Inquirers
- Fully Salaried Pastors
- New Immigrant Fellowships
- Council / Diocesan Staff
- Pastoral Search Committees
- Bi-vocational Personnel
- COM & CPM Members
Picture from Installation Service
for Rev. Cassie Todd, Williston Presbyterian
Pictured are Cassie and her husband, members of the Presbytery, Cassie's minister (Nick Setzer who is a candidate under care of CAP).
New Church in Charleston Atlantic Presbytery???
The congregational development Unit has been working on the Church information Form for our planned new church in Cane Bay, between Goose Creek, Summerville and Moncks Corner. The unit hopes to have the forms ready to be approved by November to go on-line. Ronny Tanner, from the Sea Island Church is chairing the committee. In November we will form a commission which will be voted on at the February presbytery meeting. The commission will be empowered to begin the search and to extend the call.
Our unit is also working with St James to study the possibility of having an additional site for worship in the Dorchester Road Corridor. We are excited about our plans for moving forward with new churches even during these challenging economic times.
Please keep the Congregational development unit in your prayers.
Next Acts 16:5 Meeting
Stan Ott will be here on Tuesday, November 15th at Harborview Church. The meeting will begin at 9:00 am. All pastors and vision teams from the individual churches are encouraged to be here. Thanks to Harborview for hosting this meeting. There will be a catered lunch. Please e-mail Mike Fitze and give us a number of how many will be attending from your church. We are also extending an invitation to Stan to attend our February 18th Presbytery Meeting at Lowcountry Presbyterian.
Choir Robes Available
First Presbyterian Church Moncks Corner has eighteen gently used choir robes to give to any congregation in need of them. They range in size from small to XXXlarge; are burgundy with white details on sleeve; reversible white and burgundy collar; are polyester in material. If you are interested in learning more, please call Laurie Carter at 843- 899-6513 or contact the church office at 843-761-8469.
Next Charleston Area Ministers' Lunch
Tuesday, October 25th at 12:30 pm
The next Charleston Area Ministers' lunch will be held at Westminster Church on Tuesday, October 25th at 12:30 pm. Join about 20 other clergy and enjoy a delicious $5 lunch and catch up on the happenings of the presbytery. There is no agenda, just good fellowship, good food and information you can use. If you have not been, try to come just once... It is worth the effort! Hope to see you there!
Afrizo Gospel Choir from Kenya in Concert Saturday, October 22nd, at 7:00 pm at Zion-Olivet Presbyterian AND...
Friday, October 21st, at 7:00 pm at the Physician's Auditorium at the College of Charleston
Afrizo is returning to Charleston for fundraising musical events October 20-24, 2011. The Afrizo choir is touring the U.S. for three months to raise money for scholarships for African students to attend Daystar University, which is a Christian evangelical institution graduating servant leaders for Africa.
Buy Tickets Now for the College of Charleston Concert! Join the choir for a special concert at the College of Charleston on Friday, October 21, 2011, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are on sale now (Adults $15, Children/Students $5) and can be purchased on the Mt. Pleasant Presbyerian website at
Click Here to Listen to Afrizo Sing!
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Register TODAY for the PYC High School Fall Retreat! LOST and FOUND: November 18-20, 2011

The Presbytery Youth Council is working had to plan an awesome retreat! You won't want to miss this! Join us as we learn what it means to be both LOST and FOUND, November 18-20, 2011, at Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center.
Retreat Leadership includes Keynoter Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman, Music Leader Brian Dove, and Rec Leaders Jon Prabhu and Emily Theus!
You should have received a registration packet via email. If you would like to receive the packet via mail, email
Registration will be open through November 1, cost will be $70. (Registrations received after November 1 will be $85. No registrations will be accepted after November 14. Adults and Youth Council cost will be $60 before November 1.)
Click here to download the retreat flyer for your youth group.
Board of Pensions Educational Series
at Westminster Presbyterian
January 17th, 18th, and 19th
Register Today! Seating is Limited.
