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New at TICAL

Volume 12  Issue 4   

Hello all, 


As the school year winds down, we hope you can positively reflect on your school or district's accomplishments in 11-12.  As you begin to plan for 12-13, the new resources below can assist your organization's vision and implementation in supporting stakeholders and increasing student achievement. 


Rowland and Jason

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evisionBlended Learning, Common Core, and Engaged Students
Leadership 3.0 Presentation Summaries
These were just some of the topics presented at the 5th Annual Leadership 3.0 Symposium in San Mateo.  View the online summaries of these presentations by Rob Darrow, Dennis Deets, and Rushton Hurley. 
radioMobile Learning: Resources and Updates From the Experts

Empowering Learning: Leadership for Mobile Learning Listen to the latest  Radio TICAL episode,  Empowering Instruction: Leadership for Mobile Learning (Part 1).  Lucy Gray, the project director of the Consortium of School Networking's Leadership for Mobile Learning Initiative. Lucy shares her research, resources, and some of the successful implementations she has come across. Learn what's working!
blogDeep Thoughts on Education Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy

In Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy, principal Dr. James Scoolis reflects on the last 50 years of innovation. Share your thoughts on this post


Fishing for Apps

In Fishing for Apps, veteran administrator Stephen Vaughn shares his expert opinion on locating and evaluating mobile applications that will work for you and your school, district, or organization. What do you think about this?  Share your thoughts.    


In   Elements of Effective Online Learning, LACOE's administrator Donna Hackner offers 10 Best Practices for Online Teaching through a digital poster or Glog. Share your thoughts.


InThree Wishes for the New Ed Tech Task Force  Three Wishes for the New Ed Tech Task Force, technology director Bob Blackney provides a vision for Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson's newly created Ed Tech Task Force in California.  What do you think?
Say Hello to the Free Agent Learner!

 Say Hello to the Free Agent Learner, former principal Dr. Sandra Miller shares the research findings that recently came out from the annual Speak Up Survey. What are your thoughts about this research? Share them with your peers.
toolNational Certifications for Online/Blended Teachers and Visionary Administrators

Leading Edge Certification Leading Edge Certification, created through an alliance of nonprofits, universities and educational agencies, will provide five different certifications over the course of five years. TICAL is at the core of this alliance and currently certifying teachers and administrators. Learn more about Leading Edge Certification.
otherImplementing iPads? Online Learning? Google Apps? What's Your Vision for 12-13?

Online Learning As you plan for the 12-13 year, your peers want to know what type of technology you will be utilizing in your schools and districts. Share what you plan to implement by taking the latest Quick Poll on TICAL's home page!

confEnhance Your Innovative Leadership Skills! 

Leading Digitally, the Admin 2.0 Webinar Series sponsored by ACSA and TICAL will end this year with two fabulous presentations by international presenter and former principal Susan Brooks-Young.  


Leading Edge Certification Join us on May 24th at 2 PM PDT as Susan will present Add Pizazz to Professional Development with QR Codes & LiveBinders.


Also, Susan will be presenting Choose Apps Wisely on June 20th at 9 AM PDT.


finalCollaborate, Network, and Build 21st Century Leadership Skills on Administrator 2.0!

TICAL Community Admin 2.0
The new and improved TICAL Community, Administrator 2.0 is the place to connect, discuss, and share resources and best practices with your colleagues around the globe.  Access handouts from Leadership 3.0 Symposium, the TICAL Conference, and much more! Join and start sharing today!



In This Issue
Quick Links
Event Calendar

Leadership 3.0

TICAL Conference

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Rowland Baker
Jason Borgen

Program Coordinator

Santa Cruz County Office of Education
400 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
TICAL is provided by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, a statewide service funded by the California Department of Education, and under contract to the Arkansas Department of Education. Members of ACSA and the CUE AdminSIG receive complimentary membership. 

Learn more at www.portical.org