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The Eagle
Day of Pentecost, 2012


Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 


Acts 2:1-11
Psalm 104:25-35, 37
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15



 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist

 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist


Monday - Friday  

12:10 p.m.

Holy Eucharist



Calendar of events  


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to Theresa Johnson

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The Episcopal Church Foundation can help.


It's time for Pentecost Birthday Cakes at this Sunday's Coffee Hour! Don't miss the best coffee hour of the year! Thanks to all who have volunteered!

Breakfast during

the Summer - We need you!!

Yummy breakfasts are on the way every Sunday at 9 a.m. beginning June 3 - BUT ONLY IF OUR PARISH FAMILY STEPS UP!  We encourage all ministry groups, family or friend groups to enjoy this fellowship in the kitchen! Menus and guidance are available. It's fun! The following dates are needing some fun people:

June 3 ___________    July 22 __________

June 10 __________    Aug 12 __________

June 17 __________    Aug 19 __________

June 24 __________    Aug 26 (Rally day

July 1 ____________    Refreshments) ____


Gather your team and contact Monica MacKenzie to sign up or see the easel in Taliaferro Hall.



Our Cathedral Bookstore table will be in Taliaferro Hall Sunday after every service as usual.  You can also shop during the week at our main location next to the reception area.  Open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. 

We have lots of great gift ideas for your favorite young person for graduation or confirmation. Check out our selection of journals, books and our new collection of handmade, fused glass cross necklaces.

 Listen to N.T. Wright on our website! 
N.T. Wright's evening lecture and morning sermon are on our sermon recordings archive on our website.  Click here to be directed to this page.
Fun at Parish Retreat
Parish Retreat was a blast!
Check out this wonderful slideshow of this fantastic weekend of fun! Click here!
Yoga mat


The Center for Prayer & Spirituality is offering yoga in Cummings Chapel, now on TUESDAYS at 5:30 p.m., led by Tom Holcomb. Free! 


11th Step Meditation 

Contemplative Prayer: A Way of Recovery


Join us for an hour on the second Saturday morning of each month in Cummings Chapel at 9:30 a.m. to practice contemplative prayer as a means to transformation. There will be a welcome and introduction to the hour, then time for silent prayer of the heart and meditation. This will be followed by conversation.


If you are not familiar with the practice, come and hear about it. Come back if it is a fit for where you are on your path on the journey.


Hosted by Dianne Larson and Tim Lynch

and the Center for Prayer & Spirituality


                 Parish nurse

We've created a page on our Web site to highlight the work of our parish nurses. Each month, Tom and Sheila Burrell write a column for the page to promote good health. This month, they write about Advanced Directives. Enjoy!   




Audire: The Central Florida Foundation for Spiritual Direction


Orientation day for the Audire program is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the San Pedro Retreat Center in Winter Park. Audire is a 3 year formation program that trains people for the ministry of spiritual direction and provides listening and companioning skills which are beneficial to many ministries. Orientation days are designed for those interested in Audire to provide information and answer questions about the program. A new term begins in September. Members from St. John's who will be attending the program are Susan Bancks, Joe O'Shields and Claudia Milligan. More information about Audire can be obtained at To register for one of the Orientation days, contact Diane Francisco at 321-254-1876.   





Wear Red This Sunday!
On Pentecost, it is customary to wear red. The color is symbolic of the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles in tongues of fire. So in honor of this holy day, don't forget to be colorful and wear something red!  


A Message from the Dean
Dean Kate
The Very Reverend Kate Moorehead, Dean


Dear Friends,


The Great Feast of Easter now comes to an end with the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Christ has ascended into heaven, not to appear again until the end of days. And we, together, make up the Church, a group of people called to do God's work here on earth until Christ comes again.


We celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit by confirming new Episcopalians this Sunday. At the
10:30 a.m. service, we will confirm 35 people and welcome them as full members of St. John's Cathedral. Bishop John Howard will join us for this wonderful celebration. I will also be baptizing two adults at the 9 a.m. service. It will be a rich day of celebration.


The following Sunday, we will begin our summer schedule. That means that we will worship at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Our 9 a.m. service will return again in the fall, when the choristers get back into the rhythm of school and can sing for us again. In the summer months, we will enjoy a full breakfast at 9 a.m., followed by many opportunities for creativity for both children and adults at 9:30 a.m. We'll have knitting, creative writing and drumming circles for the adults, and various activities for the children. Also on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., I will lead a book discussion group on Jesus' humorous side. The book is called Between Heaven and Mirth by Fr. James Martin, a Jesuit priest.


Please remember to wear red this Sunday and then join us this summer for creative fun and laughter!


In Christ's love,



Medical Mission to Peru, May 18-25
Several parishioners from St. John's have left for Lima, Peru on a medical mission trip. They are working with the Anglican Diocese of Peru and expect to see 125 patients a day at two different clinics in Lima. Those representing St. John's are Dr. Jim and Pat Jamison, Dr. Jim and Ann Dyer, Dr. Harry Griffith, Larry Shugart, Linda Crofton, Wendy Anderson, Marvin Kloeppel, Emily Pipasand Clare Stern. Please pray for these volunteers as they help those in need and travel home.

