NIMBioS News
 Bi-Monthly News from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
March-April 2012 - Vol 4, Issue 2
Important Links
Report Your Results
The results produced from NIMBioS research activities are important in measuring our success. Click the button below for an online form to report publications and/or other products that have resulted from your NIMBioS activities. Click here for specific language to use in acknowledging NIMBioS in your work.


NIMBioS On the Move
Renovations are nearly complete at the new NIMBioS facilities in the Philander P. Claxton Education Building, located at 1122 Volunteer Boulevard, on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, campus. NIMBioS is expected to open for business in its new location on Monday, April 16. The new office space on the first and second floors of the building includes a tiered auditorium, two classrooms, two conference rooms, a meeting room, and a large informal break area that should all enhance the experience of the many visitors and participants in NIMBioS activities.NIMBioS is also adding improved video-conferencing and web-casting capability. To find the new location on the campus map, click here. All phone and fax numbers will remain the same.
Featured Science: Escaping parasites and pathogens

In nature, how do host species survive parasite attacks? This has not been well understood, until now. A new mathematical model shows that when a host and its parasite each have multiple traits governing their interaction, the host has a unique evolutionary advantage that helps it survive. The results are important because they might help explain how humans as well as plants and animals evolve to withstand parasite onslaught. The research, reported in the March 4 online edition of Nature, was supported by NIMBioS and the National Science Foundation. The paper was co-authored by NIMBioS postdoc Tucker Gilman; Scott Nuismer, an associate professor of biology at the University of Idaho; and former NIMBioS postdoc Tony Jhwueng. Click here to read more.   

Education Spotlight: Students Selected for Summer REU Program
REU Eighteen undergraduate students were chosen from a highly competitive pool of candidates to participate in the 2012 summer  Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at NIMBioS. The program, which runs from June 11 to August 3, provides undergrads in math, biology and related fields the chance to conduct research in teams with UT professors, NIMBioS researchers, and collaborators on projects at the interface of math and biology. The 2012 projects cover topics that range from evolution to viruses. Stipend and housing are provided. For a list of the 2012 participants, click here.
Video Feature: Interview with Dr. Jerry Sabloff
In an interview at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Jerry Sabloff, president of the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), explains how SFI researchers have used biological laws to understand the nature of cities. Dr. Sabloff, an anthropologist, was a participant in the NIMBioS Investigative Workshop on Modeling Social Complexity. NIMBioS periodically conducts video interviews with visiting scientists to hear their views on the value of mathematics in biology. To hear interviews with other visiting scientists, click here.
Upcoming Research and Training Opportunities at NIMBioS
NIMBioS and the University of Tennessee will co-host the 2012 Annual Meeting and Conference of the  Society of Mathematical Biology (SMB), to be held July 25-28 at the Knoxville Convention Center. This year's conference theme is Mathematics and Biology: Interdisciplinary Connections and Living Systems. Abstract submissions for minisymposia talks and contributed oral and poster presentations are currently being accepted. Visit the conference website and follow conference details on Twitter @MathBio2012.
September 1 is the deadline for submitting proposals for new scientific and educational activities at NIMBioS. Potential organizers of activities in areas of molecular biology, cell biology, network biology, immunology and systems biology are particularly encouraged to submit requests for support of  Working Groups or  Investigative Workshops. Application information is also available on our website for Postdoctoral Fellows,  Sabbaticals and Short-term Visitors for activities beginning spring 2013.

NIMBioS is now accepting applications from math and biology/science teachers for the Teacher Collaboration Program, which provides links between teachers, scientists, and educators with an interest in making connections between mathematics and biology. NIMBioS will pair teachers with an interest in mathematics and biology with active researchers in the math biology community. For more information about the program and an online application to request a collaborator, click here.
Upcoming Deadlines


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The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) brings together researchers from around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is funded by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

NIMBioS is located at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
1534 White Avenue, Suite 400, Knoxville, TN 37996-1527
Phone: +1 865 974 9334
Fax: +1 865 974 9300
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