September 3, 2012 
Ivan Williams

The NAD Ministerial leadership team recently met offsite to review and focus on what we do, and why. Here are the outcomes of our service.


Empowering the ministerial community



Throughout the NAD, the ministerial community is valued, connected, effectively supported and equipped with training and state of the art resources. Every church exudes hope and wholeness with significant spiritual and numerical growth.



1.  Conducting research to determine needs  

     and evaluate progress

2.  Improving policies that affect the life of the  

     ministerial community

3.  Creating non-degree professional growth  

     opportunities to enhance pastoral  

     leadership proficiencies

4.  Maximizing the formal ministerial  

     educational process

5.  Targeting major population centers with  

     gospel outreach

6.  Identifying and promoting the best methods  

     for Adventist ministry

7.  Nurturing innovation in congregational  


8.  Supporting and increasing female pastoral  

     work force

9.  Building synergy through networks

10. Supporting ministerial families through  

      resources, networking, and training


Identifying appropriate priorities in pastoral ministry means living a balanced life that includes ministering and managing through Five Ministerial Values.

Faith. Pastors are called to serve others concerning their personal faith issues. But to accomplish this it is essential that a pastor's personal faith is in the Lord. Pastors employed as spiritual leaders must themselves have a spiritual relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through their prayer and devotional time. Ellen White wrote, "A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs" (Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 121).


Family. The sacred circle of the minister's family is paramount to any and all ministry fulfillment. The pastor's spouse and children are involved in and affected by the person and the practice of the ministry.


Finances. Focusing on and support for the pastor's finances is an outgrowth of the recognition God places on those whom He calls. No one becomes a pastor for the sake of worldly riches. But those involved in this area of pastoral ministry deserve financial provision appropriate to their responsibilities.   


Fitness. As a testimony and witness befitting the greatest work on earth, focusing on pastoral fitness is a relevant, meaningful way to support professional practitioners who serve on the front lines of ministry. Periodic evaluations strengthen a pastor's natural gifts and talents.   

Most pastors enjoy being with people. They thrive in ministry where fellowship with parishioners and colleagues is strong. God never intended for us to minister or function alone. Fellowship with others is as essential in the journey of pastoral ministry, as is our fellowship with God. 


Please share your ideas and what you are currently doing in your conference on our Facebook page.     


As a Division wide Ministerial Director's team, it our prayerful desire to seek your recommendations, involvement, and participation addressing these large issues.

1. Continuing Education

2. NAD Policy Book Revision for the Ministerial L  


3. The 2015 Ministerial Convention

4. Urban Evangelism

5. A New Ministerial Directors Boot Camp

6. A Church & Pastor Evaluation Process

7. A Handbook to help pastors face Issues &  



We plan to address these issues during phone conferences and at the upcoming NAD Pastor Advisory on October, 10, 11, 2012, and at the Ministerial Directors Advisory on March 11-13, 2013.    



 61% of pastors today say they have no one to talk with about their personal lives and ministry. I can honestly say that in the first 10 years of ministry confidants were very difficult to find. It only takes one person to break your confidence and you'll think twice about "sharing your life".

Out of the 365,000 pastors in the US, 55,000 are in transition every year. That's 150-200 pastors a day dealing with change in a very real way! Why is this happening? Should we be alarmed? Isn't that just the way ministry is? Isn't that what you signed up for? What's the big deal?


In This Issue
Ministerial Directors Emphasis
Leadership Coaching for Pastors
News & Notes
A Point To Make
News & Notes
The Economy
continues to weigh on pastors, with a new survey showing that nearly two-thirds say it has affected their churches negatively.  Read more.


The North Pacific Union Ministerial and Evangelism Leaders gathered for a Prayer & Planning Retreat in Gleneden Beach, Oregon, August 24-26.  

These meetings were filled with new ideas, reports, prayerful strategies, and congruent plans for the future.
Elder Ramon Canals,
Director of the Ministerial Department and Vice President for Hispanic Ministries for the North Pacific Union, said he desired to bring these leaders together to get to know one another better, and to plan outreach  moving forward. You can find out more about
Webinar Presenter for September


Webinar This Month
Anthony Kent, GC Associate Ministerial Director will focus on Continuing Education and Connecting with Other Faith Groups.  Tuesday, September 18, 1:00pm e.s.t. (Notice new starting time this month only)



Follow our new "Best Practices Newsletter" on our own Ministerial Directors facebook page.  


Please share with us what's happening in your conference or Union. We would love to share what you doing with other Ministerial Directors in our Division.



A Point to Make
"Nearly 69% of the world's freshwater is frozen." The majority of the water we use every day comes from babbling brooks and glassy lakes. This makes up only 0.3% of the total freshwater on this planet. "Most of the rest of the freshwater is either coursing through the ground (30%) or frozen in the form of ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. (68.7%), with most of these frosty fronts, located mostly in Antarctica and Greenland, containing water this is thousands of years old." Spirit, August 2012.
September 4,
Atlantic Union NY13 Evangelism Meeting  
Bronx, NY

September 10,11,
NAD Theology of Ordination Study Committee.
GC Building 
September 14,
Ontario Conference, Festival of the Laity, Toronto, CAN

September 18,

Webinar This Month presented by
Anthony Kent, GC Associate Ministerial Director

September 28, 29,
Elders Retreat South Atlantic Conference, Orangeburg, SC 


Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418