Hello and welcome to the March newsletter for Jen Grisanti Consultancy, Inc. 
This month I'd like to talk about integrity.  As author Nicole Williams states in EARN WHAT YOU'RE WORTH, "The core of integrity is truth.  Your ability to express truth and integrity in all aspects of your life is the surest indicator of how intrinsically worthy you feel.  You need truth to act upon your intuition (to be able to hear your truth), to build intimate relationships (to be able to reveal your truth), and to explore your passions (to be able to live your truth)."

Nicole's emphasis on integrity and truth resonates with me because of how powerful those two attributes can be across every aspect of life.  Since integrity adds so much to the building of relationships, it seems logical that we'd want to increase our conscious living with integrity; especially given how the current economy is stifling the contributions of so many talented people and it's in positive relationships that we can find renewed energy, inspiration, encouragement and opportunity.  If we start living our lives from our truth, the answers and clarity that emerge about our next steps could surprise us. 

As an industry, culture, country and world, we're undergoing profound change -- and through change, our integrity (truth) can emerge.  Writing is a special and essential tool available to everyone that provides a cathartic opportunity to reflect on life, its evolutions, and our perspectives on it.  In particular, during times of hardship, writing takes on even more significance, I believe, because in sharing our stories, we hold light up for others to travel their own paths to freedom and empowerment.  So I encourage everyone to use the tool of writing to investigate what's true for them.  You never know who you might inspire.  And it's a great way to practice adjusting to the changing landscape of our time.

And speaking of adjusting, "If you do not change, you become extinct," Spencer Johnson, M.D., warns in WHO MOVED MY CHEESE. His parable nails the truth: "Haw smiled.  He knew Hem was wondering, 'Who moved my cheese?' but Haw was wondering, 'Why didn't I get up and move the cheese, sooner?"  When the universe gives us a nudge, it's important to trust that there must be a purpose behind it.  And even if we don't completely "trust," our attitude about the change can make or break us.  In regards to our particular industry, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE filled a need, I believe, to show us how to respond to difficulty in a "Haw" sort of way.  I personally hope to see more stories like SLUMDOG that involve the journey of rising above negativity and despair.

For me, when my corporate career came to a sudden stop almost two years ago, it was devastating, an almost surreal out-of-body experience in the moment.  In the interest of expressing integrity and truth here, I had hit my ceiling and was beginning to wonder what else could be out there for me.  I wouldn't have voluntarily removed myself from the position I held but now I recognize that I needed a nudge back then.  With that change, a blessing emerged, and I took hold of it.  I loved the job I had but really LOVE what I do now, feeling pride and fulfillment in a business I started from scratch and one that reflects my truest nature.  My mission is to help others to connect so I wake up every day excited to see what new challenges and rewards await me.  I am able to apply my personal values to the way I do business with others and there is no greater time to be immersed in a business that can guide people to their dreams.

At Jen Grisanti Consultancy Inc., I daily reap the benefits of the one-on-one experience with writers and appreciate how that connection can empower them and their careers.  Are you interested in having a former studio executive be your guide?  If so, please review my services at www.jengrisanticonsultancy.com and contact me at [email protected].

Writer - Eileen Myers                                                    Director - David Petrarca

I  LOVE "Big Love"!!  This season has been phenomenal, and, THE PROM episode I feel is one of the best produced in television this season.  It is a great example of how the small screen can create the feeling of the big screen: visually, THE PROM was STUNNING!  The content was deep and thought provoking and the style of writing, poetically perfect.  Congrats to Eileen Myers and David Petrarca and thank you for your talent!

Writer - J Roberts                                                      Director - Bryan Cranston

The season premiere of this show this past Sunday did not disappoint.  It was beautifully written, compelling, suspenseful and emotionally riveting revealing just how irrational our behavior can be when we know death is immanent.  Bryan is a brilliant actor and did a beautiful job directing.  He really captured the emotion beneath each scene.  I can't wait to see what comes next in this series!

W - Craig Sweeney & Rob Doherty                           Director - Patricia Arquette

A PERSON OF INTEREST episode was excellent.  The opening, writing and imagination at work in this episode where Allison suddenly starts taking on the actions of the criminal involved are outstanding!  Patricia did an incredible job directing this episode and capturing the beauty behind the conceit.



EMOTIONAL STRUCTURE - Creating the Story Beneath the Plot - A Guide for Screenwriters
Written by Peter Dunne

This book is an excellent resource for learning how to elevate the emotional part of your story.  So many writers excel in plot but could use work on deepening the overall experience.  Peter writes, "The story is the journey for truth.  The plot is the road it takes to get there."  Peter helps the writer to successfully move beyond the surface.


EARN WHAT YOU'RE WORTH Written by Nicole Williams

One of the things I love most about this book is that it helps readers consciously establish a relationship with themselves, their money and the life they want to create.  By doing exercises that help one take inventory, you identify your strengths and learn how to use them to your advantage.  I highly recommend it.

LADIES WHO LAUNCH Written by Victoria Coligan & Beth Schoenfeldt

This book is so inspirational on every level.  "Ladies Who Launch is the first company to define the feminine approach to launching a business and to discover that starting a business and bringing creativity into your life can increase self-esteem and happiness.  The nationally acclaimed Ladies Who Launch program has enabled thousands of women across the country to break out of the nine-to-five and thrive in entrepreneurial enterprises that reflect their true passions, skills and desires."

