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Best Practices
June 2, 2010
iFollow Luncheon at the GC - lunch provided
Friday, July 2, 12:30 to 1:29
Convention Center Room B306

iFollow was developed in response to research findings with Adventist pastors who said that they needed discipleship resources. Our best Adventist writers and editors, under the ifollowdirection of the NAD Church Resources Center, have created a set of powerful tools for strengthening the vitality of the local congregation and deepening spiritual life.

Come and share a (free) luncheon buffet and get a sneak peek at the overall scope of iFollow, including the special edition of the Pastor's DVD with its complete library of iFollow resources. Attendees will receive a complete set of the inaugural iFollow resources.

Please RSVP to chariolett.johnson@nad.adventist, or call 301-680-6429.

Rajkumar Dixit communicates well on communicating well
Reading: New visions for rural churches
Media: Stained Glass documentary series
Quote: " Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist."
News & ideas: Best Friends magazine
Impact Atlanta
WuthnowCommunicating Beyond the Bulletin
By Q. Rajkumar Dixit
Associate Pastor of New Hope Adventist Church, Maryland

How do your church members get information? Is everything communicated through the bulletin or announcements at church? Or do you communicate with your congregation through the email, blogs, phone trees, snail mail, etc? During a recent leadership retreat, the New Hope church team performed an informal audit of our congregational communication. And we discovered that we were using over 27 modalities!

We were trying to please everybody, because some members didn't have access to email, or text message capability. Others never check their snail mail.  However, our attempt to be open with our congregation lead to wasted time, money and human resources. So our staff developed some new strategies to redirect the message with purpose.
  1. Study your demographics. Twitter and Facebook are all great social media formats.  While they are the latest buzzwords on the market, they may not be suitable within your context. Is your congregation tech-savvy? Consider the age breakdown. If your church is mainly boomer and builders, you may want to focus on paper forms of communication. If it is blended, consider cross marketing with paper and viral mediums.
  2. Prune sources of output. We decided to limit our form of communication to 5 methods. Based on our demographics, we focused our attention to our website (, Facebook, bulletin, e-blast, and community life (announcement time).  Because it was hard for us to give up mailings, we limit them to two times a year (Easter and Christmas).
  3. Cross market your information. Don't limit information to one venue.  If you took the time to write a "focus on a new member" article, use it in multiple formats. Use the same article in your paper newsletter, E-newsletter, Facebook note, church website, and more. The more places you 'reprint' your news, the greater likelihood it will be read. 
Rajkumar Dixit is the Associate Pastor of New Hope Adventist Church. His book, Branded Faith will be published in June, 2010. He writes about church branding, communication, and media at

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Reading For Pastors

"The Ten Commandments of Preaching" Quote: "Thou shalt not put words in God's mouth." (Thanks to John Bechtel for finding this.)

Not long ago we were praying at the pump, for gas prices to go down. Now, we're praying for oil to quit spilling into the Gulf of Mexico. Are the two related?

From Monte Sahlin's Faith in Context: What are the top needs of Christian teens?

Rural churches:
Seven mistakes I made in ministry, by Thom Ranier of Lifeway Christian Resources.

91-year old Billy Graham would like to give one more sermon. Let's pray he can!

The Bible in Tweets and Legos

Discerning God's Call, including Luther's 8 essential qualities of a minister.
Featured Media
Today we look at chapter two of the Stained Glass Documentary SeriesThere are 6,000 Seventh-day Adventist Churches in The United States, Canada and Bermuda. Every church has a story. This is chapter one of a four part documentary filmed at the Oakland Grand Ave church in 2008-2009. Watch this episode and look for the young preacher, the boxer, the smoking evangelist, the executive with a heart for the homeless, the street volunteer, the blind preacher as they wrestle with the fact that one out of every hundred residents of Oakland are homeless.  Watch future editions of Best Practices as new chapters of Grand Avenue are released.   However if you simply have to see the entire Grand Ave documentary series ASAP you can order it on DVD from AdventSourJan Paulsen Webinarce.

