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Best Practices
September 15, 2010
iFollow Discipleship Pastor's Edition Website Launches Soon

iFollow logo 2The iFollow Discipleship curriculum for small groups, pastor's class, seminars and classes will soon be released first on the web and then on Pastor's DVD volume 18. The online website will have over a hundred discipleship lessons spanning the entire spectrum of following Jesus from someone who hasn't yet made a commitment to Jesus Christ to the person who is willing to serve Jesus.

Also on the website will be an online spiritual assessment tool that an individual, small group, or even an entire church can take to discover where they may wish to direct their discipleship quest. After taking the inventory the computer will generate immediate suggestions as to which lessons in the iFollow curriculum might be helpful. Look for the special iFollow edition of Best Practices for Adventist Ministry when the full version of the iFollow website goes live.

150 years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church name
Media: Secret shoppers
Vervent news: Innovative Church nominations
Reading for Pastors: Radical Islam challenges notions of religious freedom
Quotes: "Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk."
News & ideas: "Ask a Pastor"
Events: National Conference on Innovation
150 years of the Seventh-day Adventist name
Atle HaugenIt's All in the Name

I am born and bred into Adventism. From childhood of I knew the 21 public meeting subjects, and later the 28 statements of belief, not to mention the unwritten codes of Adventist culture. But it wasn't until I discovered the genius of our denominational name that I understood the essence and scope of Adventism.

We are Seventh-Day Adventists. In our name we proudly proclaim the Alpha and Omega of the Biblical storyline. Simultaneously we answer big existential questions in life:
          • We know where we come from.
          • We know the intrinsic value and meaning of life
          • We know a lot about how to live
          • We know where we are going
By celebrating the Sabbath we are reminding ourselves weekly of our origin. But we also acknowledge the existence of sin and our need for salvation. The Sabbath command is grounded on two principles: it reminds us of the Creator (Ex. 20), and the Savior (Deut. 5), Jesus Christ. He is also the one we are waiting for to return. Jesus is therefore the beginning, the center and the end of our Adventist story.

Everything else is details. Unless health principles, prophesies, prophets, sanctuaries, education, standards, rituals and worship styles are contributing to present a more truthful, relevant and vibrant picture of Jesus they are of no value in the great story of the Bible and Adventism.  

Our Seventh-day Adventist message and the Bible story are identical and it is all about Jesus. Celebrating the Sabbath is therefore a God-given way of keeping our focus on Jesus and who he really is - and eventually also to understand who we are ourselves.

I am proud to be a Seventh-day Adventist and thankful for belonging to a church that is uplifting Jesus - even in our name.

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Featured Media
Sunset Oaks Episode 2 Secret shoppers are used by businesses to get accurate feedback through the eyes of the customer. Have you ever thought of bringing secret shoppers into your church? Walt Groff, pastor of Sunset Oaks did exactly that. Three secret shoppers came to church. Their experience and evaluation is recorded in Episode 3 of the Stained Glass Sunset Oaks documentary series.   Watch this episode and discover what people really think of church.  The entire five episode documentary is available at AdventSource

Damon HendricksonNow that the school year has begun your church may wish to look at the ministry of tutoring and mentoring. If your church serves a community that faces educational challenges, your members may be able to make a huge difference. Watch this video as Sandra Brown shares how Adventist Community Services can empower your church members to become effective tutors in your community. ACS Tutoring & Mentoring Program offers comprehensive leadership training for those with an interest in organizing a community-based tutoring and/or mentoring program.

James Nix

Tim Nixon, chaplain for inreach at Andrews University asks the question "Where are all the youth pastors today?"  Watch this tagged video recording of his presentation given at a recent Innovative Impact Conference. Discover the seven sins of dying churches and learn of seven initiatives to close the back door.
Vervent News from CRC
Nominations Are In
The following churches have been nominated for the 2010 Innovative Church of the Year award:
Advent Hope (Manhattan)
Glendale (Southern California)
Hollywood (Southern California)
Living Water (Henderson, Nevada)
Mosaic (Portland, Oregon)
Newark (Ohio)
Simple Church (Worldwide)

The winner of the 2010 Innovative Church of the Year award will be announced at the 2010 National Conference on Innovation October 3-5 in Columbus Ohio.
Reading for Pastors

Here's a way to celebrate your congregation: everyone get tattoos of the church logo! Quote: "About 100 people typically attend, and Bonenberger challenged his flock to attract 200 for Sunday's festivities, promising he would be first to go under the needle if they succeeded. ...Afterward, as attendees enjoyed a picnic of pulled pork and coleslaw, Bonenberger extended his arm, alternating between smiles and grimaces as an artist stained his skin with red ink."

Many in Christian history have come out against reading fiction, but W. Robert Godfrey thinks it's important to spiritual formation. What do you think?

Perspectives on Islam:
Is a straightforward view of Scripture "bibliolatry"? S.M. Baugh doesn't think so. Quote: "The God of the Book is a jealous God. He makes himself perfectly clear on this point. He is ardently offended when men or angels give worship due to him to anyone or to anything else. But, granted that we do not do obeisance to the folios, is God offended when we ascribe certain attributes of God himself to the ideas, truths, even to the very words of Holy Scripture?"

Stephen Hawking joins the creation debate, by saying, not surprisingly, that a creator really isn't necessary.