Jen Grisanti Consultancy Inc. is putting together a Writer/Yoga Retreat in Oahu from August 18-23.  I am coordinating this with one of LA's top yoga instructors, Meaghan Townsend.  You can read more about Meaghan at www.meaghantownsend.com.

LOCATION:  The Turtle Bay Resort in Oahu
DATES:         August 18-23
PRICE:          $1,500 - $2,000.00 (This includes hotel, writing consults and yoga.  A deposit is                        due in April.  The remainder will be due at the beginning of August.) 
The retreat will create a community experience to help accomplish your professional goals while nurturing yourself.  I recognize the value of group participation as I've experienced the potency of it as the Writing Instructor for NBC's WOTV Program and having been a mentor for the CBS Program.  This retreat will mimic the experience of what I've learned in those positions by designing an experience geared towards helping the writer elevate their scripts to the best place possible while creating a community environment and offering a healthy outlet with yoga.

Once the writers are assembled, they will exchange scripts; either television or features.  There will be daily group and one-on-one sessions with me and daily yoga classes with Meaghan.  By deepening your yoga practice, you get in touch with what is going on at your core.  At the end of the trip, you'll feel more confident about your script, have a group that supports you and be refreshed from your yoga practice.  The icing on the cake is that you can write it all off!
If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected].


One of the best workouts for sculpting your body and seeing results is Pilates.  I have a phenomenal instructor, Courtney Rackley.  Courtney has Pilates classes starting at $35/class.  You can find out more on her website at www.courtneyspilates.com. 

A friend sent me the link to a talk given by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of EAT, PRAY, LOVE.
http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/453.  The talk she gives is so INCREDIBLE in how it presents a unique way to think about creative genius.  Elizabeth also tackles what it's like when the fear hits that perhaps the best of our careers is BEHIND us.  She's an insightful and charismatic speaker with a great sense of humor.

The renowned author's talk is distributed by the website TED, standing for Technology, Entertainment, Design.  TED distributes some of the most engaging talks and performances for FREE -- it's mission is simply to spread ideas.  "We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world."  Have an idea?  Go to http://www.ted.com/index.php/pages/view/id/112.


The Cashmere Approach is the brainchild of Cindy Yantis and Sara Harrell, co-authors of the upcoming book, CASHMERE GLOVE:  THE FEMININE APPROACH TO BUSINESS. 

The Cashmere Approach is the next wave of thinking in business.  It is a core valued consulting approach that highlights your innate qualities and characteristics so that you get what you want out of life, career and relationships.

I highly recommend this experience.  To learn more, go to www.cashmereapproach.com.
The Hall at Palihouse Holloway
8465 Holloway Dr.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(323) 656-4020

This restaurant is so stylish and unique!  The food is excellent.  As soon as you walk in, you will fall in love with the atmosphere.  There is a lounge, a coffee bar and a restaurant (The Hall) that are all part of Weho's boutique hotel that gives extended-stay living a luxurious twist.

I love the gnocchi, the creamed spinach and the halibut, and you'll be dreaming about the desserts for weeks.  To top it off, you can bring your dog to dinner and eat on the beautiful patio.
Friday Night Drinks is a networking group I started that meets the first Friday of every month at the X Bar at the Century Plaza Hotel at 2025 Ave. of the Stars.

A big thanks to the tremendous group who showed up for the March mixer. 
The next Friday Night Drinks is Friday April 3, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. at the X Bar. 

BELLWETHERS SHOWCASE (www.bellwethersshowcase.com)
Date:      March 10, 2009
Place:     Odyssey Theater
Address: 2055 Sepulveda Blvd., West LA
RSVP:    [email protected].  For inquiries, call (310) 393-2905

Harvardwood invites you to an evening of staged readings of pilot scripts.  On Tuesday, March 10th, writers participating in the Harvardwood Writers Program are hosting a showcase for television executives.  Six pilot excerpts will be presented on stage by professional actors.  Each reading will run fifteen minutes maximum.

A wine & cheese reception will follow the ninety minute presentation.

The Nation's Best in Student Video, Digital and Film Work
Date:     March 21, 2009
Place:    Culver Studios - 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA
Price:     $200.00/ticket, Sponsorship Opportunities ($3,000 - $25,000)  Ads (($450 - $3,000)
Contact  Debbie Slavkin at (818) 754-2828 or [email protected]

This event is a black tie gala hosted by Tom Bergeron (Dancing With the Stars) and an opportunity to network with industry professionals, Foundation Board and TV Academy Governors.  It's also a great way to support the Television Academy Foundation and its educational programs and the best way to discover the creative minds of the next generation.


If you are looking for a writers assistant or production assistant, please contact me at [email protected].  I've place many people in these positions on top primetime shows.

If you are looking for content, I have it -- I worked with more than 100 television and feature writers last year with impressively strong pilots, features and specs.

Ben Raab and Deric Hughes for signing with CAA.

Arla Bowers for winning the award for best feature animation for her feature, THE PUDDLE JUMPER at the International Family Film Festival. 

Nancy Noever for getting the Gold Award ad the PAGE International Screenwriting Competition for her script WORDS OF WAR.

Have a GREAT month!

All true things must change, and only that which changes remains true.
                                                                     C.G. Jung


Developing From Within

website by Suzie Roth Design