With the origins debate escalating within the Adventist Church you may find a renewed interest in the NAD Church Resource Center's In the Beginning. This thirteen episode reality show documents two college students as they travel around the United States looking for answers as to the origins of the universe. In the process they uncover most of the basic questions in the evolution vs. creation debate.The series comes with a leader's guide and discussion questions written by Pastor Stan Hudson. The series is perfect for a small group, discussion group, youth/collegiate group or prayer meeting. You can watch the series and download the teacher's guides here. Or, if you would like the entire series on DVD you can order it here.  

Roger Hernadez We all Have Issues
Innovative Impact is coming to Atlanta June 20-23, just prior to the General Conference Session. Come be inspired by Chaplain Barry Black, Derek Morris, Hyveth Williams, G. Earl Knight, Sung Kwon, Bill McClendon, Clifton Davis, Frederick Russell, Mansfield Edwards, Emil Peeler, Carlton Byrd, Roger Hernandez, and Jesse Wilson. Innovative Impact 2010 offers you and every leader on your team the chance to "pull back" and be refreshed, inspired and challenged for the great work of the church that lies ahead. In anticipation of the event, watch Barry Black's presentation at the Adventist Urban Congress.

To the Point
Mankind's seven social sins: commerce without morality, politic without principle, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, education without character, science without humanity and worship without sacrifice.
 - Mahatma Ghandi

Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. And my advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it.
  - W. Somerset Maugham

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?

 - Woody Allen

The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.
 - Esther Dyson

You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.
 - Dave Barry

Don't try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.
 - Philip K. Dick

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.
 - Will Rogers

Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.
 - G. K. Chesterton

News, Ideas & Reminders

  • From Stanley Patterson: "The Christian Leadership Center of Andrews University provides a broad range of leadership training services to Christian organizations. For information contact Dr. Stanley Patterson, Director, at In addition, we publish a research-based but practical journal for Christian leaders, The Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, available by emailing References available upon request."

  • Atlanta GC Counselor-in-Residence Program: Being a spiritual leader can be very demanding work in this day and age. Restricted time, limited budgets, stressors of every description can rob  a church leader of vital energy and sap enthusiasm. Whether you are a pastor, teacher, administrator, or staff member, if you find yourself wondering if you might be burned out - lacking that early enthusiasm that once motivated your ministry - why not schedule a consultation with one of the counselor-in-residence staff members while you are in Atlanta? GC Ministerial and Kettering Health Care are co-sponsoring a free consultation program for you.  This could be an important first step in revitalizing your life. Remember, this is a free, highly confidential private consult with a trained professional team member. Couples consultations are welcome. Contact program coordinator, Dr. Bob Peach from Kettering Counseling Care Center at 866-309-9715 or for more information or to schedule your appointment during the Atlanta GC. Also, visit our website at to get info or schedule an appointment.

  • Levite PraiseLiterature evangelists are introducing a children's magazine to English-speaking customers that has been a long-standing hit in South America.My Best Friends has a 50-year history and has grown to a circulation of 80,000 in Brazil. Hoping to reach more families with children between the ages of six and eleven, the Review and Herald Publishing Association partnered with the Brazilian Publishing House to produce the magazine in English. My Best Friends magazine features six fun characters (and two pets) who show children ways to develop social, intellectually and spiritually. Each of the characters have different personalities and unique God-given talents. My Best Friends teaches life skills that embrace everything from nutrition to teamwork. "It's interactive," says assistant editor, David Robinson. "It has crafts, experiments, and mini-language lessons. It has a place where kids can submit their pictures and stories. It's sort of a Bible-based Highlights."

    To find out how you can distribute My Best Friends magazine in your community, contact Juliana Savoy at (301) 393-3104. To order a subscription for a child, call the Review and Herald subscriber services department at 1-800-456-3991, or visit .
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Best Practices is a Vervent publication of NAD CHURCH RESOURCE CENTER. Editor: Loren Seibold, Senior Pastor, Worthington Ohio Seventh-day Adventist Church. E-mail: Best Practices. You are free to republish pieces from Best Practices in your own newsletter or blog, with attribution to the Best Practices newsletter and the author of the piece.