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  Jaltemba Bay Life



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 August 5, 2011 

welcome / bienvenidos


Welcome to all 850 subscribers of the Jaltemba Bay Life Newsletter, and many more who view it on our website, Jaltemba Bay Life, and our forum.


Yes, I realize that today is not Monday. I am taking the next few days off to visit my family, so I opted to send this issue out a couple of days early... and just in time for lunch rather than your usual morning coffee. Besides, we have an exciting announcement to make! 


There are 50 days left of summer. That means many of you will start to a) think about heading back to Mexico in the next few months or b) plan your upcoming winter vacation here. Lucky for you, we are unveiling our "Travel Tips Guide to Jaltemba Bay" where you will find everything you need to travel to Mexico (and back). The article below has links to this new and very complete guide.


Turtle release season has begun, and you can read more about it in this recently published article. Eventhough Hurricane Eugene, the fifth storm of the season, just passed us by, we must remember that hurricane season is still in full swing. You can keep an eye on the weather by checking the Official Jaltemba Bay Weather Page.   


And if you haven't heard about the Photo Contest for the New Forum Banner, you can read all about it and submit your entry here. The deadline is August 15th.  


To find out what else is going on, read the information below and take a peek at our online Community Calendar.     


We want to remind you that the Jaltemba Bay Life Newsletter is now being published bi-weekly. The next issue will arrive in your InBox on August 22nd just in time for your morning coffee.  




Editor, Jaltemba Bay Life Newsletter


   Photo of the Week

Celebration of Life
by Lyle Brown 


Celebration of Life


Celebration of Life


The Aztec Indians, also known as the Mexicas, usually make their annual trip from Mexico City this time of year to perform rituals near the Fisherman's Memorial in Guayabitos. Here are two photos of their visit on Sunday, July 24th. More photos are posted on our forum.


   Featured Articles 
Announcing the New "Travel Tips Guide to Jaltemba Bay"


When traveling, the more you know, the more prepared you'll be. Lucky for you, the Jaltemba Bay Life Team has taken the guess work out of traveling. We have literally spent weeks researching, gathering, compiling, editing, formatting, writing and rewriting all the necessary travel information and documentation you need for safe and hassle-free travel to and from Mexico, including: 


> Travel Tips / What to Bring

> Entry Requirements 

> Customs
> Bringing a Vehicle into Mexico / Auto Insurance 

> Travel Medical Insurance  

> Traveling with Pets   

You can find ALL this and more on under the "Jaltemba Bay Info" tab. No other site is more complete!  


View our "Travel Tips Guide to Jaltemba Bay" now.  


Be sure to click on the links within that page for detailed information about these topics:  

> Medical and Travel Insurance

> Bringing a Vehicle into Mexico  

> Customs Regulations 


   From Our Readers 
Camille's Conjectures: Learning to Live in Mexico -- Part 4

by Camille


I feel compelled to write this next short vignette...


As I have previously written, we are house-sitting at the top of La Penita. While it is very close to downtown, the last three blocks are pretty much straight up hill. It's a good thing my hiking buddies over the last several years 'forced' me to climb all those mountain trails back home in Canada, otherwise I may just sit down in a pool of self-pitying tears. However, my husband & I occasionally do hire a cab to get to the top of the hill when we are loaded down with groceries or have just made the trek too many times in one day.  Read full article > 



Camille, who wishes to remain anonymous, just moved to La Pe�ita and has been writing about her experiences. She is using the pseudonym (nom de plume) Camille -- just because she likes it -- and has titled her stories "Camille's Conjectures". According to the Cambridge Dictionaries On-line, the definition of conjecture is "(the forming of) a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof", which seems to fit her muses quite nicely, seeing that these are her impressions and not necessarily based on "facts".  


Adios Parasitos!

by Allyson Williams


Vermox Plus 

I haven't been feeling like my normal perky self lately, and my tummy has been a bit out of sorts. That usually means one thing: parasites. For some reason, they like me. Let me assure you, the feeling is not mutual. And while I am careful to take every precaution -- I only drink purified bottled water, I rinse all fruits and veggies in Microdyn, and I wash my hands frequently with antibacterial soap -- yet for some reason I continue to be affected by these unwanted pests. 


