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Heartflame-Reiki Newsletter
Fall NewsletterOctober/November 2010
In This Issue
Book Shelf
Jade Buddha for Universal Peace
Healing Waters
Aunty Aka
Reiki Master/Teacher Training
On Our Bookshelf
Jesus and the Essenes

Quick Links
Jade Buddha in SacramentoJade Buddha of Universal Peace 
We attended ceremonies for the Jade Buddha of Universal Peace at the Kim Quang Temple in Sacramento in October.  The Jade Buddha was carved from a huge gem quality piece of jade mined in Canada and carved in Thailand.  The Buddha has been blessed by the Dalai Lama and is traveling around the world to various Buddhist temples to bring the message and energy of universal peace around the globe.  We visited the Buddha twice and participated in the Flower and LIght service.  The large 8 foot Buddha was surrounded by 2,000 paper flower lanterns containing lit votives. The peaceful energy was in sharp contrast to the busy Arden area where the temple is located.  Although the Jade Buddha has left the area, it will return to northern Calfornia later next year.  View photos of the Buddha and the event  and  Learn more about the Jade Buddha and its mission.
Moku Ola Healing Pond Healing Waters 
A theme that has been cropping up throughout the year has been the power of water to heal.  On our trip to Hawaii we visited the sacred pool on Coconut Grove in a park in Hilo.  The pool is unmarked, but has a series of steps that you can walk down into the shallow pool.  There the mix of sea water and a fresh spring create a tingling sensation on the skin, much like lots of tiny pin pricks.  We waded in and enjoyed the energy of the water.  The Hawaiian name for the sacred pool is Mokuola.  We also traveled to the Eastern Sierra to enjoy the Grover Hot Springs near Markleeville.  Grover Hot Springs are located in a state park and are a pretty easy drive from Sacramento.  A lovely meadow surrounds the springs and lots of families go there to hike.  They offer changing rooms and a cooler pool for a contrast.  On the day we went a large group of elders from the Sacramento Hmong community were there for a soak.  After they left a large group of Russian families joined us.  The hot springs have a mix of many minerals and the temperature is like a warm bath (no sulpher smell).  Mary Lynn's shoulder had been hurting for several days after a  session with her trainer.  At the end of our 30 minute soak, the pain was gone and didn't return. There are also "wild" hot springs in the area around Bridgeport. The group of hot springs called Travertine  are a good "wild springs" option.  They are free, but often crowded.  Due to seismic activity the temperture there can change quickly and it's best to test it out before hopping in. For guidebooks to help locate California hot springs visit:
Haleaka Iolani Pule Aunty Aka 
This summer we had the opportunity to take a Ho'oponopono workshop with Haleaka Iolani Pule (Aunty Aka).  The concept of Ho'oponopono is a method of seeking forgiveness for everything ever done by your ancestors that might have hurt, harmed or destroyed any life force in the past and seeking forgiveness for those who have done your ancestors harm, releasing them fully from the ties of karma.  Creating a clean slate and making things right.  The workshop was a very powerful healing process.  And at the end of the day, we all went to the Yuba River to wash away the negative thoughts and deeds that had been released.  (Again the power of water to heal.)  Aunty Aka lives on the Big Island of Hawaii and her family have been the keepers of the Hikiau Heiau (temple) at Napo'opo'o for hundreds of years. 
Healing Hands GraphicReiki Master/Teacher Training 
We will offer the Master/Teacher level training in Reiki on Saturday, November 27th from 9 am to 4 pm at the Creative and Healing Arts Center, 2862 Arden Way, Suite 215a, Sacramento.  Register for this class.

Upcoming Events


Reiki Master/Teacher Training

November 27, 2010


A Valentine's Gift:  Soul Mates and Twin Souls

February, 2011

Contact Info
Heartflame-Reiki Energy Healing
Mary Lynn Perry and Bill Taylor