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Sports & Recreation In the News 2nd Quarter 2009
We hope that everyone is having a great time participating in (or preparing for) the sports season. Remember to always check and make sure that your insurance is in force prior to starting a new season.  If at any time you have questions or suggestions, please email us.
Liable to Laugh  
Have you ever thought to yourself..... "It wouldn't happen to us, we have ________ in place to prevent such a thing."  WRONG! The truth is that you aren't paying to defend yourself for what you actually DID, you are paying for what someone THINKS you did!  For example.....
The eight-year-old claimant had joined a softball team for girls of her age group. While playing the infield, she was struck in the face by a ball thrown by a teammate, ....Find Out What Happened!
Board Members-- Are You Protected?
We frequently receive phone calls from clients seeking guidance in making sure that their organization is fully covered. Unfortunately, more often than not, it is assumed that because General Liability Insurance is purchased, EVERY claim would fall under this policy.
This is a very costly mistake, one that can cause Board Members to not just be brought into a lawsuit, but to also lose their personal assets.  Fortunately, there are options to protect yourself and the other board members.  
Find out what type of broad classes of lawsuits are typically covered under Directors & Officers Liability Insurance For Sports Leagues, Associations.

Electronic Waiver Release Forms, Good Idea? 

In this digital age, nothing seems to be done on paper. We register our teams, sign up members or make appointments with clients all online. But when you have a policy that requires it or you are just having waivers signed because they are highly recommended, is it acceptable to have an electronic signature?  Let's Ask An Expert

How Much Do You Know? 

In every issue we will be asking a trivia question. Of the correct answers that are submitted, we will draw a name and the winner will receive a $25 American Express Card
1st Quarter Trivia Question:
 What sport used the term "home run" long before baseball?  
Answer: Cricket!
 Congratulations, Greg Diaferio
2nd Quarter Trivia Question:
 What famous person in history was known to have said:
"Games lubricate the body and the mind." 
 Email Your Answer Now
Make sure to include your Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you not only as your insurance agent, but your risk manager, as well.
Sadler Sports & Recreation Insurance
In This Issue
Liable To Laugh
Protecting Your Board
Electronic Waiver Release
Money For Your Mind
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Meet Our Staff
Salinda Howell
 Sports Dept Asst Manager
Marketing Manager 
Salinda has been a part of the Sadler & Company family for over 6 years.  She is the Assistant Manager for the Sports Department and Marketing Manager for the agency. Salinda enjoys getting to know her insureds as well as those from the other programs and sees them as relationships, not just customers.
Salinda has been married to Tommy for 10 1/2 years. They have two beautiful daughters, Gabby,9 and Ashley-Kae, 22 months.  Salinda enjoys working with Marines and all military veterans through the Marine Corps League and church missions. In her free time, she searches out the nearest ZUMBA class and dreams of being on the beach back home in Pensacola, FL.
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Got Pictures?
We are looking for your pictures in the Sports & Recreation arena. We would love to feature them on our blog so Email Them Over and tell us what's happening.