Oldfield and Moorfields from the air
Oldfield & Moorfield

From your Councillors:
Will Sandry and Shaun McGall
In This Issue
Schools News
Planning Applications
Your priorities
Forthcoming events
Moorland Road flower stall update
News in Brief
Local Help
Your Councillors

Don Foster MP

Oldfield Police

Avon Fire and Rescue

In an emergency always dial 999
Environment and Transport

Better Bath Forum

Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution

Oldfield Park Infants

Oldfield Park Juniors

Moorlands Infants

Moorlands Juniors

St John's RC Primary


Beechen Cliff


St Gregory's

Contact Us
We hold an open surgery between 11:30 and 12:30 on the first Saturday of every month at the Co-op Scala (Shaftesbury Road entrance). We're usually outside if the weather is good and inside the lobby if it's raining!

Shaun McGall

Cllr Shaun McGall
52 Parry Close,
Bath BA2 1JR
Phone: 01225 444008

Will Sandry

Cllr Will Sandry
78 St Kilda's Road,
Oldfield Park,
 Bath BA2 3QJ
Phone: 01225 314793


email us
News and Media

Oldfield News

Issue: 4 April 2010

Happy Easter from Will and Shaun!

There's big news for Shaun this month because it's been announced that he's going to be the 783rd Mayor of Bath.

Locally, St John's School is nearing completion, Moorfields School is about to celebrate its Diamond Jubilee and there are another rake of planning applications - two of which - a phone mast at the Oval and Flats at 43 Upper Oldfield Park are already attracting a lot of attention.

Also in this issue, there is feedback about your community priorities from the Oldfield and Moorlands PACT meeting and news of the start of works on the Two Tunnels shared path.
Schools News
Shaun and Mr Coleman St. John's RC Primary nearing completion
During March Will and Shaun were invited into the new St John's Primary School for a tour of the building by Bob Coleman, the headteacher.

The new building is very much state of the art and has got some impressive new facilities. The good news is that the School is committed to involving the local community with the school and making the facilities available to the public.

Will and Bob ColemanShaun is pictured with Mr Coleman in the new school hall which is much bigger than the old St Alphage's Parish Hall. The new hall will have a stage area and will be able to seat up to 250 people.

Will is pictured in what will be the staff room with First Avenue in the background.

The Infants are due to move in to the new school at the start of the summer term when the portacabins and the old parish hall will be pulled down to make way for the new astro turf sports pitch. The Juniors will moving in to the school in September.

The final road alterations to Oldfield Lane and the Avenues are due to be completed during the summer break.

Secondary Schools reorganisation

Consultation is now underway about the reorganisation of secondary school education in Bath. At present the proposal are to close Culverhay, Oldfield and St Mark's and open two new 11-18 co-ed schools, one in the North of the City and one in the South. Read the full story here.

The Council's official consultation pages are here - Make sure you have your say on the proposals.
Planning Applications
A Mobile phone mast for the Oval?Mobile phone mast

The Oval at Hazel Grove - Mobile phone mast and cabinets. Sarah and Alan Wall are organising a campaign against this mast based on the size of the mast and its proximity to schools. If you would like to join their campaign email sart.wall@blueyonder.co.uk or phone 480862.

43 Upper Oldfield Park

43 Upper Oldfield Park (Widcombe Ward) Resubmission of Application.

Other Applications

Busy Fingers shop on Moorland Road - Change of use from Shop to Estate Agents

131 Englishcombe Lane - Extensions

83 Englishcombe Lane - Extension

16 Beech Grove - Replacement detached garage

52 Winchester Road - Rear Extension

30 Herbert Road - Rear Extension

The hyperlinks  above take you to the Council's planning system where you can the view applications and comment on them. It's always best to make comments as soon as possible as there is always an expiary date after which comments are not taken in to account.
Your community priorities
Generic police officers Feedback from the PACT meeting
Around 40 local residents attended our regular Oldfield PACT (Public) Meeting which took place on Wednesday 10th March 2010 at Moorlands Infant School.

Click here to read the full story

In summary, the three priorities were:

1. Parking problems outside St John's RC Primary School. Parents parking on zig-zags, pavement parking and double yellow lines.
2. Student's behavior on St Kilda's Road.
3. Reduce the number of 'To Let' signs on houses of multiple occupancy.
Forthcoming Events
Bath City Farm Roots and Shoots - under 5's club every Tuesday 10am til midday.  Volunteer work parties - every Monday from 10am til 3pm

Bath Comedy Festival 1st - 11th April

New planning regulation comes in to force to limit HMOs - 6th April

Italian Food Market - Stall Street (City Centre) - ALL DAY Saturday 10 April

World Heritage Day - 14th April

Oldfield Councillor's Surgery - Saturday 1st May 11:30 - 12:30 Co-op Scala (Shaftesbury Road Entrance)

Bath Spring Flower Show -  Royal Victoria Park from 1st to 3rd May. Adults �7 Concessions �5 and accompanied under 16's FREE.

Flower Stall update
Flower StallThank you to everyone for their feedback about the application for a flower stall on Moorland Road.

The vast majority of the feedback was positive, however there was one objection which means that the application will have to be decided by the licensing committee. We will let you know the outcome.

News in Brief
Light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in 37 years.

Recent incidents reported by the police.

Thanks for reading. We've sent you this message because we know you're interested in what's going on in your local area.

We'd be really pleased if you forward this message to your friends and neighbours, but if you'd prefer you can unsubscribe. Just follow the links at the bottom of the page.

With best wishes,

Will Sandry and Shaun McGall
Liberal Democrats Councillors for Oldfield Ward
Don Foster Image
Don Foster has got a busy month ahead of him! Why not have a look at his website or connect with him on Facebook.

Published (dispatched) by Cllrs Shaun McGall and Will Sandry and promoted by N Coombes on behalf of Don Foster (Liberal Democrat) at 31 James Street West, Bath, BA1 2BT