Watts Happening???
July 10, 2012   
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Who wants to win some pretty awesome free dirtbike specific products? If you do make sure that you like our FaceBook fan page (link here?) because every second Friday we have been asking a trivia question with some pretty cool prizes. Our latest winner, Trever Boxx from Tennessee, scored a free set of the awesome Bigfoot footpegs from IMS Products.

Companies We Support, & Who Support DirtWise: 

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If you are not interested in receiving emails from DirtWise any longer, please scroll to the bottom of this email and click on the unsubscribe link to remove your name from our mailing list!
Or, if you know someone who isn't signed up, but would like the info, feel free to use the "Forward" option at the bottom!
 G'day Everyone,


We hope you have all been enjoying a sensational summer doing whatever it is that makes life satisfying for you. Personally I love riding dirtbikes so I've been able to get a bit of that in lately while we've been filming our next two DirtWise Instructional DVDs - Volumes 3 & 4 in the Advanced series. So far we have filmed at some pretty mad locations and can't wait until they are finished. They will go on sale at sometime early/mid October!

river crossing Alberta, CA

It might have seemed that things were all quiet on the DirtWise front as we haven't sent out a Newsletter for a while, but actually we've been hard at work not just by doing schools and DVD production, but also confirming the majority of schools for the remainder of 2012. Check out the confirmed list of schools below, and be sure to remember that most of our schools tend to sell out pretty much immediately so if you're interested in attending you'll most likely have to get on it pretty quick.

  •  Aug 11/12 Wrentham, MA - Open for Registration
  •  Aug 18/19 Syracuse, NY - Open for Registration
  •  Sep 8/9 Madison, WI - Open for Registration
  •  Sep 22/23 Corning, MO - Open for Registration
  •  Sep 29/30 Nashville, TN - Open for Registration
  •  Oct 6/7 Sebastopol, CA - Open for Registration
  •  Oct 20/21 Denver, NC - Open for Registration
The following schools will be open for registration August 1.

    *    Sep 14/15 Logan, OH - Not yet confirmed  

    *    Nov 3/4 Victorville, CA  

    *    Nov 9/10 Erica, Vic, Aust.  

    *    Nov 10/11 Three Bridges, Vic, Aust.  

    *    Nov 16/17 Scottsdale, Tas, Aust.  

    *    Nov 18/19 Hobart, Tas, Aust.


*A quick note for those of you who have previously registered for a DirtWise School. We have simplified the process so your registration can be done electronically via computer, mobile device, or old style by email or snail mail. Yep, the school feedback forms that many of you have submitted do get read! You'll find the Registration Form link on the right hand column of our schools page. 


Click here to visit our website for more information

In one way it's great to have a high demand for our DirtWise schools but the major down side is that we don't get to visit all of the locations that we want to, due mainly to a lack of time and other determining reasons. Because of this I feel the need to send out an apology to all of our friends out there who have been waiting for a DirtWise school to visit your area but we haven't been able to follow through with it yet. Please let us know if you want us to conduct a school near you and hopefully we will finally be able to conduct one in your region during 2013.


Watch and Learn!
Former DirtWise Student Shares His Own Circle Rut Video
In our last newsletter, we shared our Circle Rut Riding Tip and it was a huge hit with fans, and on YouTube (over 110k views so far!) even though there were some goofball comments posted there, ha!  One of our former DirtWise students and good friends took the learning a step further and built his own rut! We totally love it!

For a bit of viewing pleasure check out our mate Chucky ripping the Circle Rut at his old man's property in Australia - the same place we have conducted a few schools in the past and where we will be conducting another one in early November.  Chucky needs to drop that bad boy 3-hunge down a gear though and start getting after it a bit more, ha, ha!!!!
Circle Rut Daniel Sanders
Circle Rut- Daniel Sanders

My Dream Website!

For those of you in the western USA that are surfing around on the 'net you might want to check out this pretty neat website that one of our other DirtWise friends, Brent Abel has got going on. For a while now he's been documenting the Offroad trails out that way with helmet cam footage and written reviews to provide a very informative source of trail information, especially for those riders from out-of-state who want to experience some new trails.


Click here to check out 


Personally, I've always wanted to do a website just like this documenting trails from all over the USA, and the rest of the world for that matter, but unfortunately our continually packed DirtWise school schedule means I just don't have the time necessary to make that happen.  Glad Brent at least has us covered for a small portion of the U.S., at least until I retire! 


Dirt Bike Frenzy  


Until next time make sure you keep on roosting!
Keep on roosting, 

watts signature
blue ribbon coalition            

Please take a look at these amazing organizations committed to improving and supporting the dirtbike community.  A portion of every student's tuition goes to support the causes of each of these foundations.