Artist Blacksmith's Association of North America
Artist Blacksmith's Association of North America
Call for Submissions - New Book


Below is a call for submissions from Latifa Sayadi, the author and blacksmith.  If
you are interested or know of any female blacksmiths who would be interested,
please encourage them to reply to the author.
Call for Submissions - New Book

Deadline: December 31, 2009

About the Author:

Since 2007 the workshop is situated in Lahnstra�e 75 in Berlin - Neukoelln.
The location is hosting many ateliers and workshops of all kind of artists as painters,
goldsmith, web desingers, music producers and musicians.

In my workshop I forge, weld, drill, saw, polish, grind,.. and take my breaks.
I work with steel, iron, stainless steel, brass and copper doing customwork and

I produced the first film about female blacksmiths"Queens of Iron", the
DVD's are on sale at HEPHAISTOS and are subtiteled in english.

HEPHAISTOS Verlag u. Redaktion
Gnadenberger Weg 4
D - 87509 Immenstadt-Werdenstein
Telefon: 08379 / 728016
Telefax: 08379 / 728018

The submission requirements are the following:

  • Up to 10 photographs of work min. 300 dpi, min. 1000 x 1200 pixels
  • Photographs of the work process are very welcome
  • A short text max.300 words about the person and her work
  • All this needs to be on CD
  • The Publishing Permission filled out on paper

Further I'm still looking for material of past times, names, stories and pictures.

The pubishing permission will soon be available on my website in the rubric
book project.

Depending on what kind of pictures I'll get, I'll decide the publishing house.  If it's
more sculptures I'll check for an art publisher, but for sure I have the agreement
with HEPHAISTOS that it can be published there.

If you want to have more informations please let me know.

Thank you very much for assiting me to try to reach as many female blacksmiths as possible.

Latifa Sayadi
K�penicker Str. 187-188
10997 Berlin, Germany
Tel: 030 - 263 215 60
0176 - 210 50 470

Kind Regards

Latifa Sayadi
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Thanks and we hope to hear from you soon!.

Rome Hutchings
Rome H. Hutchings, Member Services Chair