Autumn Foliage: Ginkgo Green to Gold
Visit Greenwood Avenue in November
The cool, crisp mornings and recent rains have cued the last stage before some of our trees go dormant until spring. Neighborhood trees are just beginning their show of autumn colors, giving all of us a reason to get outside, rake leaves, and enjoy the fresh air.
And right now, nature is working a particular magic on Palo Alto's Greenwood Avenue, between Newell and Hutchinson near the Community Center. As the Ginkgo trees lining the street prepare for winter, their fan shaped leaves turn from green to a spectacularly vivid yellow-gold.
by Matt Ritter, "The Trees Among Us.
"We moved into our house on Greenwood in the spring and just thought the trees were nice," said resident Bruce Gee. "Then, in the fall when the leaves changed, we had a golden surprise. Another surprise was the 'golden rain' that falls when the wind blows the leaves off of the trees."
For the family, which includes his wife Jane and children Kirby and Keri, Bruce said it's part of their late fall ritual. "When the leaves fall, we rake them into piles, young kids play in the piles, then the City does a great job picking up the leaves. We will always have great memories of the fall on Greenwood, thanks to the Ginkgos."
As you can see from this recent photo, the peak of color is about to happen. Check Canopy's Facebook page for weekly updates during the month of November on the status of the changing leaves on Greenwood.
When in the neighborhood, perhaps at the Main Library on Newell, Rinconada, or at the Junior Museum, allow time for your own private tree walk on Greenwood. It may be the best gift you give yourself this fall.
Article was researched and prepared by Nancy Peterson, a Canopy Board Advisor and longtime environmental leader in our community.
Thank you, Volunteers, for planting trees NeighborWoods Month Total = 77 new trees!
This October, Canopy hosted three planting events attended by more than 300 volunteers as part of the Alliance for Community Trees NeighborWoods Month! Together we planted 77 trees at East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy and in the Barron Park Neighborhood of Palo Alto.
On October 8th and 15th we planted 65 new shade trees with 190 volunteers, transforming the newly opened East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy campus. Schools with trees boast higher scholastic achievements, reduced mental and physical health issues like depression and asthma, and a more positive sense of place and community. (Photos)
On October 29th Canopy partnered with the Barron Park Green Team to plant 12 trees with 35 volunteers in their Neighborhood. We thank Barb MacKraz for her organizing efforts, and Gino Segna, City of Palo Alto Tree Section Program Manager for his help in making this planting possible. (Photos)
Soleenic, a local solar/wind energy company, also joined our planting in Barron Park. Soleenic recently partnered with Canopy to offer a "Watts for Trees" program. Soleenic will donate $50 to Canopy to purchase a tree for every Kilo Watt (KW) of solar and wind energy they install. To date, Soleenic has installed 8KW and planted 8 young trees!
We are extremely grateful to all of the volunteers who joined us through NeighborWoods Month. Together we have made a significant impact in our local community, and we would not be able to do it without your support!
T'is the Season to Seed Acorns From little acorns mighty oaks grow
A third of Canopy's 1,000 trees along the East Palo Alto sound walls were seeded from acorns and other seeds in 2007. Today some have already reached 25 feet in height!
Seeding locally found acorns is the best way to establish climate adapted oaks. Learn how to collect and plant acorns from this Mercury News article by Contra Costa Master Gardener Earlene Millier.
The green tubes on the photo are Tubex shelters that Canopy installed to protect the acorns and seedlings and to act as mini green houses.
A Toast to the Urban Forest Exhibit An evening of art, trees, music, & refreshments
On October 27th, Canopy gathered 65 donors and volunteers for an evening of art, trees, music, and refreshments to offer a 'toast' on the last night of the Pacific Art League's Urban Forests exhibit.
Thanks to the Left Bank Trio for filling the room with music, and the Pacific Art League for filling the room with art! We especially thank Ric Ambrose for organizing this juried exhibition of tree-inspired art, and Mark Linton for lending his bartending expertise.
Tree Walks - Coming to a
neighborhood near you!
Please join us for our FREE Arborist-led Tree Walks. We gather every month on the second Saturday from 10AM to noon. Click here to sign up
Nov. 12th - Downtown North
Dec. 10th - Greenmeadow
Jan. 14th - Gamble Garden
Click the above links to see the self-guided Tree Walks. To request a brochure email or call 650-964-6110 x4.
Planting Leaders Needed
November 11 - Veterans Day
Last year, Veterans joined Canopy volunteers to plant 11 trees at the VA in Menlo Park. We need 5 Planting Leaders to help us plant trees this year.
Veterans Day 11/11/11 VA Palo Alto
9:00 to Noon
This is an inspiring and highly impactful planting project. Planting trees is a way to remember the past, build hope for the future, and improve the environment for recovering Veterans. Please contact Michael Hawkins.
Thanks Woodside Priory!
90 students care for trees
Canopy hosted 90 students from Woodside Priory School for a combined education and tree care project at East Palo Alto's Green Oaks and Cesar Chavez Academies.
Students joined Michael Hawkins for a talk about the importance of trees, and worked with volunteer Fred Nichols and Estefani Morales, Canopy's new Program Assistant, to remove weeds add mulch, and care for our recently planted young trees! Thanks Woodside Priory for coming out to help another school!
Update on "George"
816 Cowper Street Oak
The fate of the heritage oak nicknamed "George" by neighborhood residents is still uncertain. Deemed hazardous and slated for removal in early September, it underwent major pruning to reduce immediate risk. City crews excavated the tree's roots to inspect them. The conditions of the roots led to further concerns. The City has retained expert arborist Barrie Coate to evaluate it. Barrie will report to the City on the tree's condition and will formulate recommendations.
Update: Greer Park trees
30 trees for replacement
At a community outreach meeting on October 18, the City staff presented a removal and replacement plan for 33 dead or problematic trees at Greer Park. Three of these can and will be kept; the others will be replaced with species that can withstand the hard conditions in the park. See this article for more information.
Sponsorship Highlight: ACE Palo Alto
Thank you ACE Palo Alto for supporting Canopy's programs with donated tools!