During March Will and Shaun were invited into the new St John's Primary School for a tour of the building by Bob Coleman, the headteacher.
The new building is very much state of the art and has got some impressive new facilities. The good news is that the School is committed to involving the local community with the school and making the facilities available to the public.

Shaun is pictured with Mr Coleman in the new school hall which is much bigger than the old St Alphage's Parish Hall. The new hall will have a stage area and will be able to seat up to 250 people.
Will is pictured in what will be the staff room with First Avenue in the background.
The Infants are due to move in to the new school at the start of the summer term when the portacabins and the old parish hall will be pulled down to make way for the new astro turf sports pitch. The Juniors will moving in to the school in September.
The final road alterations to Oldfield Lane and the Avenues are due to be completed during the summer break.
Secondary Schools reorganisationConsultation is now underway about the reorganisation of secondary school education in Bath. At present the proposal are to close Culverhay, Oldfield and St Mark's and open two new 11-18 co-ed schools, one in the North of the City and one in the South.
Read the full story here.The Council's official consultation pages are here - Make sure you have your say on the proposals.