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Best Practices
January 28, 2011

No man is an island,

John Donne

Entire of itself.

Each is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manor of thine own

Or of thine friend's were.

Each man's death diminishes me,

For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore, send not to know

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.


 - John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII

Leadership: Authority and Church Leadership
Excerpt: 3 key tasks of successful clergy
Media: Hollywood Blvd
Reading for Pastors: Church foreclosures surge
Quotes: "The completeness of Christian character is attained when the impulse to help and bless others springs constantly from within."
News & ideas: How to stay out of the Bermuda Triangle of productivity
Events: Ohio Ministry University

Bill DavisAuthority and Church Leadership

William S. Davis D.Min., Northeast Wyoming District of Seventh-day Adventists


In the church, authority is a nebulous thing.It is given to pastors by the denomination which ordains them and places them in a congregation or district.Local church leaders receive authority from their peers through nomination and election in many denominations. Authority for the most part comes from outside of the leader.  

But with God, authority is inherent in who God is and what God does.The Bible begins by establishing the basis for God's authority:"In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth." (Genesis 1:1)  When discussing his father's authority comedian Bill Cosby quotes his own father: "I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out and make another one that looks just like you!"("Cosby Himself" TV Special). God has a platform for authority which has nothing to do with us. The biblical argument for God's authority is that God made us in God's image, and not the other way around (Psalm 100:3).

So what does this have to do with leading the church?The church is God's! (Colossians 2:19). Christ is the head of the church (Ephesians 1:22;4:15,16.)  The Holy Spirit is the power of the church (Acts 1:8;2:1-4).This helps the church leader to keep things in perspective when dealing with the issues of the day, just as it must deflate the egos of leaders who contend for authority in the church.  

God's authority is a liberating concept for church leaders.We spend countless hours worrying about the church as if we were the ones who are responsible for it rising or falling.  If we would let God be God and allow the Holy Spirit to be our leader as we work in agreement with God, such cares would be lighter. We are the "undershepherds" (1 Peter 5:1-4) and depend upon the Good Shepherd (John 10), so we can lead with confidence knowing that the church is ultimately in under God's care, and we need not fear for it personally.In an age when the church seems to be falling behind in its mission to disciple the people of the world, God has the power and the will to build up the church so that it will assail the gates of Hell and they will fall. (Matthew 16:18)   


Our role is to align ourselves with the Head of the church Jesus Christ and follow as He leads!   

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Successful Clergy Leaders Focus on Three Key Tasks

From Faith Communities Today Newsletter


Developing and promoting vision, evangelism and the recruiting and training of lay leaders are the tasks in which the clergy leaders of thriving congregations are most likely to invest a great deal of their time. This is true for congregations with attendance growth as well as those rated high on spiritual vitality.

Among growing, vital congregations across all faiths and denominational families, nearly two-thirds of clergy leaders (64 percent) report that they spend "a great deal" of their time in the recruitment and development of lay leaders. The majority spend "a great deal" of time in the recruitment of new congregations where attendance is declining or stable and spiritual vitality is seen as weaker are likely to report spending less time on these three tasks.


Two other tasks have a weaker relationship with congregational growth and vitality-leading small groups and contacting inactive members. Four other tasks have a considerably less pronounced correlation with vitality and growth, and only in some faith groups and denominational families while not in others: worship planning, pastoral care, teaching and dealing with conflict.


(These data are reported in more detail on pages 34 through 37 of  American Congregations 2008)


The Making of Hollywood Stained Glass

New from Vervent: Behind the Scenes of Hollywood Blvd--Hot out of the editing suite is this interview with film maker Melody George who directed and filmed the Hollywood Blvd documentary. This behind the scenes interview reveals the challenges of telling the story of a church while you are actively involved in that same church. 


Hollywood Ave Stained Glass Episode #1

Hollywood Blvd Stained Glass Documentary--If you missed the first screening of this documentary do not dispare. You can watch it again on the Stained Glass website.

"The Hollywood church is confronted with a dwindling congregation that has reflected the recent troubles of their city. With only a handful of disconnected people straggling in for worship service, an idealistic new pastor and a gifted musician decide to take action. Under their guidance, a group of young professionals commit to wrestling with the pivotal question, 'How can we be a people among whom God dwells?'" Watch this documentary of the church that won the 2010 North American Division Innovative Church of the Year Award.  


Adventist News FeedsAdventist News Feeds App--This app catches feeds from Adventist News Network, Adventist World Radio, Ground 7 podcast, UK News, Spectrum blog, and Adventist Today.  With your permission the app will push the lastest news directly to your iPhone. The news pieces include pictures with captions so you can see what's going on all around the Adventist w orld. This app is available at no charge from the app store. This app was created independently of Adventist News Network. ANN's app is in development and should be up in a few weeks.



Reading for Pastors
A sign of the financial times: surge in church foreclosures. Quote: "In many cases, churches ran into trouble after borrowing to build bigger houses of worship needed to accommodate growing congregations in once-booming housing markets."

"... and I'm a Mormon" ads are the latest in a series of public image-building by religious faiths. Quote: "The message of these ads is not just that we -- Mormons, Methodists, Muslims -- are normal, said [Mara] Einstein, who wrote Brands of Faith: Marketing Religion in a Commercial Age. It's that 'we are you.'"

