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Welcome to My Mortgage Broker


In this final issue for 2010 - reminder of mortgage rule changes that really don't impact you as much as you might think, economic update and some Christmas stuff.

Feel free to email or call me with any questions and PLEASE PASS ON THIS INFORMATION to anyone you know that could benefit - sharing is a good thing.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
You have options

New Mortgage Rules
What did they really mean to you?

Now that the dust has settled from the mortgage rule changes of April 2010 - let's see what they really meant to you.  In many cases - with the guidance of your broker - the rules were not a major issue for many consumers.  Many of my clients were still able to purchase a home, rental property or refinance.

I hope this simple summary will help. Please feel free to pass it on.

IMPORTANT - the government changes effected high ratio mortgages (people borrowing with less than 20% down payment or equity).

First time home buyers were still buying with 5% down and some cash back mortgages.

Investors were still buying with 20% down payment.

If you were buying or refinancing your home with less than 20% down payment or equity in your home the new rules require you must qualify for a variable rate at the Bank of Canada benchmark rate (currently 5.19%). If you are buying or refinancing with 20% or more down or equity in your home you can qualify at the 3 year rate(currently 3.69%). So for some people this was not a deal breaker.  Worst case - they did not qualify for variable and took the great low 5 year fixed rates in the mid 3% range.

If you were refinancing your home? You could refinance your home to 90% of the appraised value? If you are self employed that limit is 85%.

If you are purchasing a rental property with 20% or more down how do you qualify?

It depends on the lender and how many rental properties you own. As an example, if you own a rental property and purchasing a new home to live in, you can still offset 70-80% of the rental income -whether you have 20% down on the new home or not. Example - if you collect $1000 in rent and pay $1000 in mortgage payments you can offset $700+ per month of the rent for a net of $300 per month as monthly debt on the rental). Some lenders have different guidelines and will consider if you have other assets, good credit and net worth. Your broker can help you package the deal with the right lender.

If you were buying a home with a basement suite can you include the rental income?

Regardless if you are buying with 20% down or less, you can allocate that rental income to help you qualify for the mortgage.  In some cases it makes all the difference.

Are you self-employed?

The rules set by CMHC effected those with more than 3 years of business for self income.  However, since the rule change other insurers have made adjustments and we have more options for self-employed people.  Ask me for details.

Mortgage Plans for your lifestyle
Client - Building rental portfolio for future income

Roger and Grace own their home in Vancouver where they live with their two teen-age children.  They wanted to plan ahead to buy three rental properties that would provide equity to help their children buy their first homes in a few years and to provide additional income for their retirement in 10-15 years.

We discussed in detail their plans to ensure we set up the most efficient and cost effective mortgage plan for them.  By using the equity in their home they purchased 2 houses and one condo in the lower mainland.  They used 20% down for each via equity in their home and accessed lenders with workable rental guidelines to maximize the rental income and good low mortgage rates for 3-5 years on the rental properties. With access to a variety of lenders, Roger and Grace could choose which options were best for them rather than relying on limits of their bank. 

Now they can move on to enjoy time with their children knowing they have appreciating assets working for them and peace of mind for the future.  It was my pleasure to help them towards that goal for their family. 

More Educational Opportunities in 2011

Over the course of 2010 I used my blog and e-newsletter to keep in touch with my clients (current and future) and referral partners.  I also made several presentations at events and provided educational workshops for the public and for specific client's of local realtors'.  In 2011 I will continue to expand my communications to ensure you receive timely information on the economy, market conditions, mortgage financing and other valuable information to share with you, your friends and family.

If you have any events at your workplace or through and association that is looking for a speaker, please get in touch with me at (604-813-8402) or email me (pauline@mybcmortgage.ca).  I welcome the opportunity to bring value to your event.

Pauline's Picks

There are a few charitable organizations listed here if you are wondering where you can help this holiday season.  Personally I like to give to the Food Bank because for every dollar you donate - they get 3 times the food from local stores such as Safeway, etc.  So your dollar can go a long way to help a family enjoy Christmas. 
                   Volume 3
Issue:: 12
    Dec 2010
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Bank of Canada
Prime - remains at 3.00%. 

Bond Yields - Fixed rates stabilize.

5-year fixed rates are effected in part by the bond yield. This happens because of the gap between the bond yield and fixed rates.

5 year bond yields -.01 bps to 2.42. Fixed rates in the comfort zone.  Economists predict rates will remain low due to US market - dependent on bond yields.

Best fixed rates still available.  Call Pauline for details.
  My Money Coach

Check out this excellent resource for money saving and budget tips.
Success Story

  How do you find the extra money each month to pay down your mortgage?

As an independant mortgage broker I help my clients to establish a plan of action to help achieve their financial and life goals. 

I have helped many people to identify sources of income to pay down their mortgage.  By working with a tax planning specialist or financial planner we help determine tax savings opportunities.  Remember - it's not what you make - it's what you keep.

I recently helped a client set up their mortgage to buy a revenue property with $350 per month cash flow.  They applied the additional income to their home mortgage saving thousands of dollars in interest costs and they will be mortgage free 5 years sooner.  In addition we set up a debt swap with the financial planner and they will save a few thousand dollars in taxes.

Ask me how?  .

TheMortgageCenterLogoPauline Tonkin
   The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage
101 - 566 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam BC
Phone: 604-813-8402