May 7, 2012 
Ivan Williams

Greetings Ministerial Directors,


I'm excited about the expansion of the Best Practices newsletter family to include special editions for ministerial directors, and pastoral evangelists.
First Week: Best Practices for Ministerial Directors (formerly Say So)
Second Week Best Practices for Adventist Ministry
Third Week: Best Practices for Adventist Evangelism
Fourth Week: Best Practices for Adventist Ministry
Fifth Week: Best Practices for Adventist Worship

Best Practices is scheduled to arrive in your email box every Monday morning. Subscriptions are free of charge and subscribers are welcome to  register for any or all of the newsletters.    

150 Attend Women's Clergy Conf
Because of the financial and professional support of their Union and Conference Presidents, many of the approximately 107 women pastors in the North American Division were able to attend the largest conference for Women Clergy to date on April 23-26.
Boosting the attendance to nearly 150 were chaplains, seminary students and Division, Union, and Conference administrators who were there to show their support of women in ministry. Read entire article.

Gather for Rest and Retreat

In Kansas City, Missouri from April 19-21, 2012, the ministerial directors from the Central States, Rocky Mountain, Dakota, Kansas-Nebraska, Iowa-Missouri, and Minnesota Conferences gathered to rest, relax, replenish, and fellowship together.


"This was the first event of this kind for the ministerial directors of the Mid-American Union," said Elder Maurice Valentine-Ministerial Director for the Mid-America Union, who worked to ensure this event took place. Read entire article. 


Roger Hernandez & Melvin Santos

Pastor Roger Hernandez, the new Evangelism and Ministerial Director for the Southern Union, will aide NAD Ministerial with significant support of Latino resources for ministerial directors and pastors.


Pastor Melvin Santos, Senior Pastor of the Nashville First SDA Church will address ways in which NAD Ministerial can supply pastors with discipleship resources, as well as addressing needs from Asian/Pacific Islander pastors in North America. 

The dates, place, and time for the NAD Wide Pastors Conference scheduled for the year 2015 has not been completely decided yet. Hopefully we have all details before summer's end. We will certainly keep you posted. 



"Congratulations to Pastor Dave Osborne for over 48 years of faithful service to the Lord in ministry. " He recently retired as senior pastor of the Chico SDA Church in Chico, California.

Dave also served as the North American Division Ministerial Director while serving as the senior pastor of the Carmichael SDA Church in Carmichael, California.  

Ministerial Directors and those seeking to hire pastoral candidates can now go to the NAD Ministerial website and download pastoral resumes. Read More.
In This Issue
NAD Wide Pastor Conf
Dave Osborne Retires
Next Webinar
News & Notes
Follow our new "Best Practices Newsletter" on our own Ministerial Directors facebook page.

Check out our new-look NAD Ministerial website. Sign up for the new "Best Practices Ministerial Directors Newsletter.

Dr. Prudence LaBeach Pollard writes a new book entitled: How to raise a leader - God's way. She draws from years of prayerful study, academic training, and personal experience to provide encouragement and biblical guidance on many topics that will help you with spiritual parental guidance.View video 


Listen to Chanda Nunes' call to ministry in this audio podcast. 


"God has not called us to the purity of the pew apart from the stain of the street;

The power of the pulpit apart from the pain of the parishioner." Larry Priest, Ministerial Director for the Dakota Conference.



 May 15 1:30 pm Ministerial Directors Webinar with Pastor David Bissell  

"ministering to pastors caught in a cycle of moral vice."

May 21-23 NAD Social Media Taskforce in Costa Mesa, California


June 11-21 3rd International Bible Conference

July 20-23 2nd Annual (Spiritual) Leadership Conference


Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418