Sales Improvement Professionals Inc.
November | 2010 

A True American Hero

The Chile Drilling Master, Jeff Hart

Much, if not most of the credit for the Chilean rescue rightfully goes to the Chilean president and Minister of Mines.  They should both go to Washington and teach seminars to the administration about Disaster Management. They had told us it may be Christmas before we see the miners, got them out 2 months early!  As Americans, we should consider the following:

� Schramm Inc. Of West Chester, Pennsylvania built the drills and equipment used to reach the trapped miners.

� Center Rock Company, also from Pennsylvania, built the drill bits used to reach the miners.

� UPS, the US shipping company, delivered the 13-ton drilling equipment from Pennsylvania to Chile in less than 48 hours.

� Crews from Layne Christensen Company of Wichita Kansas and its subsidiary Geotec Boyles Bros. worked the drills and machinery to locate and reach the miners and then enlarge the holes to ultimately rescue them.

� Atlas Copco Construction Mining Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin provided consulting on how to make drilling equipment from different sources work together under differing pressure specifications.

� Aries Central California Video of Fresno California designed the special cameras that were lowered nearly a mile into the ground sending back video of the miners.

� Zephyr Technologies of Annapolis Maryland, made the remote monitors of vital signs that miners will wear during their ascent.

� NASA Engineers designed the "Phoenix" capsule that miners would be brought to the surface in, and provided medical consulting, special diets and spandex suits to maintain miners' blood pressure as they're brought back to the surface.

� Jeff Hart of Denver Colorado was called off his job drilling water wells for the U.S. Army's forward operating bases in Afghanistan to lead the drilling crew that reached the miners. He spent the next 33 days on his feet, operating the drill that finally provided a way out Saturday for 33 trapped miners.  "You have to feel through your feet what the drill is doing; it's a vibration you get so that you know what's happening," explained Hart.


Hart was called in from Afghanistan, "simply because he's the best" at drilling larger holes with the T130's wide-diameter drill bits, Stefanic said.

Standing before the levers, pressure meters and gauges on the T130's control panel, Hart and the rest of the team faced many challenges in drilling the shaft. At one point, the drill struck a metal support beam in the poorly mapped mine, shattering its hammers. Fresh equipment had to be flown in from the United States and progress was delayed for days as powerful magnets were lowered to pull out the pieces.

The mine's veins of gold and copper ran through quartzite with a high level of abrasive silica, rock so tough that it took all their expertise to keep the drill's hammers from curving off in unwanted directions. "It was horrible," said Center Rock President Brandon Fisher, exhausted after hardly sleeping during the effort. "We ruined some bits, worked through the problems as a team, and broke through," Hart said. "I'm very happy now."

Miners' relatives crowded around Hart on Saturday, hugging and posing for pictures with him as he walked down from the rescue operation into the tent camp where families had anxiously followed his work.

"He's become the hero of the day," said Dayana Olivares, whose friend Carlos Bugueno is one of the miners stuck below.

While some may not believe this was exceptional, I would guess many in Chile think that Hart is their hero.  School children will hear of this for years to come.  I would hope it would be just as important here, so I am sending this out to the people I consider important, and that matter to me, that would be you!

Thanks for listening, we'll talk later.     

JIM HINSHAW brothers
Sales Improvement Professionals Inc.

Phone: (602) 369-8097
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The Drill Bit Used
The Drill