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Best Practices
February 24, 2012
"I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self."

Ministry: The Relationship Stuff
News: Praying Through Conflict
Reading: Episcopal church wins, but loses
Quotes: "Let not individuals gather up the very strongest statements, given for individuals and families, and drive these things because they want to use the whip and to have something to drive."
News & ideas: Which library do you preach from?
Events: Community Services training
Germany in snowThe Relationship Stuff
Ministry is more about what can't be taught than what can
by Loren Seibold, editor, Best Practices 
I was talking to a young man a few weeks ago about his desire to go into ministry. He's got talent, a good mind, deep faith, and some familiarity with the vocation since he not only grew up a pastor's son but has also served admirably in his local congregation. What attracts him to ministry? He loves preaching, and does it well. He's a good Bible student. He has a faithful heart for the Lord. He's got organizational ability. "What don't you like about it?" I asked. To his credit, he understands himself: "All the relationship stuff", he said, by which he meant visiting, working with the church board, managing church conflicts, and generally keeping people happy.

It led me to reflect on the difference between what draws us to ministry, and what actually is required to do it. When we entered ministry, the stated motive was that we were "called". But as we've matured, pastors who are honest and insightful have unpack that call and realize that in addition to the promptings of the Holy Spirit we may also have been drawn to ministry because we liked the neatness and logic of theology, enjoyed being up in front, and liked having the title "pastor". (There's nothing wrong with admitting that: a Divine calling in recognition of spiritual gifts and personal satisfaction is solid Pauline theology).

In ministerial education, theology is a large part of what one learns, and even though the curriculums now include more practical training, it's very difficult to teach someone "the relationship stuff", which is the greatest part of what pastoral ministry is about. As anyone knows who has served on a personnel committee, with its balcony view of pastors at work, you can't teach common sense. Nor can you teach a good pastor and his wife how to survive the soul-gutting criticisms and conflicts to which some church members will subject them. In spite of all our good efforts in higher education, field education, and ministerial internship, creating successful parish pastors is still an uncertain art.

Theology and preaching are easy. They're fairly well defined activities. They're satisfying. It's the rest that's hard: the crises you can't anticipate; the effect on your family; loneliness; some church members looking at you like you're perfect (you knowing very well you aren't); others searching for anything in you they can criticize - in short it's a complicated vocation. (A psychologist pointed out to me once that the church is an almost perfect laboratory for projection: if there's something troubling in one's own life, there are lots of opportunities for projecting one's feelings on to others. It's no accident that the most rigid, critical, hurtful people, those who lambaste the pastor for wrong theology, often have the most broken personal lives.)

All of which is to say that wannabe pastors need to know (and some who have been doing it awhile need to be reminded) that mastering "the relationship stuff" is probably more important than anything we learned in school.

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Best Ideas for Ministry
Praying Through Conflict  
It is no secret that families, church boards, churches, and even denominations face differences in opinions that can flare up into conflict. Daniel Hoover has developed a simple prayer strategy that he employs when he senses conflict is just around the corner. "The prayer is carefully constructed to reaffirm that everyone is on the same side, we are together seeking God's solution to the problem, not to be right or to win over someone else"  To watch Daniel's testimony and to find his email address go to the Best Ideas On Demand Channel.


Planning Sermonic Year  

Pastor Gordan Jinas had trouble trying to decide what he would preach from week to week in his church. He wanted to stay on top of things and also provide a well balanced spiritual diet for his congregation. He has developed a systematic approach where each quarter he covers a variety of needs so that over the year his congregation gets a good balance. Watch him give his approach on the Best Ideas on demand channel and get his email address so you can let him unpack it a little more for you personally. 



Singing Door to Door on Mother's Day 

Luis Prieto has found a novel way that his members can make contacts in the Spanish community. Groups of church members go door to door serenading the mothers of the community on Mother's Day. To watch Luis' testimony and to find his email address go to the Best Ideas channel.     





The Refocus Program

Pastor Ken Blundell is using the Refocus Program to help his members look back at their history and life to see what God has called them to do in ministry. It has given them insight in their lives. Soon the whole church will look at its unique calling as well. To get Ken's email address and to watch his best idea go to the Best Ideas Channel. 



Reading for Pastors 
Constitutional challenge means NYC congregations can no longer rent public school space. Quote: "The congregations, mostly small Christian groups without their own buildings, are packing up their folding chairs and sound systems and moving their worship services to movie houses, off-Broadway stages, community centers, synagogues or Seventh-Day Adventist churches - anyplace that might be free on Sunday mornings."