 January 17, 2012:
Benefits Overview for Lay Plan Members 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
January 18, 2012: Render unto Caesar Seminar for Ministers 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
January 19, 2012: Render unto Caesar Seminar for Treasurers and Administrators 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church 1157 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407-3364 |
Park Circle Church to Celebrate 70th Anniversary
Park Circle Presbyterian Church is proud to announce that on November 20, 2011 we will be celebrating our 70th anniversary. We are asking everyone (including Clerks of Session or Church Secretaries that would have access to church registers, member transfer information, etc.) if they can help us locate former members or anyone who desires to come by submitting names and addresses to us. You can reach us by phone (843-744-2844) or e-mail ( Our deadline date is October 23 at which time we want to send out invitations. Worship services will be held at Park Circle Presbyterian Church at 11:00 with a reception following immediately after services at the Felix Davis Community Center (Park Circle Community Center). We are really looking forward to this 70th anniversary to celebrate our history and growth in the community.
Fall Conferences at Montreat:
Plan Now to Attend!
Wee Kirk (for pastors, CLP's, and lay leaders of PC(USA) churches of 200 members or less)
October 17-19
The purpose of this conference is to inspire, equip, motivate, encourage, and provide rest and refreshment for pastors, CLP's, and leaders of small Presbyterian congregations. Provided at a modest cost, this conference is designed as a gift from individuals, larger congregations, and governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Sponsored by Presbyterians for Renewal. Click here for more information and contact information to register.
Getting Unstuck: The Montreat Institute for Church Leadership (Limited Space Still Available!)
October 23-27
At a time when it is not uncommon for church leaders to feel their congregations are "stuck" in worn out programs and age old patterns, the Montreat Institute for Church Leadership's 2011 conference offers new insights for church officers, educators, musicians, and administrators. Congregational teams of leaders will find the Institute designed to help them imagine God's call for their congregation as they live into the 21st century. Leaders include: Craig Barnes, Cindy Rigby, Debra Mumford, Linda Valentine, Darrell Guder, Mark Achtemeier, and many others. Register now and take advantage of group price incentives.
More information and register online:
Leading Christian Retreats
October 27-30
What is the difference between a retreat and a conference? What elements should be included in the design of a faithful and successful retreat? How can you make a retreat more than just "free time" or an off-site meeting? These questions will be answered as well as resources shared to help you design and plan your own program. Led by Julie Johnson; co-sponsored by Columbia Theological Seminary's Spiritual Formation Program and Montreat Conference Center
Click here for more information and register online.
Multicultural Institute
November 8-11
Courses offered include The Spanish Immersion (begins November 7); Leaven in the Mix: Facing Race & Culture in Congregations; Multicultural Church 101: Leadershift for the 21st Century; and Raising Kingdom Consciousness in Us & in Our World
Co-sponsored by the Presbyterian Multicultural Network and Montreat Conference Center
Click here for more information and register online.
Upcoming Events in Our Presbytery
- October 29-November 5, 2011 - Trip to Haiti. For more information, contact
- November 15, 2011 - Next Acts 16:5 Large Group Meeting with Stan Ott. For more information, contact
- November 18-20, 2011 - CAP Fall High School Retreat
- February 10-12, 2012 - Spring Middle School Retreat
- March 10-11, 2012 - CAP Children's Retreat at Bethelwoods
- March 24, 2012 - Spring High School Event
Stay Connected
Looking Ahead October 16 2:00pm PYC October 18 1:00 pm Self-Development of People Comm. October 19 12:00 pm Western Area Ministers' Lunch at Miller's Bread Basket October 23 4:00 pm Cluster Meeting at Lowcountry Presbyterian October 25 12:30 pm Charleston Area Ministers' Lunch at Westminster Presbyterian October 27 12:30 pm Adult Ministry Comm. Church of the Week Hanahan, South Carolina |
Keeping In Touch
Send Us Your Pictures:
If your church is participating in mission projects, taking trips, or hosting different events, let us know and send us a picture!
Do we receive your church's newsletter? Please put us on your mailing list.
Organ Recital
at Williston Presbyterian
on October 15th
After over one year of hard work, the church has just purchased an Allen Organ to aid in its music ministry and in glorifying and worshipping God. WPC is hosting a Recital in their sanctuary on Saturday, October 15th at 6:00 pm.
Please remember that
the phone will be
answered by our
voicemail system when
we cannot answer
the phone.
(843) 766-4219
Donnie Woods
Ext. 11
Deane Kemper
Stated Clerk
Pie Mikell
Cong. Nurture
Ext. 14
Eddie Soto
Latin American Ministry
Ext. 18
Barbara Burger
Ext. 16
Mike Fitze
Presbytery Consultant
(843) 884-1504
Cheryl Glenn
(843) 259-4900
Rachel Epps
Youth Ministry
(843) 367-9136
The Journey
Campus and Young Adult Ministry