Rotary Emblem

Aberdeen Rotary Club Newsletter                  December 13, 2011

Please remember to bring a new children's book for the Reading Tree to this week's meeting. See more details below. 

2011-12 theme logo


Meetings: Wednesdays, 12:00 PM, at the  Rotary Log Pavilion, 1399 Sargent Blvd., Aberdeen, WA.


Club No. 56, Organized April 1, 1920
District #5020 

Jennifer Sturm, President
Alex Kluh, Past President 
Liz Anderson, President Elect 
Travis Hoppe, Vice President
Kurtis Dawson, Secretary
Doug Twibell, Treasurer
Ed Brewster, Director 
Patrick Farwell, Director
Gary Morean, Director
Noreen Sampson, Director


Board Meetings are held at 7am.  on the second Wednesday of every month at Duffy's Restaurant in Aberdeen.  Any member who wishes to attend is welcome.  Attendance at a Board Meeting constitutes a makeup meeting.  


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           Jeff Cook - 5th

Dennis Colwell - 7th
Debbie Gorman - 9th
Mark Van Hemert -12th
Jack Porter - 14th
Eric Nelson - 20th
Rick Scott - 23rd
Jaymee McMeekin - 24th
Randy Dennis - 26th




Thank you in advance for your birthday checks!



District Calendar of Events
Pacific Northwest PETS 
Mar 09, 2012 - Mar 11, 2012


Mar 31, 2012 - Apr 01, 2012


RI convention - Bangkok 
May 06, 2012 - May 09, 2012


District Conference - Victoria
Jun 22, 2012 - Jun 24, 2012
Do you have news you'd like to share with the club?
Email it to:
Newsletter Editor

Rotary iconMeeting Programs

December 14th - Jerry Handfield, Washington State Archivist
Jerry Handfield

Jerry Handfield was appointed Washington State Archivist by Secretary of State Sam Reed in 2001. He was recruited from Indiana where he served as State Archivist for 14 years. He will speak about his work at the Archives and then touch upon some of the interesting holdings of Grays Harbor


Jerry earned his BA at Yankton College in South Dakota and his MA at the University of SD.  In 1967, he entered Indiana University for the doctoral program in history.  His dissertation and master's thesis focused on 20th century American foreign policy.  Jerry's career includes many years of teaching college level history courses, fieldwork for the Indiana State Library, and the Indiana Historical Society.   


Jerry enjoys traveling throughout Washington State and sharing his knowledge on the importance of establishing partnerships to preserve electronic records. His many speaking engagements touch on the importance of public records, open government, and the renowned Digital Archives.

December 21st - Christmas at the Mansion
Laurie Maricle ,the President of the Board of Trustees of the State of Washington Governors Mansion  Foundation will discuss the history of the mansion.  Ray Kahler, local attorney and talented musician, will present Christmas music, accompanied by Merry Jo Zimmer.

Rotary iconClub News

Rotary Club Supports Annual Book Drive 
photo of child reading a book

Please remember to bring a new children's book to this week'smeeting. Support the annual Reading Tree book drive with your donation. 


With your generous contribution of a new, unwrapped children's book, we can make this holiday a bit brighter for our area's children who may not otherwise receive any books at all for Christmas.  


The club will be matching your donations with a $400 grant to the book drive.  You can help match this with a cash donation or you may purchase a book that Chris Peck will have available. Please bring your book donations to the December 14th meeting.


Thanks to the Dictionary Team
Many thanks to the Rotarians who worked on this year's dictionary distribution. Top Opstad and Noreen Sampson coordinated efforts at the school district and schools; Patrick Farwell supervised ordering and scheduling; Travis Hoppe, Kurtis Dawson
Joy Beard, Jeff Cook, Peter Scroggs, Josh Steel, Rachel Lebon, Alex Kluh, Bill Crawford
Rich Hole, Jennifer Sturm and Noreen Sampson passed out books at the schools. 


From our Rotary Archives
A huge thanks to fellow Rotarian and Aberdeen Police Chief, Bob Torgerson for recently donating to our Archive Collection over a dozen Rotary Rosters dating from the 1960's and early 70's.


With these additions we have an almost complete set of Rosters dating back to 1960.. We are not yet sure when the first rosters were printed..  Aberdeen Rotary was founded in 1920.  We are still looking for rosters from 1968,69,72,77,80,81,88,89,90,91 93,94 and 95.  If you have any of these and are willing to add them to our collection,  please let Patrick Farwell know..