DEMAIL, Industry News Provided For You By DEMA
Industry News Provided By DEMA January 15, 2010
In This Issue
Join in Haitian Relief Efforts
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Numerous Options Exist for Aid During this Difficult Time
Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti has left many people in need and numerous others wondering how they can support relief efforts.  Peter Greenberg has graciously shared a helpful guide, including airline and other travel programs that are offering benefits for donating to the effort, tips for avoiding relief scams, and an extensive list of organizations that are taking donations towards aid efforts.
To access Peter's Guide:  Helping Haiti: A Guide To Helping Haitians click here.
If you're looking for additional ways to help, consider donations tied to promotions to keep customers diving. For example, Sunset House in Grand Cayman recently announced they will forego charging for shore diving tanks from 1/16-17 and instead will be asking for a minimum donation to be distributed to the Red Cross for Haiti.
There are many relief efforts going on around the globe, large and small, that need your help.  DEMA commends Denver Divers for their efforts in trying to arrange for a group of 20 doctors to be flown to a nearby destination and be transported by vessel to help with health care relief.  As of 1/15 they're still looking for an operating vessel in the area - if you're interested in providing assistance to their effort please contact Denver Divers at (303) 399-2877 or
For those interested in other non-monetary relief efforts we encourage you to view the Peter Greenberg article:  How to Help Haiti: Volunteer Opportunities and Global Relief Efforts by clicking here.
DEMA is happy to publicize your relief program on  If interested, please e-mail us details at
DEMA encourages Members and Industry Professionals to join in the relief effort any way they can.  It's during these difficult times that we can join together to help those in need and accomplish something for the greater good.