Canopy Masthead
Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities.
In This Update
City Conducts Street Tree Survey
Double Your Gift! Support Canopy by June 30th!
Young Tree Care Survey
Mark Your Calendar:
2nd Saturday of every month from 10AM-12PM. Rain or shine. Free.
June 12: Greenmeadow (below)
July 10: West Bayshore
August 14: Crescent Park
September 11: College Terrace
October 9: Southgate
November 13: Barron Park
December 11: South of Forest

Details at the Canopy Calendar.

July 14 & 17: Palo Alto Young Tree Care Survey. 

Tree Walk this Saturday:
Canopy's free Tree Walks provide informative, guided tours of the trees in our neighborhoods.  John McClenahan will lead our upcoming Tree Walk this weekend:

Date: Saturday, June 12
Time: 10am to Noon
Location: Greenmeadow (Map)

Come treat yourself to some fresh air, a healthy walk and a new perspective.  Visit our Greenmeadow Tree Walk for more details or call Canopy at 650-964-6110 x2.

Ceremony: Betty Meltzer Memorial Highway

Betty Meltzer (1939-2008)

On Friday, May 28th, dozens gathered to honor the life of Betty Meltzer, and her work on the Trees for El Camino project. To honor Betty, CalTrans stood alongside State and City Officials to dedicate a portion of Highway 82 (El Camino Real) from Page Mill to Sanfrancisquito Creek, as the "Betty Meltzer Memorial Highway." 

"Betty, I believe, understood something important about trees...Trees glorify the earth. They tower over us and help us keep perspective. They shade us and shelter us. They tolerate us.  And they humanize us.  Under trees and within trees we feel better about life and about each other.  Our hearts beat slower. We don't race quite as fast to get somewhere... I believe Betty knew this instinctively." 

- Brent Barker, President of the College Terrace Resident's Association, was one of many to speak at the ceremony. 
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Whole Foods in Palo Alto
will donate a nickel to Canopy
for every reusable shopping bag
you bring for your groceries.

Whole Foods Logo

Palo Alto's Street Tree Inventory
36,000 trees get check-up in grant facilitated by Canopy

Lori Murphy, Davey Resource Group, collects the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of an Ornamental Pear tree at the corner of Hamilton & Waverley.

Who is that person in the yellow vest looking at my street trees?  If you live or work in Palo Alto, it's probably one of the urban forestry specialists from Davey Resource Group conducting a Street Tree Inventory, as part of a Cal Fire urban forestry grant to the City of Palo Alto.  

Martin Jones, Municipal Inventory Project Manager for Davey's Western Region, is thrilled to be leading the team in Palo Alto. Jones has worked on city inventories in Sacramento, San Mateo, Roseville, San Jose, and Redwood City. "I really enjoy getting out to collect all of the information," says Jones, "because each tree and each city offers something new." 

Martin says the City of Palo Alto "has one of the widest variety of tree species he's ever seen." Beyond variety, Jones was astonished by the number of trees.  There are more than 36,000 street trees in Palo Alto, and each tree will get three or four minutes of inspection from a Davey inventory specialist. The inventory will map the exact location of each tree, identify the species, measure the size, assess the health, and make tree-care recommendations. This data will be recorded on hand held tablet computers, and will then be gathered as a resource for the City.

Palo Alto's Managing Arborist Eric Krebs is enthusiastic about the project. "This inventory will give us a snapshot of the current condition of our urban forest, and will allow us to manage our canopy more effectively." Krebs is also encouraged by the other impacts of the project. "We hope this inventory will help us see the benefits and value of Palo Alto's urban forest, and the importance of having a tree maintenance program."

This inventory is being funded by Cal Fire through an urban forestry grant facilitated by Canopy.

Great opportunity to double your gift:
Join matching grant and support Canopy before June 30th!
Neighborwoods Month SquareIn April, Canopy  announced a $22,000 matching-grant opportunity thanks to the generous support of our Board.

Every gift since April has been doubled to support Canopy's work in preserving and enhancing our urban forest. With tremendous gratitude to the donors who have supported us, we still need to raise $8,000 to realize the full potential of this matching grant.  

With only a few weeks remaining before the deadline on June 30th, we hope you'll take advantage of this fantastic opportunity! Send your gift today, and be sure that your donation is doubled by our Board of Directors. 

To contribute, please go online to, contact Elliott Wright at 650-964-6110 x304, or send your check to Canopy at 3921 E. Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto, CA  94303.

You're Invited! Join our young tree care survey!
Help the next generation of trees get off to a good start.

Tree Survey
Join Canopy to kick off Palo Alto's 2010 Young Tree Care Survey. Help Canopy and the City of Palo Alto preserve and protect our local urban forest. By surveying our street trees and checking up on their health, growth and surroundings, you can help them get off to a good start. The first 5 years are critical for the long-term health of a tree. Canopy and the City of Palo Alto will use the information you gather in the survey to tend to our urban forest.

About this Survey: Routes take 1-2 hrs; you'll survey a mapped out area of trees and distribute tree care info brochures to residents. Please arrive promptly for team building and a brief training. Once you've been trained, if you'd like to survey additional routes on different days, forms may be picked up/dropped off at Canopy during office hours.
What to Wear/Bring: Walking shoes! Warm sweatshirt for cool evening or morning, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen.

Canopy Will Provide: Survey forms, clip boards, tools for tree first care, water. A snack will be provided for volunteers on Wednesday, and lunch will be provided on Saturday for all volunteers that RSVP.

Date: Wednesday, July 14
Time: 5 to 8 pm
Location: Mitchell Park

Date: Saturday, July 17
Time: 8 am to Noon
Location: Hoover Park

Email to learn more and to sign up.

Trees are the lungs of our cities. Caring for urban forests and teaching about their value lie at the heart of Canopy's programs. Canopy is a nonprofit that grows healthy trees and healthy communities in Palo Alto and East Palo Alto.