Pentecost Birthday Cakes this Sunday! 


THANK YOU to all our wonderful Pentecost Birthday Cake chefs for this Sunday! The Moriartys, Diana Peaks, Mary Jane Williamson, John Flynn, Peggy Freeman, Missy Holcomb, the Villavicencios, Kathryn Bissette, Megan Cochran, Barbara Vorpe, Glenn Guiler, the Tippins', Tim Lynch, Judith Halpin, Shara Webb, the Farshings, Rolland Kohls, A.J. Campbell, the Coreys with the Hunts, Jan Roache and Selecia Jones. YUMMY!

Pentecost languages Pentecost in Many Languages! 

This Sunday we will hear the Pentecost lesson from Acts in several languages (during the 9 and 10:30 a.m. services). Thank you to our multilingual readers for participating in the service: 
Judi Roscoe - English, Sheila Burrell - English,
Silas Mosco - Latin, Linda Banister - German,
Jennifer Malhotra - Portuguese, Andrea Rial - Spanish,
Kate Moorehead - Russian, Jean Dodd - French,
Barbara Vorpe - Spanish, Claudia Gordon - French,
Rolland Kohls - German, Jordan MacKenzie - Arabic,
Bob Askren - Latin, Glenn Guiler - Italian, Pat Ellis - Spanish, Don Lester - German, Erin Wade - Italian,
David Slaght - Pidgin (Papau New Guinea),
Amanda Scheider - Thai

(Reminder to our Readers- rehearsal for the 9 is at 8:30 in the Cathedral and rehearsal for the 10:30 is at 10 in Cummings Chapel)

Summer Sunday Fundays
We are joining with First United Methodist Church to offer some fun-filled spiritual time for the kids on Sunday mornings.  Middle school, high school and adults are invited to contribute a Sunday morning or a few to help make this a memorable time for our children.  Please contact Linda Martin at 733-1470, or [email protected], to volunteer.


Sock-it-to-me Sundays & Undie Sundays  We are collecting new underwear and socks for DESC (Downtown Ecumenical Services Council) during the entire month of May. Drop off your donations in any of the collection baskets located at all entries to the church. DESC was founded by eight downtown churches to serve those in the urban core with emergency needs by distributing clothes and providing temporary food and financial assistance.      



New Wednesday Classes in the Summer
We will not have our Wednesday dinners during the summer; those will resume in the fall. We will, however, have three Christian Formation offerings for adults during the summer, all on Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m., beginning June 6th:

  •  Basic Anglicanism, June 6 - July 25. Dean Kate presents a new session of "Basic A," an introduction to the core beliefs and practices of Anglicanism. Open to newcomers and longtime Episcopalians. Room 305
  •  "Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything," June 6 - July 25. Theresa Johnson will present this series created by Timothy Keller featuring readings, DVD clips and discussion of what it means to do God's work in the city. Room 304
  •  "Living Your Strengths," June 6 - June 27. Dianne Larson and Caren Coleman lead a course on the bestselling book, "Living Your Strengths." Participants will take an online inventory to determine their five key strengths, and then discuss how to employ those strengths in ministry. Ingram Lounge


Windows to Heaven

Come experience the joy of icon writing.  This ancient art form is available to you from June 18 to the 22nd from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The workshop will take you from a plain white board to a finished icon with gold leaf.  Icon means "image" and tells a story with paint and brush rather than pen and ink.  These "windows to heaven" are created in a prayerful, quiet atmosphere with Gregorian chant playing.  No artistic experience is necessary, only an openness to God working through you to create this form of prayer.  We will work on "The Trinity" icon by Rublov. The cost is $200.00 and includes all supplies.  Call Ann Brodt at 221-5638 for more information or to sign up.

Looking for a Summer Camp?  Check out Camp Weed!  


Camp Weed offers some wonderful Summer Camp opportunities for youth from 3rd to 12th grades.  The summer schedule is divided up by weeklong sessions named after saints. Each session is specifically designed to host certain age groups. These sessions have different themes and age appropriate talks and activities. The 2012 Summer Schedule can be found on the Camp Weed homepage at  Campers may enjoy volleyball, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, nature trail walking and much more.  Going to camp is a beautiful experience that can squeeze a year's worth of Christian formation into a fun filled week in the woods.  The memories and bonds that are formed while attending a week at Camp Weed will truly last a lifetime.  Spaces are running out, so reserve a space for your child now!  Contact Camp Weed for camper requirements and more information.  See what Aaron Mayeski says about summer camp here.



Praying in Color
Praying in Color Workshop
There will be a workshop this Saturday, May 26th from 9 a.m. to noon at All Saints Episcopal Church about the book, Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God.  The book teaches participants new methods of praying through drawing.  If you have a hard time keeping still to pray, or are just looking for a new way to experience God's presence, this workshop is for you!  No artistic experience is required.  The book will be available for purchase at the workshop.  There is also a registration fee of $15.  To register, contact Shannon Tison at 737-8488 x 202 or email her at [email protected]