Watts Happening???
September 5, 2012   
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I hope you are able to follow us on FaceBook and do battle with other Offroad enthusiasts with the trivia questions we have been posting. We've been giving out some pretty cool prizes lately, and so have our mates over at KLIM Riding gear on their FB page. Give them a "like" and you just might win some free high quality riding gear (that actually comes with a lifetime warranty!), and while you're on their website see if you qualify for some hefty discounts on all of their top notch products and riding gear - visit for more info.

Companies We Support, & Who Support DirtWise: 

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Or, if you know someone who isn't signed up, but would like the info, feel free to use the "Forward" option at the bottom!
 G'day Everyone,


Guess what? Yep, Volume 3 and 4 of our DirtWise In-Depth Instructional DVD series are about completed. Scroll further down to see a few clips of the footage we captured. We finished filming and editing over the weekend so now it's just a matter of working through the final tweaks and necessary details of post-production for the rest of this month, and then they will go on sale! It's about time don't you think, ha!!! So, the expected release date will be somewhere right around Oct 15. You can expect to see the promo teaser for both DVDs hit your screens on Oct 1 in our next Newsletter, and it will outline the details of the usual pre-order special that we like to offer our Newsletter subscribers. I hope that you really enjoy these DVDs if you decide to purchase them because I've had a total blast of a time making them.



For those of you who follow my continual travels across the US on FaceBook you might remember that about a month ago I was whining about my bike copping a hiding with all of the crashing I was needing to do to demonstrate the general mistakes that many riders make on the trail. Well, another reason why I'm stoked that filming has been completed is so that I don't have to crash on purpose anymore. Check out this nasty bingle I did over the weekend demonstrating what happens if you hit a log too fast, even with the correct technique. Luckily it was one of the last shots on the last day, because it really hurt, ha, ha!!!


Epic Log Endo-This one Hurt! 
Epic Log Endo-This one Hurt!




Wattsy Gets Skinny!

We had some excellent feedback from the two versions of the "Skinny Ridge" video that we recently filmed. Here they are if any of you haven't yet already had a ride on the edge, ha!

Skinny Ridge, CO Roost with Shane Watts 
Skinny Ridge, CO Roost with Shane Watts
Shane Watts Roosting the Skinny Ridge Trail
Shane Watts Roosting the Skinny Ridge Trail

What's in a Name?
The New DirtWise "Fundamentals" Progam! 

Some of you may have noticed above that our "Advanced" DVDs are now going to be named the DirtWise In-Depth Instructional DVD series. Not only does this name change better describe what this series of DVDs is about (an in-depth explanation of all trail situations), but it also aligns them better with the revised naming we have now implemented for our future schools program. Our current regular two-day schools will now be called the DirtWise Two-Day In-Depth Riding schools, while we have just formulated a one day school program that is going to be known as the DirtWise One-Day Fundamentals Riding school (check out the description of it here) that will be taught not only by myself  at select locations, but also by other qualified DirtWise Instructors across the US, who have trained and instructed with myself at quite a few of our two day schools. We are getting the show on the road later this month, and in October, with two of these One-Day Fundamentals schools being conducted in the Denver, Colorado area by our good mate, and seasoned DirtWise additional instructor, Dave Neumeister. Basically the Fundamentals school will be the first day and a half of the regular school condensed down into one day, but at less than half the price of the two day school - now that's a bargain that our friends in Colorado wouldn't want to miss out on! These one day schools will be a great refresher for previous students, and an introduction for new students on a tighter time schedule and budget. Plus, the maximum number of students will be limited to 12 students.

Here are the upcoming dates/locations for

DirtWise One Day "Fundamentals" Schools: 


Sun, Sep 23 - Milliken, CO (45 min north of Denver)

Sat, Oct 13 - Milliken, CO (45 min north of Denver)


During 2013 we will expand these One-Day Fundamentals school to the rest of the US, so if you and your riding mates, or club, would like us to conduct one of these schools in your area, please notify us of your interest by emailing for 


We still have a few spots left open for our upcoming Two-Day In Depth schools in Wisconsin and northern Missouri, plus we have just opened up for registration a few schools in Australia.  


Check out the remaining school schedule for 2012.  



Product Spotlight
KTM Cooling Fan from DirtTricks
KTM Cooling Fan
Our "Product of the Month" highlight is the new KTM Cooling Fan kit now available from DirtTricks Inc., who make the virtually indestructible Ironman Sprockets and the replacement KTM timing chain tensioner. This cooling fan is a real doozie and a great solution to all of those overheating nightmare situations that you enevitably find yourself in, whether you are a racer or just a casual weekend warrior trailrider.  And by the way if you are one of the many who recieve support from DirtTricks, and you send in a weekly race report notifying General Manager Dirk Delaney of your accomplishments, be sure to include what you ate for breakfast that morning because he likes to know that his support riders are well prepped for maximum performance!


Until next time make sure you keep on roosting!
Keep on roosting, 

watts signature
blue ribbon coalition            

Please take a look at these amazing organizations committed to improving and supporting the dirtbike community.  A portion of every student's tuition goes to support the causes of each of these foundations.