Show your support for local trees. Become a member or renew your membership with Canopy today!
Upcoming Events
Canopy has a number of plantings coming up. Within the next six weeks Canopy will plant more than 180 trees, and we need your help to make it possible.
On February 26, join us as we plant 21 trees at the Palo Alto Little League.
On March 12, come out and help us plant trees at Eleanor Pardee Park. See article. This event will include activities for the family.
On March 19, we will be conducting a Planting Leader Training for a large planting in East Palo Alto the next week.
On March 26, Planting Leaders are needed to support a massive tree planting project at Green Oaks Academy.
To participate contact Michael Hawkins at or call 650-964-6110 x1.
Seeking Office Support
Canopy is looking for a few friendly folks to help around the office with little tasks and chores.
Volunteers work closely with staff in a fun and dynamic office, or from home if preferred.
Check out our volunteer needs and contact Elliott Wright with your interests.
Sponsor Highlight:
Thank you CalFire for supporting Canopy's tree programs!