Rotary Emblem

Aberdeen Rotary Club Newsletter               April 3, 2012

2011-12 theme logo


Meetings: Wednesdays, 12:00 PM, at the  Rotary Log Pavilion, 1399 Sargent Blvd., Aberdeen, WA.


Club No. 56, Organized April 1, 1920
District #5020 

Jennifer Sturm, President
Alex Kluh, Past President 
Liz Anderson, President Elect 
Travis Hoppe, Vice President
Kurtis Dawson, Secretary
Doug Twibell, Treasurer
Ed Brewster, Director 
Patrick Farwell, Director
Gary Morean, Director
Noreen Sampson, Director


Board Meetings are held at 7am.  on the second Wednesday of every month at Duffy's Restaurant in Aberdeen.  Any member who wishes to attend is welcome.  Attendance at a Board Meeting constitutes a makeup meeting.  



        Tom Miller - 2nd

Brandon Barnes - 5th

Steve Steinman - 6th

Mike Murphy - 12th

Bill Wolfenbarger - 12th

April Heikkila - 18th

Gary Nelson - 19th

Sheri Nelson - 19th

Mike Spencer - 21st

Jim Boora - 24th

Nina Morean - 29th

Rich Hole - 30th




Thank you in advance for your birthday checks!


Our Sponsors
Visit Our Sponsor
Sunny 102 FM
Visit Our Sponsor

Mar 31, 2012 - Apr 01, 2012


RI convention - Bangkok 
May 06, 2012 - May 09, 2012


District Conference - Victoria
Jun 22, 2012 - Jun 24, 2012

Sunny 102
Visit Our Sponsor
Do you have news you'd like to share with the club?
Email it to:
Newsletter Editor
Save a stamp!!!
Bring your RSVP card to the meeting this week and enter to win a drawing. 
2012 Auction Theme

Rotary iconMeeting Programs

April 4th Meeting - Aberdeen Fire Department
AFDept logoMembers of the Aberdeen Fire Department will tell us almost all you need to know about making your home or business safer with smoke detectors.  They will have examples of appropriate detectors and important information you should know to have a safer home or workplace.  If you have a member of your family or someone from work that needs to also know these important things,  be sure to invite them.  Remember, lunch is $10.00 for guests.


Rotary iconClub News

Auction News

Invitations to the auction were mailed last week. Early birds who bring their RSVP card in with payment to this week's meeting will be entered into a drawing. If there is someone you think should receive an invitation send name and address to  

It's getting down to the wire for you to make your auction donation. All members participate in the auction with a donation so get yours in now if you have not already done so.  
You can download a donation form here. 


We still need folks to help with decorations and setup. If you would like to help out on the auction call/text Travis Hoppe at 580-1143. 

Get a Fine Exempt card by being a Company Advisor at Aberdeen Rotary Business Week 
You dan be rewarded with a Special "E" card for the rest of Jennifer's term.  Just volunteer as a Company Advisor for the upcoming Aberdeen Rotary Business Week. The time commitment for CA's is orientation on April 12th from 1-4 PM and Business Week from 7:30 or 8:00 AM to 3:15 PM Monday to Friday, April 16th to 20th.

If you are interested in representing Rotary and your business as a Company Advisor, send the form below to Lynn Green at

Aberdeen Rotary Business Week Application

Rotary iconDates to remember

April 4th - Auction Committee, after the regular meeting (recurring every week) 

April 11th - Board meeting - 7am Duffy's Restaurant. Members are welcome to attend

April 27th - Auction setup - GHC HUB

April 28th - 42nd Annual Auction 

Rotary iconDistrict News

March District Newsletter

Some articles in this issue:   

  • Literacy in Malawi-And Here At Home by District Governor David Stocks
  • Campbell River Daybreak Donates To Jenecee Place
  • Fund Raising On A Small Scale
  • International Fellowship of Rotarian Photographers
  • Plus many more