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March 31, 2010
Two great (free) webinars for BP/Ministry readers:
  • Date and time not set yet, but Elder Jan Paulsen has agreed to meet with BP readers in a webinar forum. We are looking toward May, and will let you know the moment we get it set up.
- Loren Seibold, Editor, Best Practices for Adventist Ministry
The iFollow Discipleship Webinar
William Davis: Training Elders to be Elders
Reading: Muslims for Jesus?
Quote: "Never eat more than you can lift."
News & ideas: Failed witnessing attempt
Events: Adventist Fresh Expressions
The iFollow Discipleship Webinar
Dave Gemmell, Associate Director, NAD Church Resource Center

Dave Gemmell MugI'm writing this email to you because we need your feedback as we finish up a new resource.  We've been working here at the NAD Church Resource Center on a monumental discipleship resource that is long overdue. The need for discipleship curriculum has been on the top of many pastor's minds for years.
If you've heard of the discipleship resource that the Center For Creative Ministry has been working on, it is this same resource. We contracted with them to produce the core units for the resource and they are nearly done. We are getting close to delivery of this massive resource, which will be called iFollow. It will include the Pastor's Edition available on the Pastor's DVD and the iFollow Website as well as a series of companion books for your small groups and pastor's classes, whiGetting It Rightch we're calling the iFollow Series. As we approach the final stages, we need your feedback, in order to make the final tweaks to the resource. We also need your help getting the word out about this new resource to your networks.
At 11:00 a.m. EDT on April 14 we will be conducting a 75 minute webinar where iFollow will be introduced and where you will have a chance to give your feedback to many of the features. To register for this event please follow this link.
As an incentive, if you're one of the first 200 people who register in the next twenty-four hours we will immediately ship to you the very first iFollow book.  The volume is entitled Getting It Right, written by Dan Day, Director of the NAD Church Resource Center. It will give you a feel for the book component, the iFollow Series, and will be part of the webinar conversation. But if you miss the deadline don't give up. All who register and attend the webinar will eventually receive the iFollow Pastor's Edition at no charge.
I thank you in advance for your valuable feedback at the webinar.

bill davisElder's Training Retreat
William S. Davis D. Min., Wyoming Region of the Rocky Mountain Conference

On any given Sabbath around the worlds the majority of Seventh-day Adventist churches are hearing a sermon preached by a lay leader or church elder. In addition to speaking at church the local elder is responsible for leading board meetings and visiting members. So much of the churches health depends on empowering leadership and yet we find that few elders have any formal education in the theology and practical issues of ministry.

In the Wyoming area of the Rocky Mountain Conference the pastors have come together to provide for the training of the elders so they are empowered and equipped for the ministry to which they are called. Twice a year the elders will come together for an elder's training retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to focus on the elder as person, theologian, and leader. Each retreat over the three year period will have three seminars that address these areas. Upon completion of the retreats and some additional take home reading and reports the elders will receive a certificate that shows that they have completed the requirements for Elder's Ministry and are now Certified Elders in Wyoming.

The Wyoming Adventist Pastors Association has come together to provide the teaching and materials as well as inviting speakers from the conference and union. The first session was held in Casper in January 2010 with over 30 elders in attendance. The response was overwhelmingly positive on the part of the elders, many of whom have served for years with little or no recognition of the importance of their ministry.
Reading For Pastors

Congregational-health expert says churches are in unprecedented crisis. Quote: "[Bill] Wilson said he has seen a spike in recent months in both the number and depth of conflict. 'We are in epidemic status, Code Red, DEFCON 4, however you want to say it,' Wilson said. 'We are in pandemic mode in terms of conflict in local congregations. Church is reflecting the anxiety in the culture that has to do with political, economic and social turmoil. You can't turn those voices off when you walk into the sanctuary.'"

Tim Keller:

New debate about Islam: Can one be a Christian Muslim, in the sense that Messianic Jews are Christians?

  • Joseph Cummings thinks so. Quote: "We all have more than one identity and community. For example, most American Christians assume one can be both a patriotic American (loyal to that community) and a faithful Christian, though they may disagree with some things their fellow-Americans do or teach. Believers like Ibrahim seek to be both authentic Muslims (loyal to the community of their birth) and faithful disciples of Jesus, critically evaluating what their fellow-Muslims do and teach in light of the teachings of Christ - sometimes accepting, sometimes reinterpreting, sometimes disagreeing."
  • David Claydon thinks contextualization may go too far.
  • President Obama's 2009 Cairo speech that is credited with opening this debate for some Christian leaders.
  • Our own Dr. William Johnsson, in Adventist World: "Adventists and Muslims: Five Convictions" Quote: "Taking seriously the mission to Islam has the potential to renew and reform the Adventist Church.... Adventist outreach to Muslims will come about only when we humble ourselves, allowing the Lord to soften our hearts and break down prejudices. The Lord must put within us a deep love for Muslims and a burning desire to see them join us on the road to the kingdom. He must make our churches warm, open, and accepting of Muslims. Only He can do that. Such changes will mean an Adventist Church revived and reformed."
To the Point
If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.
 - Bill Vaughan

Never eat more than you can lift.
  - Miss Piggy

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
  - Friedrich von Schiller

I'm still an atheist, thank God.
 - Luis Bunuel

I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
 - Gilda Radner

O Lord, help me to be pure, but not yet.
 - Saint Augustine

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer?
 - George Price

The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter - he's got to just know.
 - Will Rogers

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
 - Larry Hardiman

Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.
 - Bertrand Russell
News, Ideas & Reminders

  • From Richard Mills, Sr.: "My son recently purchased "The Adventists" DVD. We  looked at a few days ago. It is positive. Most of the presentation is on health. The producer says he has changed his diet and other lifestyle habits to reflect Adventist beliefs. He was impressed by a visit to Loma Linda and wanted to do  a documentary on SDA's. A brief, very brief section on the beginnings of Adventism is shown. A portion is given to Dr. Kellogg and his contribution. Overall, it was quite positive. We hope to show it in our church in the next couple of weeks. It is worth purchasing and showing to the membership."
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Best Practices is a Vervent publication of NAD CHURCH RESOURCE CENTER. Editor: Loren Seibold, Senior Pastor, Worthington Ohio Seventh-day Adventist Church. E-mail: Best Practices. You are free to republish pieces from Best Practices in your own newsletter or blog, with attribution to the Best Practices newsletter and the author of the piece.