February 2010
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Top Ten Christmas Movie Quotes 


by Cheryl Shireman 


As Christmas approaches our television sets are filled with Christmas movies. For better or worse, these movies have become a part of our culture, and I would bet, a part of your own family's Christmas tradition. For years, every Christmas Eve, I insisted on gathering my family together to watch It's a Wonderful Life. Eventually, the kids revolted and A Christmas Story slid into that spot. Personally, I enjoy A Christmas Story, but I don't see how anyone can prefer a kid getting his tongue stuck on a pole to Zuzu's flower petals in Jimmy Stewart's pocket. But, maybe that's just me.

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by Rick Warren

Rick Warren New 2010

In Joshua 1 God gave Joshua an impossible assignment. He said, I want you to possess the land. But in Deuteronomy 7:1 the Bible tells us in the Promised Land there were seven enemy nations, each of whom individually were larger and stronger than Israel. So in order to possess the promised land they were going to have to knock out seven major enemies. Even the Promised Land has problems.  


God never asks us to do anything without His help. He gave Joshua a five point strategy for success. That's what we're going to look at as this year ends and a new one begins -- God's strategy for success.

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Which Basin Will You Use in Your Small Group Ministry?

by Steve Gladen
Steve Gladen

Life is full of choices. Every day you have to decide countless moves. Some affect your legacy. Your attitude through each choice is as important if not more important. Peter faced many choices. Some were good, some were not. When Christ was under arrest, Peter made a poor decision and denied Christ three times. In John 21 Peter made a good choice and accepted the call to ministry by reiterating three times he loved Christ and loved what He loved.

by Steve Gladen

Pass these tips along to your small group leaders and help 250 Big Ideas (Steve's Tips)them to bring health and balance to their small groups and your small group ministry!


Fellowship - To get to know about each group member's family, ask them to draw stick figure pictures of the people in their family. On your sample, have Mom and Dad stand taller  

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By Lance Witt 

I love going into model homes. But not for the reason you might think. I likeStressed Man them because they're a clutter-free zone. No trash, no piles, no stacks. The kitchen counters aren't littered with small appliances and week-old bananas. For neat freaks, model homes are utopia.

The problem with a model home is that it's an illusion. Families create messes. Model homes aren't real life. That's the way I often feel about the topic of simplicity. The image of an uncluttered, ordered life sounds great, but it just doesn't seem like real life.

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Books, websites, and videos of interest to those directing Resources for Yousmall group ministries.

Group Talk: Lance Witt, Four Habits to Maintain Spiritual Health


by Jay Daniell


Why are so many walking away from ministry these days, and what can I do to guard against it happening to me?


The first week of December... The fall Small Group season is winding down, and its a few weeks before the first of the year action begins.  Now is a great time to take a break and focus on a bit of self-health


On Tuesday, December 6th, at 12 noon Central Time, Lance Witt will be our featured guest on GroupTalk!  Lance has been called a pastor's Pastor. 

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Contact Editor - Cheryl Shireman, Small Group Network Coordinator at cheryls@saddleback.com