Numbered list miscellany:
Points of law:
To the Point
Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.
  - Henry David Thoreau

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.
  - Bernard Bailey

I only know two pieces; one is 'Clair de Lune' and the other one isn't.
  - Victor Borge

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
  - George Carlin

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.
  - Mary Wilson Little

No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets.
  - Edward Abbey

A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight.
  - Robertson Davies

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
  - Mark Twain

Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.
  - Floyd Dell

The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps.
  - Benjamin Disraeli

A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
  - William James
News, Ideas & Reminders

  • Humor: "Ask a pastor". Unfortunately, he raises some significant questions  - about himself.
  • The Disciple Ship II -- A Childrens'/Youth Ministry Event, October 8-10, Camp MiVoden, Idaho. Energize your ministry to children and youth by attending a special weekend event presented by Upper Columbia Conference for educators, children's and youth ministry leaders, parents and pastors at beautiful Hayden Lake Idaho. Special guests include Steve Yeagley, DeeAnn Bragaw and a dozen more presenters offering 20-plus breakouts. Go here for registration or write

  • Community Organizing webinar, by Monte Sahlin: "I have taught Community Organizing for three decades, currently for the Tony Campolo Graduate School at Eastern University and earlier for Pennsylvania State University. Over the years many people have told me they wished they could take the course. This now becomes possible using the new technology of Web conferencing or "Webinar." This is a non-credit course that meets eight times over the fall and spring of 2010-2011, about once a month ... to fit into schedules and allow time for you to practice the skills you learn. I am taking a limited number of individuals to maximize learning and allow personal attention. Once it is full, registration will close."
Got a tool, resource, site, article, idea or seminar that you like a lot? Share it with us at
Upcoming NAD Events

Do you have an event you'd like to invite NAD pastors to? Send details to

GODencounters 2010 SAC & CC. Sep 17, 2010 - Sep 19, 2010, Blue Ridge YMCA Assembly, 84 Blue Ridge Circle, Black Mountain, NC 28711. The South Atlantic and Carolina Conferences are happy to present GE2010 an awesome gathering of young adults aged 18-35 who are genuinely seeking a divine change in their lives. The world is full of makeovers, but the attendees of this event are looking for a transformation only GOD can offer! Come and enjoy a weekend filled with fun, fellowship and worship. Take advantage of the serene surroundings, powerful speakers and incredible group experiences as you encounter GOD. Phone: 404-792-0535 or 843-324-6771. For more information, email:;

Hispanic Heritage Week. Sep 19, 2010 - Sep 25, 2010, North American Division. `

K.I.D. University. Sep 26, 2010 - Sep 29, 2010, K.I.D. Center, 4829 College Drive E, Collegedale, TN 37315. Details forthcoming. Phone: 423-893-3266. For more information, email:

Children's Sabbath. Oct 2, 2010, Division Wide. Visit NAD Children's Ministries website for program ideas. For more information, email:

National Conference on Innovation. Oct 3, 2010 - Oct 5, 2010, Embassy Suites Columbus-Dublin, 5100 Upper Metro Place, Dublin, OH 43017. A gathering of Seventh-day Adventist innovators to explore mission and ministry ideas. Includes presentations and group discussions. Featured Speakers: Alan Hirsch, Neil Cole, Barbara Bradley Hagerty, Zdravko Plantak, and Samir Selmanovic. Phone: 740-397-4665 x165. For more information, email:

Arminianism and Adventism. Oct 14, 2010 - Oct 17, 2010, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI . "Celebrating Our Soteriological Heritage." We will discuss the roots of Adventist understanding of salvation as found in 17th century Arminianism and in Wesleyan thought. Top scholars will explore issues relating to a biblical understanding of human nature, free will, God's grace, atonement and predestination. Phone: 269-471-3607. For more information, email:

Society of Adventist Communicators Convention. Oct 14, 2010 - Oct 16, 2010, Hyatt Regency Rochester, 125 E Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604. A convention where students, beginning communicators, and seasoned professionals will have the opportunity to share ideas as well as participate in fields trips, workshops, networking, and inspirational worships. Keynote speaker is Phil Cooke, PhD from "Christianity Today." More details coming. Phone: 301-680-6057. For more information, email:

Spirit of Prophecy Sabbath. Oct 16, 2010, Division Wide. Special materials provided.

180° Symposium 2010. Oct 18, 2010 - Oct 21, 2010, Andrews University, Chan Shun Hall, Whirlpool Room, 4185 E Campus Circle Drive, Berrien Springs, MI 49104. "Models of Youth and Young Adult Ministries." 8am-5pm. Sponsored, in part, by the Center for Youth Evangelism, this third annual symposium will bring together church and lay leaders passionate about creative ideas to spiritually engage those on public college campuses. Research papers will be presented. Phone: 800-968-8428. For more information, email:

Pathfinder Sabbath. Oct 23, 2010, Division Wide. Special materials provided.

Creation Sabbath. Oct 23, 2010, Division Wide via satellite from Andrews University. Celebration of Creation. Join Adventist scholars, leaders and fellow believers for a special Sabbath celebrating our fundamental belief in the recent six-day creation revealed in God's word. This event is sponsored by the General Conference's Faith and Science Council.

Children's Ministries Training. November 11-14, 2010, Leoni Meadows Christian Retreat Center, 6100 Leoni Road, Grizzly Flats, CA 95636. North American Division training event. Phone: 301-680-6425. For more information, email:
Best Practices is a Vervent publication of NAD CHURCH RESOURCE CENTER. Editor: Loren Seibold, Ohio Conference. E-mail: Best Practices. You are free to republish pieces from Best Practices in your own newsletter or blog, with attribution to the Best Practices newsletter and the author of the piece.