While living in Mexico the past several years, I have discovered that many of our Mexican friends rid themselves of parasites twice a year, and Vermox Plus seems to be the medication of choice. It works on amibas, lombrices (amoebas and worms), and other types of parasites. Of course there are other more natural ways to rid your body of parasites.  Read full article >


   Community Corner:

    Updates on groups, organizations and other good works 

Welcome "Writers Who Love Mexico"  


We are excited to add "Writers Who Love Mexico" to the Community section of our site.


"Writers Who Love Mexico" is a monthly showcase for writers living or visiting the Nayarit Coast. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month between November and April at 11am at Xaltemba Restaurant and Galeria just off the plaza in La Pe�ita (map). Lunch in served at 1pm after the program and costs $150 pesos.


The program usually consists of authors reading from their own published work, or work in progress. Though there are no hard and fast rules, selections that are shared should have some relation to Mexico. Each program is unique, defined by who is participating and who is there to listen, and lasts about an hour and a half.


For more information, visit the Writers Who Love Mexico community page. 

Los Amigos Changes Its Name 

by Dave Easby


When Los Amigos de La Pe�ita was formed a few years ago and its primary focus was on lobbying the government to make infrastructure improvements in La Penita. About four years ago, the organization re-invented itself as a "community service organization that exists to serve the people of La Pe�ita, the surrounding Colonias, and the community at large through it's participation in activities designed to improve the lives of area residents." We have grown now to 180 members -- almost 60% of whom are year-long national residents. Many of these individuals live in La Colonia, Rincon de Guayabitos and Los Ayala. Many of the programs we operate serve the whole Jaltemba Bay community. We collect recycled plastics and cardboard in Guayabitos, La Colonia and Los Ayala in addition to La Pe�ita. Schools in Guayabitos and La Colonia are active on our education committee. The criteria for our scholarship program has been broadened and our economic development initiatives benefit the entire Jaltemba Bay area. We have therefore decided to change our name to to reflect this new reality. The name "Los Amigos de Jaltemba" was recently approved through an email vote of our members. Work is now underway to refresh our logo and transform our website to reflect our new name so watch for more news in the future.



Los Amigos Logo

Los Amigos de Jaltemba (Los Amigos)  

is a community service organization comprised of residents and members of the local community, and exists to serve and advocate for the people of La Pe�ita, the surrounding Colonias, and the community at large. To learn more,  

visit the Los Amigos community page.


Seattle Rotary #4 Secures Costco Donation for Zacualpan   

by Gabriel

On Saturday, July 23, Fabiola Figueroa, Marketing Manager of Costco, Puerto Vallarta delivered Kitchen and school supplies for Zacualpan Project for a total of $15,500 pesos. In February when we began the rehabilitation project at Zacualpan, Ken Snyder contacted Susan Lane, Rotary Club of Seattle # 4 to request more equipment and materials to finish the project at CBTA # 107 in Zacualpan. This July Susan Lane informed us we didn't the grant but if we sent a list of kitchen and school supplies they could make a request to Costco in Seattle. Mariana Day searched the online catalog and deliver the list. Within a week we received 2 stainless tables, an industrial shelf, blenders, mixer, kitchen knives, white boards, all delivered delivered by the manager of Costco in Vallarta. Thank you Susan Lane and Seattle Rotary # 4, John Matthews, Costco Seattle, Fabiola Figueroa, Puerto Vallarta Costco.


Learning for Life Student Leadership Training Program  

by Rotarian Owen

Rotary Leadership for LifeThe first "Learning for Life" workshop is scheduled for Sunday, August 21 at Los Mangos Public Library in Puerto Vallarta. Debbie Walton, an expert sports director with extensive background working with youth in many countries around the world, will lead the workshop. There will be approximately 70 students attending, 30 from Chacala and 40 from La Pe�ita (click here for complete article). We are still looking for mentors from Rotary.

What is a Mentor?
A mentor is a coach, guide, tutor, facilitator, councelor and trusted advisor. A mentor is someone willing to spend his or her time and expertise to guide the development of another person.

"Learning for Life" is made possible thanks to a matching grant from The Rotary Foundation, RC of Kalispell and Bah�a de Jaltemba and in association with "Cambiando Vidas" and "Los Amigos de La Pe�ita".


