One of the trends I've noticed in recent times is that guests are becoming more and more reluctant to register when they come to our evangelistic meetings. Too often, the first impression they get is a negative one -- "These people want my name, address, phone number, and email address, and I don't want to give them my personal information."
One way to get around this problem is to use a connection card as part of a voluntary registration process. I've done this in the last 4 or 5 series I've conducted, and it works well in smaller settings -- for meetings with 150 people or less in attendance. People are handed a connection card by the greeters when they enter the meeting. (Or you can have your row hosts distribute these cards, if you use a row system--which I highly recommend.) Sometimes I use different options on the back of the card for special nights--Sabbath, Baptism, etc... I just have to make sure that my greeters and row hosts don't get the generic cards mixed up with the special cards.
Click here to see a sample of the Connection Card, which is printed on heavy card stock.
I offer a nice door prize each night at the END of the meeting. We collect the connection cards after the appeal at the end of my message. (The card is essentially a decision card and registration card all in one.) To participate in the door prize draw, people give their connection card to the ushers who collect them quickly at the end of the meeting. Then we have a draw to see who takes home the door prize. The nicer the prize, the more motivated people are to voluntarily hand in their registration cards. I've given away everything from $50 gift cards for restaurants or local stores, to iPods, and even an iPad. (The iPad created a LOT of excitement!)
This system has worked well for me. People come into the meetings a little happier. And it sure gets rid of the registration bottleneck in the foyer! The drawback is not everyone will register. I usually get about 95% of our guests registering with this system. As for the guests who don't voluntarily register, I will get to know them within a few nights by mingling with people over refreshments after the meetings. (This refreshment time in the foyer is a powerful opportunity for our members to make friends with the new people who are coming to the meetings.)
Pastor Jeff Potts, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Virtual Adventist Church
Last October the church group took advantage of an offer by Linden Labs to purchase a new region to add to the existing island space at no setup fees. This saved the group a $1000.00 expense to expand the land. This was done in view of the funding we were allocated through Global Mission to help us with this outreach program. Since then we have relocated the church project to the new land and set it all up and have been holding the church services on the new land space. Pictures of the new church location are on the website at in the Adventist Community section on the home page. More about the Church operation is on the Church page from the main menu.
We opened a Church service for the USA time zones Feb. 4 with a regular attendance each week since. One of the student pastors attending Avondale gave a presentation to the staff and students of the Theology Dept. and obtained approval for the students to meet a portion of their preaching requirements by preaching in our virtual church. This is a double win situation as they must be able to preach and we need preachers each week for two English services. Local churches in range of the school tend to be over booked on preaching opportunities while we are lacking preachers. I have since contacted the Dean of the Seminary at Andrews about this and he has responded that he will discuss the proposal with the professors and see if any students may wish to try this from their school. So I hope to hear from them again soon. So our church project grows to supporting preacher training!
I have also been in contact with an Amazing Facts evangelist to host a Revelation Seminar in June at our new location which can support up to 200 people attending. It will present some unique challenges in follow up contact management since none of the attendees will be "local" and will represent a number of countries around the world. Possible options will be using the Amazing Facts Bible School courses for follow up study and through that program connect them with local church pastors / conferences as the case may be. Once schools start in my Gospel Learning Center program it will also be a resource that can be used. Progress on the Gospel Learning Center programming is going well with the Translation Entry programming nearing completion so all the content and program pages can be translated into other languages and support SDA church organizations and ministries in school operation. More about that project at
Anyone interested in helping with the SDA church project in Second Life can contact me and see more about it on the Bible Prophecy Island website.
Pastor Bob Curtice, Gospel Learning Center