February 2010
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Looking for an inspirational and economical way to take your small group ministry from incremental to exponential?

Connect your church into community and your community to your church!

There is still time to register for this exciting conference. Saddleback Church is bringing a new concept in small group conferences to a city near you. April will find us in Nashville! "Community U" is a comprehensive, two-day small group conference with tracks for everyone in your small group ministry. There are three different tracks for Small Group Pastors, as well as an inspirational "gathering day" for Small Group Leaders.
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by Rick Warren

Rick Warren New 2010Last month we began looking at the biblical principles of leadership. We looked at the principle of identification. This month we will continue our journey by looking at two more: Clarification and Motivation.
2. Clarification. Know what I want to accomplish. I must know what I want to accomplish. I must clarify what God has called me to do in life.
This is so important because the direction of your life is your choice. If you don't like the direction your life is headed right now, change it. Nobody's holding a gun to your head. Nobody's making you a victim. Nobody's forcing you to go a certain way. If you don't like the direction you're headed right now, change it.
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Twelve Tips for a Successful Campaign 
by Steve Gladen

Steve Gladen NewA lot of people have written about our Campaign Strategy, but let me give you look behind the curtain. Having lived through nine Campaigns (running point on five) in my twelve years as Small Group Pastor here at Saddleback Church, I have discovered a strategy is only as good as the foundation and follow-through. As they say, the devil is in the details. When you do one of our Saddleback Church Campaigns (found at http://www.saddlebackresources.com/en-US/Campaigns/CampaignOverview.htm), it comes with full instructions on how to do the Campaign from start to finish. The instructions explain what type of teams you need to develop, and provides a calendar timeline and training DVD's.
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by Steve Gladen

250 Big Ideas (Steve's Tips) How can you encourage your groups to become healthy and balanced? How about providing them with suggestions for balancing the biblical purposes? Pass these on to your Small Group Leaders as ways to promote balance and encourage your groups to go beyond the meeting!
Fellowship - Communicate to group members via Internet. Consider having an enewsletter or Facebook page to keep people updated on each other's lives, remind members what to study next, notify members of any details about the next meeting, report prayer requests and praises, and provide group members an opportunity to share news with other members.
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by Reid Smith

Can technology help Small Group Ministry Point Leaders build community? Do you see it as something that enhances or competes with what you do?

If you're hesitant, skeptical, or even curious - wondering how to use technology to grow biblical community - then I hope this article will help you envision possibilities of what you could do using tools that have never been available until now.

Today, there are more people connected online than ever before. The use of technology is on the rise all around the world. Each new generation uses more types of technology to communicate and connect.

Small Group Studies Bookshelf

Looking for a small group study? We feature new material every month.

Books, websites, and videos of interest to those directing small group ministries.
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Steve Gladen
Steve Gladen

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Questions, comments, or suggestions?
Contact Editor - Cheryl Shireman, PDSG Network Coordinator at cheryls@saddleback.com