Rotary Emblem

Aberdeen Rotary Club Bulletin

                                    June 15, 2010
Prime Rib dinner catered by O'Briens.$20 per person. Please RSVP with payment by June 23rd.
Mail to Kurtis Dawson, GHYMCA, 2500 Simpson Ave., Hoquiam, WA. 98550.
Call 537-9622 x111 or email
RI 2010-11 Theme

Meetings: Wednesdays, 12:00 PM, at the  Rotary Log Pavilion,

1399 Sargent Blvd.,Aberdeen, WA.
Club No. 56, Organized April 1, 1920
District 5020 

Sheri Nelson, President
Alex Kluh, President Elect 
Jennifer Sturm, Vice President
Gloria Brown, Secretary
Fred Thurman, Treasurer
Liz Anderson, Director 
Ed Brewster, Director
Gary Morean, Director
Josh Steele, Director
Board Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 am at Duffy's Restaurant. Any member who wishes to attend is welcome.   

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Tim Martin - 10th

Garett Folkers - 14th

Jerry Shaw - 14th

Ed Brewster - 15th

Erin Denadel - 18th

John Forrester - 26th

Travis Hoppe - 27th

Larry Kahl - 29th

Jim Brennan - 29th

Marc Tomlinson - 30th


Illustration of birthday cake. 

Do you have news you'd like to share with the club?
Email it to:
Newsletter Editor

Rotary iconMeeting Programs

June Meetings at St Andrews
The wall repair project for the Log Pavilion is taking place this month.  Our meetings are being held  at St. Andrews Episcopal Church.  
June 16th
Steve Hefley
Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad
Steve will talk about the railroad that has become more important to commerce in Grays Harbor over the past several years.
June 23rd
Kellie Daniels
Grays Harbor Chamber of Commerce
The Grays Harbor Chamber of Commerce has several hundred members, and conducts regular Business Forums and other events, including the new Expo Grays Harbor. Kellie Daniels is Chair of the Board, and will be here to share the Chamber's successes and  challenges.
June 30th
Noon meeting cancelled - Installation Banquet at 6 pm at GHC HUB.
Don't forget to adjust your calendar for the change in time for the June 30th meeting.
You should have received your RSVP card in the mail this week.  A fabulous dinner will be cooked up by chef John O'Brien. The program will be short but the fun will continue as long into the
evening as we want.

Rotary iconAberdeen Rotary News

Log Pavilion Repairs Near Completion 
 Work to repair the log pavilion continues and is expected to be completed slightly ahead of schedule.
The exterior has been blasted with water and ground walnut shells to strip the old varnish.  A new coating of preservative will be applied.

Three logs in the southeast corner were partially replaced.  
Upcoming Date Reminders 
June 30th - Installation Banquet at the Grays Harbor College HUB
2010-2011 Board and Chairs

President Elect Alex Kluh has announced the following persons to serve as Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs. If you are interested in serving, please contact Alex.


President:                   Alex Kluh

President Elect:        Jennifer Sturm

Vice President:          Travis Hoppe

Past President:          Sheri Nelson

Secretary:                   Kurtis Dawson

Treasurer:                    Doug Twibell

Directors:                     Ed Brewster, Patrick Farwell,

                                       Josh Steele, Liz Anderson


Committee Chairs:

Community Service:          Ed Brewster

Newsletter/PR:                    Jennifer Sturm

Rotary International:         Josh Steele

Fundraising:                          Patrick Farwell

Programs:                              Karrie Hartman

Fellowship/ Membership   Liz Anderson

& Attendance