Sales Improvement Professionals Inc.
July | 2010 

Ideas on how to sell solar

I have a couple of ideas that have been proven successful in selling solar.  First of all, you need to find out what the customer needs in a solar system.  Why they are considering it, what the goals are.  Most of us are good at guessing, based on our own experiences and feelings.  That is not the way to decide how to present your solar solution, based on your thoughts and ideas.  The best way is to find out what the customer would like to see, and present your solution to meet those needs and wants.  You have heard of the golden rule: do onto others as you would have them do unto you.  There is a platinum rule: sell unto others as they would want to be sold to.

None of us are wired exactly the same, so we must act quickly to determine who we are talking to.  There are at least 4 personality styles, we discussed these in the solar training you attended.  There is the Dominant type, the take charge person.  They only care about results: how much, when?  There are the Influencers, the talkers, the emotional types.  We, I mean they, are upbeat, positive, and care about relationships, what people think of them.  We also have the Conscientious types, the ones who want to know each and every detail.  They want to know how the product will be installed, how long it takes, who will be there, when we can begin to use the sun to power our TV.  We also have the Steady types, the ones who are supportive, they remain in the background, getting the details done.  They want assurances and guarantees that the system will do what you said. 

So how do we sell each style?

The Dominant person wants to make decisions.  Don't ask him how the vacation went, ask him when he would like to start using the sun to pay part of his utility bill.  The Influencer has a hard time making a decision.  They will try to drift, they love to talk.  Keep them on target, stay focused.  Let them know the family and friends will love the fact they are helping to save the planet.  The Conscientious person needs to see details spelled out.  They want to know what sort of training your employees have had, and if you have a license and insurance to do this kind of work.  The Steady person realizes there are two reputations at risk, yours and theirs.  Before they recommend you to do the work, they want to know you have done this type of project before, and have a complete staff to be sure no problems will arise that can't be solved.  Warranties and guarantees are also real important. 

Back to where we started.  Use the questioning process to determine what the customer wants and needs.  Now show how your company, the products you are looking at, and your unique installation will do exactly what you said they will do.  Then show them how easy it is to proceed.  Ask a closing question.  This is not a closing question: Well, what do ya think?  That is not going to move the customer into action.  They may respond with a snippy remark about health care.  So ask something like this: When would you like to start lowering your carbon footprint?  When would you like for the sun to take over the majority of your electric bill?  Questions that ask for action, and an order.

Thanks for listening.  Now, if you want more information and answers to almost any questions on sales, marketing, advertising, engineering, even business questions, join the Solar Roundtable   when you come in under my name, you save half off the first month's fees.  $25 instead of $50.  No long term commitment, month to month.  A bargain.    


JIM HINSHAW brothers
Sales Improvement Professionals Inc.

Phone: (602) 369-8097
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