Video: Great clip from Adam Hamilton about how he makes visitors into church members.

He's a fantastic preacher, with a proven record for growing churches. Only one problem: he just got out of jail for sex crimes against minors.
Should some sins keep a preacher out of the pulpit for life? Christ Tabernacle Baptist in Jacksonville didn't think so, and invited Darrel Gilyard to be their pastor, even agreeing to keep all minors out of church services, and not allowing Gilyard to do counseling or any other kind of pastoral work.

Study: Facebook may lead people to compare their lives unfavorably with others. "Those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives. Furthermore, those that included more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook 'friends' agreed more that others had better lives."

A lot of people text the initials without registering its meaning. However, one church is reclaiming "OMG" for God.

In Virginia, the Episcopal Church has won its lawsuit against breakaway congregations, taking back $40 million worth of property that the judge said belonged to the denomination, not the congregations. But it may prove to be costly litigation for the denomination. According to one analysis, "The departing congregation, that has inhabited the large Falls Church complex, reports a church membership of just over 2,000 and probably features an average Sunday attendance of at least that figure. The congregation that will be moving back into Falls Church reports - after 61 transfers from other Episcopal congregations in the last three years - a membership of 178 with an average Sunday attendance of 74."

To the Point
Ellen White quotes on gentleness and extremism. Thanks to Tom Hughes.

Let not individuals gather up the very strongest statements, given for individuals and families, and drive these things because they want to use the whip and to have something to drive. Let these active, determined temperaments take the Word of God and the testimonies, which present the necessity of forbearance and love and perfect unity, and labor zealously and perseveringly. With their own hearts softened and subdued by the grace of Christ, with their own spirits humble and full of the milk of human kindness, they will not create prejudice, neither will they cause dissension and weaken the churches.  {3SM 286.3}
You must and will, if a Christian, win the respect of believers and unbelievers. You need the love of Jesus in your heart, then you will love all for whom Christ has died. Be universally kind, because Christ was kind. You will make your life fragrant with tender love and will give to all the milk of human kindness. A sour word will not answer, because you misrepresent Jesus. Much wisdom and strength, prudence and patience, are essential. Do not venture to be domineering, but be kind, that you may succeed upon religious principles which will call into exercise the graces in the character of forbearance, self-denial, and resolution to resist temptation.  {12MR 108.3}
If we individually possess these traits of character, who accept justification by faith, there will be no extremists. Christ never erred in His judgment of men and of truth. He was never deceived by appearances. He never raised a question but what was clearly appropriate. He never gave an answer but what was fitting and right to the point. He silenced the voice of the cavilling, shrewd, and cunning priests by penetrating through the surface and reaching the heart, flashing light into their consciences, which annoyed them, but they would not yield to conviction. Christ never went to extremes, never lost self-control, or the balance of mind under any excitement. He never violated the law of good taste and discernment when to speak and when to keep silent. Then if all who claim to see the precious golden rays of the light of the Sun of Righteousness will follow the example of Christ, there will be no extremists {1888 671}
The example of Christ is before us, ever to keep the law and the gospel closely connected. They cannot be separated. Let calmness and self-possession be cultivated and perseveringly maintained, for this was the character of Christ, while We hear the vehement expressions of false religionists who make bold pretensions, who talk loud and long, saying, "I am holy, I am sinless," when they have not the least foundation for their faith. We hear no noisy protestations of faith, nor do we see tremendous bodily contortions and exercises in the Author of all truth.  {1888 672.1} 
News, Ideas & Reminders
Humor: Which library do you preach from?

Who's got the living water?

Oakwood University's Bradford-Cleveland-Brooks Leadership Center presents the Third Annual Conference on the Art and Craft of Preaching, February 26-29, 2012 at OU. Keynote by Elder N.C. Wilson. Email
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Upcoming NAD Events
Do you have an event you'd like to invite NAD pastors to? Send details to

The ACS Outreach Leadership Conference is sponsored by the Adventist Community Services - Washington, the North Pacific Union Conference and NAD Adventist Community Services.  It will be held at the Washington Conference Office in Federal Way, Washington on March 2-4, 2012.  Participants will hear challenging speakers and choose from 30 training seminars.  For registration and more information:

Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program
Best Practices is a Vervent publication of NAD CHURCH RESOURCE CENTER. Editor: Loren Seibold, Ohio Conference. E-mail: Best Practices. You are free to republish pieces from Best Practices in your own newsletter or blog, with attribution to the Best Practices newsletter and the author of the piece.