Rotary Emblem

Aberdeen Rotary Club Bulletin

                                                                  May 3, 2011

RI 2010-11 Theme


Meetings: Wednesdays, 12:00 PM, at the  Rotary Log Pavilion, 1399 Sargent Blvd., Aberdeen, WA.


Club No. 56, Organized April 1, 1920
District #5020 

Alex Kluh, President
Sheri Nelson, Past President 
Jennifer Sturm, President Elect 
Travis Hoppe, Vice President
Kurtis Dawson, Secretary
Doug Twibell, Treasurer
Liz Anderson, Director 
Ed Brewster, Director
Patrick Farwell, Director 
Josh Steele, Director

Board Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month directly following the regular noon meeting at the Log Pavilion. Any member who wishes to attend is welcome.   


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Bob Torgerson  -  1st

Mike Curry  - 2nd

Ken Hunt - 7th

Doug Twibell - 26th


And thank you in advance for your birthday checks!



Do you have news you'd like to share with the club?
Email it to:
Newsletter Editor

Rotary iconMeeting Programs

Quattro de Mayo!

Don't miss this week's meeting. Fellowship, fun, and a surprise program!

Rotary iconAberdeen Rotary News

Three new members proposed...
Rachel Lebon is a Business Developer with Express Employment Professionals. She has been active on the A&D Committee for United Way and as an Ambassador for the GH Chamber of Commerce. She is sponsored by Karrie Hartmann.
Brandon Barnes is the Aberdeen Branch Manager for Anchor Bank. He has been active in the Chamber of Commerce, AHS Business Week and as a youth basketball coach. He is sponsored by Brett Nielsen.
Doug Cotton is the Lead Pastor with Harbor City Church and is sponsored by Josh Steele
Any comments concerning the proposed membership of the above may be directed to President Alex Kluh.

Don't miss your chance to have a say
The incoming Board of Directors is asking for your input for the new Rotary year that starts July 1st. If you have not already done so, please use the following link to complete the survey. All responses are confidential and will help set the direction for the club's activities for the coming year. 

Aberdeen Rotary Member Survey

Installation dinner date announced
Mark your calendar now for the annual Installation Dinner to be held at the Log Pavilion on June 29th. This evening event will take the place of the regular noon meeting. Invitations with rsvp information will be mailed soon. 


Rotary iconDistrict 5020 News

Mackenzie Smith named Student of the Month for April 

Macjenzie Smith

Makenzie has earned 10 varsity letters in soccer, basketball, and track, and she served as captain in all those sports.  She has received the Coaches, Most Inspirational, 100% Blue and Gold, MVP, and Top Scholar awards.  She has competed at state-level track competitions, earned the soccer All League Defensive MVP, and played on the All State second team.  Makenzie was also a part of the Captains' Council, which encourages better team unity and sportsmanship.  The AHS HS Varsity soccer team received its first-ever League Good Sportsmanship award this year.

Makenzie's other school activities include helping with the AHS Renaissance Action Team (RAT), which recognizes, promotes, and rewards hard work, citizenship, and excellence amongst AHS staff and students.  RAT organizes the annual People's Choice Awards, the annual Renaissance Car Show, and a Relay for Life team.  Makenzie also plays piano with the AHS Jazz Band, and she is part of the Concert/Wind Ensemble.

Makenzie has a 3.99 GPA and is ranked 2 of 173.  She will be attending Columbia Basin College to complete her AA degree.  She then intends to transfer to Brigham Young University to complete studies in Construction Management.

Makenzie is the daughter of Mark and Cindy Smith.


District 5020 Newsletter

Articles in this issue

  • Passionate About Rotary: Becoming a Better Rotarian by District Governor Bob Martin
  • Mark Hoppen Will Launch District's New Generations Avenue of Service
  • Cumberland Rotarians Make First Installment On $10,000 Commitment to Victoria's Jeneece Place
  • A Letter From 5020's Global Scholar
  • Japanese Rotarians, RI Launch Response
  • Plus many more


Contribute to Rotary's $200 Million Challange
Photo of Rotary Coin Boxes

Rotary's $200 Million Challenge is the Rotary Foundation's response to the two grants totaling $355 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help eradicate polio.

When you fill a coin box, every dollar given to PolioPlus will be counted toward the $200 million match, which must be completed by 30 June 2012.

Coin boxes are available at our noon meetings and can be turned in to Sheri Nelson or Doug Twibell.