Campaign hopes to change Christianity's hypocritical image by confessing faults publicly but anonymously.

It's ridiculous to think that all religions are somehow equivalent, says Phil Cooke. Quote: "No matter what you think about religion, the statement, 'All religions are just the same' is just a dismissive line, intended to squelch debate about the subject. In an age of supposed 'toleration,' the one thing we don't tolerate is the possibility that one type of religious belief trumps all others."

Are you a member of a church staff, pastor or lay volunteer? Then you should read these 7 "gut check" questions.  For example, "Would I attend this church if I were not on staff?"

What are the implications should people be allowed to bring guns to church? Do you want them in yours?

Secularlsm makes excuses for bad behavior, while faith demands personal responsibliity, according to this author. Quote: "Those who leave religion behind, we are led to understand, will begin to think for themselves and thereby exercise real freedom as responsible citizens....  [But] Instead of promoting personal freedom, and the responsibility that comes with it, secularism has given us an expansive vocabulary for saying, 'It's not my fault.'"

A trend that may affect our tax-free status: when communities impose usage fees on churches. Quote: "Houses of worship are generally exempt from federal and state taxes, in part because nonprofits are viewed as providing beneficial services for society. As a result, municipalities often don't gain any revenue from the property on which they sit, and Stanley views the fees as a way to get around the churches' tax-exempt status."

Prayer in public schools: the infamous "moment of silence" is back in Illinois.

Could a scientist lose out on a promotion just because he's a creationist? Martin Gaskell believes he did.

To the Point

Quotes from Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White. Thanks to Carolyn Winchell for these. 


Those who have never experienced the tender, winning love of Christ cannot lead others to the fountain of life. His love in the heart is a constraining power, which leads men to reveal Him in the conversation, in the tender, pitiful spirit, in the uplifting of the lives of those with whom they associate, Christian workers who succeed in their efforts must know Christ: and in order to know Him, they must know His love. In heaven their fitness as workers is measured by their ability to love as Christ loved and to work as He worked.
 - AA 550-551

The completeness of Christian character is attained when the impulse to help and bless others springs constantly from within. It is the atmosphere of this love surrounding the soul of the believer that makes him a savor of life unto life and enables God to bless his work. Supreme love for God and unselfish love for one another--this is the best gift that our heavenly Father can bestow.
 - AA 551

This redeeming power, filling the heart, would control every other motive and raise its possessors above the corrupting influences of the world.
 - AA 551-552

Centuries, ages, can never lessen the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice. Neither life nor death, height nor depth, can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus; not because we hold Him so firmly, but because He holds us so fast.
 - AA 553


News, Ideas & Reminders

Got a tool, resource, site, article, idea or seminar that you like a lot? Share it with us at
Upcoming NAD Events

Do you have an event you'd like to invite NAD pastors to? Send details to

ACS Presents - Reach Out! Hosted by Southern California Conference - February 5 & 6, 2011. Location: White Memorial SDA Church, 401 North State Street, Los Angeles, CA 90003. Link for downloading brochure:  

Ohio Ministry University. March 19-20, 2011. Dr. Leslie Bumgardner "Helping People Get Serious About God." Ray Tetz, "Marketing Your Ministry." Sabbath afternoon workshops on Vacation Bible School, Helping Your Church to Respond to Local Disasters, Reaching High-school Students, and Friendship Evangelism. Call 740-397-4665 x165 for more information.

Andrews University Music & Worship Conference. Mar 24, 2011 - Mar 26, 2011, Andrews University, 100 US 31 Highway, Berrien Springs, MI 49104. The eighth annual Andrews University Music and Worship Conference. If you're interested in exploring worship and worship music in ways that are theologically profound, practical, and inspiring, you will definitely want to join us. Sponsored by the NAD Church Resource Center and Andrews University's Department of Music, Department of Christian Ministry and Center for Youth Evangelism. Phone: 800-968-8428 x4 or 269-471-8352. For more information, email:

United Youth Congress 2011 - iServe. Apr 6, 2011 - Apr 9, 2011, Orange County Convention Center, 9860 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819. Youth, young adults, youth leaders and parents/chaperones are invited to attend. We will have inspiring worship, training seminars, service projects in the community, an evening at Universal Studios, Saturday night concert, recreation, and much more! This package includes hotel and meals. For those who do not want hotel and meals, click here. For Sabbath Only, click here. Phone: 800-732-7587. For more information, email:


From Walt Williams, Andrews University InMinistry Center Director, the list of Spring 2011 InMinistry intensive classes for each union - April 3-14


STANDOUT. Apr 15, 2011 - Apr 17, 2011, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI. STANDOUT is a spiritual retreat for high school students, hosted on the campus of Andrews University. Throughout two days of spiritual exercises and group activities, we'll challenge you to tap into the amazing power of God so that you will STANDOUT and set your faith in motion! Phone: 269-471-6372. For more information, email:

 Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program - Basic Curriculum: May 15 - 19, 2011 Northeastern Conference in Jamaica, NY. Here is a link for more information:



Best Practices is a Vervent publication of NAD CHURCH RESOURCE CENTER. Editor: Loren Seibold, Ohio Conference. E-mail: Best Practices. You are free to republish pieces from Best Practices in your own newsletter or blog, with attribution to the Best Practices newsletter and the author of the piece.