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"The Bogey Man"

 By George Plimpton


-- The Best Reading Golf Books in the World --
The Bogey ManOne of the unusual facets of the game of golf is how much of our involvement with it is based on fantasy, more so than with other sports. 
For we never really believe that we can compete on a high level in football, baseball or basketball.  Our involvement with those sports is largely one of admiration for the skills of others, but with golf there is just this slight but persistent feeling that maybe the difference between the great player and ourselves is not so much skill as some quality like consistency. 
After all we sunk a thirty-foot putt in a crucial situation before...
We have slashed a drive behind the bunkers on the par-five and with an enormous bang reached the green in two...
We have scored an astonishingly low score for nine holes that left us blushing with pleasure and with the knowledge that at our very worst, we would never be over 85 again, and, if we practiced as much as the pros do, there's really no reason...
Do we believe this? 
Not quite.  But not quite not either.  But what if we were suddenly to be put to the test?

George Plimpton documented his opportunity first hand experience with this in his book "The Bogey Man" published in 1967.  Plimpton's position with Sport Illustrated afforded him the opportunity to play with the pros of the late 1960s. 

The pro today would no more spend time with the Plimptons of this world then fly to the moon, but they did then and liked was full of odd characters then, both those who played the game and those who hung around the edges of it. 
As a quirky writer, Plimpton fit right in to the eccentricity of a this sport which didn't call for strength or unusual athletic ability and was slowly catching on against all odds, and with the help of TV and Arnold Palmer, becoming a game of the masses.


Thirty-four years after the book was first published, Plimptonplimp9 wrote a new foreword for the Classics of Golf version of "The Bogey Man".



Click here to order your original copy of the Classics of Golf version today - only $25.00. 
It is just one of the sixty-nine books that make up the Classics of Golf Library.   If you already own The Bogey Man, you may enjoy one of these great other books from the Classics of Golf Library (click on the book pictures for more information):
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-- George Plimpton --

The Plimpton Project...dedicated to all things Plimpton.




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