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Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities.
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Mark Your Calendar:
Jan. 21:
Annual Party, Betty Meltzer Memorial Highway Dedication and Annual Awards. 4:30-6:30PM, Scotts Seafood Restaurant. Free. 

2nd Saturday of every month from 10AM-12PM, rain or shine
Feb. 13: Old Palo Alto
March 13: Junior Museum & Zoo
April 10: Gamble Garden
May 8: Main Library & Art Center
June 12: Greenmeadow
Details at the Canopy Calendar

Jan. 18:
9AM-12, National Day of Service Planting
Jan. 30: 10AM, California Ave.
Feb. 6: 9AM-12, Nixon Elementary School
Sign up to volunteer

Feb. 13: Restoring Older Fruit Trees
March 5: Structural Pruning

Plan a Leafy Valentines Treat!
Valentines TreePlan an unforgettable Valentines treat for your special someone! Bring your valentine on an arborist-guided Tree Walk in Old Palo Alto and learn all about the fascinating world of "tree love".

Arborist:  Heather Booty
When:  Sat., Feb. 13th, 10-12PM
Meeting Spot:  Churchill Street entrance to Gamble Garden (between Waverley and Cowper). 
GIVE A TREE GIFT as a romantic Valentines token

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VOLUNTEER for a Canopy Tree Planting
Sponsored by the Palo Alto Community Fund
When: 9AM-12PM, Monday, January 18th
49ers Academy, 2695 Fordham Street, East Palo Alto, 94303

California Avenue

Organized by Canopy and The City of Palo Alto
When: Saturday, January 30th

9:30-10AM: Volunteer sign-in on
10AM: Volunteer planting kick-off
12:30PM: Mayor's Planting Ceremony
Where: California Avenue, volunteer sign-in at Mimosa Lane, next to Country Sun Market (Country Sun Market is at 440 California Avenue)
Planting teams are limited, but ALL are welcome!
Info. at
Sign up:

VOLUNTEER PLANTING AT NIXON ELEMENTARY  Sponsored by the California Releaf
When: 9AM-12PM, Saturday, February 6th
Where: Nixon Elementary School, 1711 Stanford Avenue,
Stanford, 94305 

PLEASE sign up for plantings by emailing
WORKSHOP: Restoring Older Fruit Trees
Apple TreeJoin Canopy and Board-Certified Master Arborist Dave Muffly for a day of learning techniques for revitalizing old fruit trees which have suffered from neglect or poor pruning.

The workshop site includes more than a dozen types of fruit trees, covering all the major fruit types we grow, from apples to citrus to peaches. All the trees have been growing for decades, and virtually all are in need of restoration from the minor to the major. This is real-world fruit tree pruning - what do you do to bring back a valuable tree that needs help? We'll answer that question in this hands-on workshop. You will have a chance to learn with others in a feedback-rich tutorial environment.

When: February 13, 1PM - 4PM
Cost: $25.  Enrollment limited. 
Rain Date February 20
Contact to sign up or mail check to 3921 East Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303. We will send you directions and details. 
WORKSHOP: Structural Pruning
Soundwall Pruning WorkshopAs part of the ongoing East Palo Alto Tree Initiative, please join Canopy and Board-Certified Arborist Dave Muffly for the ins and outs of proper young tree structural training on a wide variety of trees species.

This early pruning is often the most important a tree receives in it's entire lifespan:  good initial training can add decades to the life of a tree, and that can mean a lot not only to the owner of the tree, but also to the arborist who prunes the tree. The field portion of the program will take place within a group of more than 900 trees Canopy planted in 2007. The planting includes both trees you see everyday to rare and highly successful exotic oaks.

When: 9:15AM, Friday, March 5th

Where: Canopy, 3921 East Bayshore, Palo Alto
Cost: $75
Contact to sign up or mail check to 3921 East Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303. We will send you directions and details. 
6 CEU's available for Certified Arborists.