Rotary Logo

Rotary Club Jaltemba Bay La Pe�ita was initiated in November 2008. To learn more about its projects and programs, visit the Rotary community page. You can also register for the Rotary Bulletin


   Jaltemba Bay Life Updates + Reminders

Writers and Photographers Wanted 


Do you like writing, blogging or taking photos? Then why not submit an article, story or photo to be featured in our newsletter. It doesn't matter "what" your subject matter is -- local hangouts, food, surfing, fishing reports, birding and sea life, interviews or personal stories -- what's important is that you participate. You can write one article, an article every once in a while, or an ongoing feature... the choice is yours. It's a great way to express yourself, to share your experiences here in Mexico, and it's fun (and seeing your name in print is pretty cool, too).  


   Calender + Events

Events are a wonderful way to immerse yourself in, and learn about, the Mexican culture. Here is a list of upcoming holidays, festivals, events, and activities worth planning around. Also check out our Community Calendar for a complete list of what's going on in the Jaltemba Bay area. If you have information about an event, please email us so we can include it in our next issue.



August 6-15  

Sweet Corn Fair in Jala 

Jaripeos (bull-riding exhibitions), fireworks, and a fair devoted to corn-related products, and of course a prize for the largest ear of corn, which sometimes exceeds 16 inches. For more information, read this article about the Sweet Corn Fair posted in last week's issue of our newsletter. 


August 15

Dia de la Asuncion de la Virgen Guadalupe  

(Ascension Day)

This nationwide holiday is one of Mexico's most important religious events. The Virgin Guadalupe is extremely important and revered by Mexican Catholics -- her image, almost without exception next to a crucifix, is everywhere in Mexico. Special masses and processions take place nationwide, with a huge mass at the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City (where the original image is hosted).


August 30-September 9  

International Mariachi and Charro Festival

The 17th Annual "Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charreria" is slated for August 30 through September 9, and includes more than 100 events organized by the Guadalajara Chamber of Commerce. The festival agenda revolves around music workshops on techniques that will bring together mariachi troupes from across the nation and more than a dozen foreign countries. 


September 1   

D�a del Informe Presidencia 

(President's State of the Union Address)

The President delivers the hard copy of his State of the Union Address to the Mexican Congress.


September 15-16   

Dia de la Independencia Mexicana** 

(Mexican Independence Day) 

Indisputably Mexico's most important and most revered National Holiday is Independence Day. During this time, fiestas take place nationwide. From the evening of September 15th, parties begin. At 11pm, the President of the Republic shouts the Cry (El Grito) of "Viva Mexico" from the balcony of the National Palace -- an event televised and broadcast on radio to every corner of the nation, as Mexicans cry back with "Viva!" in an emotion-packed traditional annual ritual.    


October 14-31    

XVI Pan American Games in Guadalajara 

For more information, visit the official Guadalajara Pan American Games 2011 website  



* Indicates possible non-working holidays.

** Nationwde Holidays -- Schools, banks, post offices, and other public government offices are closed during these Mexican National Holidays. Often times these and other major holidays include the nearest Monday to create a 3-day weekend.





Rotary Club of Jaltemba Bay

Rotary Logo

Rotary Club meets every Wednesday morning at 7:30am at Pi�a Colada Restaurant in Guayabitos. Members enjoy social time over breakfast with an official meeting beginning promptly at 8am. Various community leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, and artists are invited as guest speakers to give members a better understanding of the region they serve.



Tianguis in La Pe�ita

Tianguis in La Penita

The Tianguis (open-air market) is held every Thursday in and around the Plaza in La Pe�ita (map) from 8am-1pm or so. It is "the" place to be and be seen on Thursdays... and to shop for silver and handmade one-of-a-kind jewelry, linens and tableclothes, glassware, Talavera plates and sinks, Huichol Indian artwork and Oaxacan rugs and black clay pottery. You can buy everything from dried chiles, fresh fruits and veggies, homemade breads, and locally-produced honey and coffee beans, to new and used clothing, kitchen accessories, blender and stove parts, and just about anything else you can think of. The market in La Pe�ita is one of the largest and most well-known markets in the entire area. (Note: While the Tianguis continues year-round, many of the artisans do not participate during the summer months.) 

2011-12 Fundraising and Charity  

Event Schedule 


We realize that many of you plan your vacations around the local fundraising and charity events in town, so we have emailed the event organizers to gather information. We will include additional events and dates as soon as we are notified.  


