March 2012Issue 312
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Here is your latest issue of the Small Group Network newsletter. Enjoy a variety of articles from influential leaders in the world of Small Group Ministry.
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Opening Article - SGN News

Should your groups go 'mobile'?


by Steve Gladen


Ever wondered if your training, communication, and huddles should go mobile for small groups at your church?


If you answered "No," then take a look at these stats. You may be surprised by just how prevalent mobile media is becoming.

These stats could have vast implications for the way you communicate information and training for your church. 
  • Smartphones are expected to increase from 23% of total phone shipments in 2010 to 45% in 2015. 
  • Mobile application downloads are expected to reach nearly 48 billion in 2015.
  • The number of smartphones set to rise from today's global estimate of 500 million handsets in use, to almost two billion by 2015.
  • By 2010, 73% of total mobile cellular subscriptions were from the developing world.
  • Smartphone connections to Wi-Fi hotspots will soon overtake laptops globally. Laptops now represent less than half (48%) of the connections to hotspots, smartphones account for 36 percent and tablets 10 percent.
  • Out of 6.8 billion people on the planet, 5.1 billion of them own a cell phone.


[Read full article with more stats]
In This Issue
Opening Article
Leadership Lifter
Small Group Ministry
Replenish You Soul
Small Group Network Changes
Resources For You
Group Talk
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Leadership Lifter
Rick Warren
How do you use technology & creativity to solve problems?

by Rick Warren

Many people are trying to be all things to all people. You can't really accomplish that goal. And you won't really find a client base that wants that, even though they may clamor as though they do. People want to be involved with a product or a group that is somehow different and that meets a need that they have. 


When I first started making guitars in 1973 people noticed that they were easy to play compared to other guitars...


[Read full article

Small Group Ministry
Steve Gladen
What does an elevator have to do with your small group ministry? 
by Steve Gladen

You know the drill. You are waiting for an elevator, any elevator. The door opens; you walk in, face the door, press the button and stare at the door. Everyone does the same thing. Comedians have made acts out of the goofy behavior that happens in elevators. Something else also happens. It doesn't have to do with human behavior or the people in an elevator; but the time that elapses in an elevator ride. 


It is called the elevator pitch. 


Replenish You Soul
Lance WittBeware the seduction of ambition

By Lance Witt


Ambition is a double-edged sword. When it is God-directed and Spirit-managed, it can bear tremendous fruit. When it is restrained by humility, ambition can be a powerful motivator. But when it is hijacked by self and ego, it can leave a wake of destruction in its path.


I have wrestled with this issue for most of my life.  If you have leadership gifts, you know what it is to be captivated by vision. You know what it is to have dreams of what could be. You know what it is to want to do something significant with your life.



[Read full article]
An Unsung Hero
By Steve Gladen


Because of where I work and what I do, God has positioned me too often in the public eye.  But it is often the people around me that really make things happen.  One such person has been Cheryl Shireman. But Cheryl's writing career is allowing her to pursue her lifelong dream.


On behalf of the entire SGN, I want to thank Cheryl for the countless hours of dedicated service to the Network and wish her well in her new season of ministry.


I'm excited about Ben Reed, Small Group Pastor at Grace Community Church, a multi-site six-year-old church plant in Clarksville, TN, who will be coordinating social media and communications as he oversees the SGN e-Newsletter, social media and website. You can connect with Ben via Twitter or Facebook or on his blog. 


[Read full article]
Resources For You
We recently caught up with Ron Wilbur, pastor of spiritual health at Saddleback Church, and one of the architects of the upcoming Twelve conference.


Twelve is an online conference experience that you won't want to miss. Check out our video interview.


Youtube Ron Wilbur Interview

Group Talk
Group Talk 3
Reid Smith, 3 Emerging Trends in Small Group Ministry


by Jay Daniell


Why are so many walking away from ministry these days, and what can I do to guard against it happening to me?


The first week of December... The fall Small Group season is winding down, and its a few weeks before the first of the year action begins.  Now is a great time to take a break and focus on a bit of self-health


On Tuesday, December 6th, at 12 noon Central Time, Lance Witt will be our featured guest on GroupTalk!  Lance has been called a pastor's Pastor. 

[Read full Article]

Join the SGN - Build relationships, share ideas and resources, and connect with other ministry leaders across the world!

I hope you will join us!

Steve Gladen
SGN Founder and Pastor of Small Group Community at Saddleback Church
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