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Dana Layon Yoga News!         April 8, 2011

weekly om

Weekly Om 

The Car Ride


When you are beginning to grow in your spiritual awareness, some people who once resonated with you begin to drop away from your conscious circle.  It's nothing to be sad about or mourn or feel bad about...it's a natural progression of your own spiritual evolution.


You won't be able to talk the same language anymore.  You won't like the same things anymore.  Your interests and awareness to what is real just shifts and if you keep in mind that nothing is permanent, it's all okay!


Additionally, remember that every single person on this planet has a path.  And their path is different than yours.  Your paths can't possibly be the same....you are uniquely you and they are uniquely them!  It's the way the world works! 


This is why you work toward eliminating judgment from your thoughts.  You can't judge other people and why they make the choices they make.  Or why they do the things they do.  It's not your business. 


This is an easy process, the dropping away, when you are talking about a stranger, co-worker, distant relative or a friend that you don't see that often. They aren't in your face every single day so their choices don't affect you and your choices need not affect them.  It's simple.


However, what happens when someone close to you is staying complacent in their growth and you are spirituality alive and growing?  Then what?  Did you feel that flip in your stomach?  That's because there is a need to take action on your part, but there is fear and turmoil about what to do. 


I equate this situation to a car ride.  When this happens, do put the car in neutral, stalling your own growth, hoping they will catch up? Do you feel like you are sticking your head out the driver side window saying, "Hey, c'mon!  This is going to be fun!"  If you are doing that now, stop it.  It's self-defeating to you and demeaning to the other person.  You can't hope they will "catch up" to you. 


Maybe you put the car in reverse and back up to get them.  It's not too far back there and honestly, you love this person so it's worth the time right?  Maybe they will learn something from this simple act of kindness and self-sacrifice you just demonstrated.   ACK!  No way!  That is NOT spiritual growth - that is saying in clever way, "I am better than you and I am going to give you another chance to see it.  Now get in!" Not okay.


Consider for a moment that their path is completely different from yours.  Allow them that space to grow on their own.  Maybe they want to go down the dirt road and not get on the freeway...you don't know!


The only way to deal with this type of thing when it happens is to continue along your path. And go at a pace that is comfortable for you.  It's YOUR journey regardless of what role they have played in your life up until now.  It's THEIR journey regardless of what role you have played in their life up until now.  Stalling or reversing won't work for either of you.  Your journey may be over for this lifetime...or it may cross at certain junctions along the way. 


It just is what it is.  All spiritual growth comes with some separation.  It's okay...let go.


Dana Layon


Workshops-Book Signings

Seva Yoga Events!


The Universe IS abundant and I am inviting you now to get on the train of FUN..TRANSFORMATION..INSPIRATION..CONNECTION...


I have some really amazing events planned that include yoga...giving back...more yoga...and inspiration...and not all from me.  These events were born out of an openness and willingness to say YES and connect with other amazing people!


Check out the events and find one that works for you...


Here's a printable list but you can also go to my website and get all the details...


My favorite right now....Seva Yoga Weekend in Renton, WA...check it out and then register here


But you know....there's also the Seva Yoga class for Living Yoga and Evergreen4Kids and Link the Pink....and classes for mom and baby at Cotton Babies....


Holy heck...why choose...come to them all!  You don't have to DO anything...just show up!

Sedona Yoga Retreat 

Only two weeks left!

embrace your fears 
release your grasp on life

 allow for space to happen so you can
surrender to the natural support of the
Universe...THIS is the place to connect  

 Group rates available....see our website for details.    

Don't wait for the "right time" to do something like this for yourself.  Commit to it and move forward.  The Universe will provide when you are clear, committed and intentional.

April 28 - May 1, 2011
Breathe, Move, Awaken Yoga Retreat
Sedona, Arizona
Copyright, Bellava Ventures, LLC., 2010-2011; Please do not reproduce without permission.  Photographs courtesy of Kelly James at www.kellyjamesphoto.com
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Next book scheduled for release for April 14, 2011
Our next DR trip is planned for
June 19-29, 2011.
We would love help "on the ground" or on the trip itself.  One person CAN make a difference. 

Read all about our new
planned for the fall.
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