Sunday, November 13, 2011

5th Annual PEACE Race for Change 

Place: El Tigre Golf Course, Nuevo Vallarta 

Details: Peddle for PEACE in a variety of runs, walks and bike events, plus contests, games, food and drink. Registration is only $200 pesos and all proceeds benefit community programming. To register, email Nicole Majewski at 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

9th Annual International Margarita Challenge

Place: Pia Colada Restaurant, Guayabitos 

Details: Doors open at 4:30pm


Friday-Sunday, February 3-5, 2012

4th Annual Cancer de Mama Clinic 

Place: La Pe�ita RV Park, La Pe�ita

Clinic details to come.  


Saturday, February 4, 2012

14th Annual / 5th Memorial "El Famoso"  

Horseshoe Tournament 

Place: David's Palapa, Guayabitos.  

Details: Check in is at 8:30am. Participants must pre-register on Thursday, February 2 at 4pm at Mateja's.


   Featured Businesses + Vacation Rentals

We are proud to promote the following businesses, vacation rentals, and real estate listings on the Jaltemba Bay Life site. Please support these and the other local businesses that make our website possible through their advertising. Thank You!


Los Compadres Ad


Los Compadres Resort 

La Pe�ita


Beautiful resort with 7 spacious and private suites and stunning views of the entire Jaltemba Bay. Stay for a week or month.  more >

To see our complete directories, click the links below...   


> View all Businesses   

> View all Hotels and Vacation Rentals  

> View Map of Businesses, Hotels and Vacation Rentals 


Add your business or vacation rental (hotel, bungalow, rental home, bed and breakfast, condo, apartment or RV park) to our directories, and be seen by people who are specifically interested in the Jaltemba Bay area -- VRBO and other rental sites can't offer that. And because you list "By Owner", you can change your information, pricing structure, discounts, photos and availability as often as you like. Plus, we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. For more information, click the links below or email us.


> List your Vacation Rental or Hotel 

> List your Business 


   Featured Real Estate

Listing your Real Estate By-Owner on our site is easy, affordable, and runs until you sell. And for a limited time, we will also include an ad for your property in our weekly newsletter like those shown below. Click here to find out how.  

Condominios Paraiso Tropical


Condominios Paraiso Tropical   

La Pe�ita



Five newly remodeled condos  located just 1 block from the beach and 4 blocks from town.


> Condo #8 -- First Floor Studio with street view

> Condo #9 -- First Floor Studio overlooking the pool

> Condo #12 -- Second Floor Studio with mountain view

> Condo #13 -- Second Floor 1-Bedroom with mountain view

> Condo #14 -- Second Floor 1-Bedroom overlooking the ocean 

Hacienda La Penita

Hacienda La Pe�ita   

La Pe�ita



This stunning and picturesque estate is one of the most incredible properties north of Puerto Vallarta. Must see to fully appreciate.  more

Casa Tequila Ad

Casa Tequila   

Guayabitos, Residential  



Spectacular beachfront home with large oceanfront pool, 5 spacious bedrooms, 6 private baths, and immaculately maintained property.  more >

Casa de los Pelicanos AdCasa de los Pelicanos

Guayabitos, Residential  



Classic two-story Mexican Colonial Villa, which is now an operating business. Enjoy the income, or just relax and enjoy life in paradise.  more >

Casa Maria CondoCasa Maria Condo    

Guayabitos, Playa Linda 



One of only six oceanfront condos in the Playa Linda Condo complex, making this a rare opportunity for buyers.  more >

Villas Marenas Condos Ad

Villas Marena Condos  

Los Ayala



Four beachfront condos left: 1-Bedroom+Den and 2-Bedroom suites are still available.  more >

   Thank You / Gracias
We want to THANK YOU for taking the time to read this issue of the Jaltemba Bay Life Newsletter.

We are very proud of our new website, Jaltemba Bay Life, and have been working hard to provide you with the most up-to-date and informative site for both locals and visitors to the area. We stand by our product and our commitment to the community -- that's why all fees are 100% money-back guaranteed! If you own a business, hotel or vacation rental, and/or have real estate to sell, we hope you will consider advertising on our site. You'll be listed in our directories and be seen by hundreds of locals and visitors each and every day.

We value your opinions and feedback. Please email us or post on the Jaltemba Bay Folk Forum if you've enjoyed this issue of our newsletter or if you have comments or suggestions about how we can make our community website even better!


David & Allyson (and Taco the Rescue Dog, too)

Owners, Jaltemba Bay Life