Leadership Meetings Underway |
Chicago Rehab Network's leadership meetings with community-based organizations are currently underway. Organized in partnership with CRN's Board leaders and member organizations, the aim of these "Kitchen Table" discussions is to share stories and develop strategies to raise community concerns as the City faces new leadership.
Additionally, a series of technical meetings are being organized.
Community leaders participated in the first Kitchen Table Discussion held last month which focused on South Side communities. A West Side meeting is planned for January 11th. For questions and how you can contribute to these discussions, please contact Erin Potter at erin@chicagorehab.org or Gene Moreno at gene@chicagorehab.org.
Photo: South Side community leaders discuss the future of their neighborhoods.
Research and Reports: More than housing being lost |
Illinois will be losing one Congressional seat because figures from the 2010 Census revealed a decline in population in the State. In Chicago, the latest population data shows that while the City's population slightly increased between 2000 and 2009, African-American population shows a 9 percent decline. The map above illustrates these losses in predominantly African-American and South Side communities. Displacement and loss of population means a loss of political power for many of these communities. Learn more about what is happening in Chicago communities here.
The Chicago Reporter recently released a study on Tax Increment Financing districts and its real impact on job creation in Chicago. According to the report, over $1 billion dollars of TIF was spent on projects in the Loop and downtown areas--a seemingly critical investment given that nearly one-third of Chicago jobs are in the downtown area. Yet, the report also finds that "Despite the billion-dollar investment, the Loop lost 12,296 jobs during the better part of the past decade...the bulk of those losses came from people living in predominately African-American communities." Read the full article here
Despite several government interventions and relief programs, foreclosure filings in 2010 show no signs of slowing down. There were 17,600 completed foreclosures in 2010, an increase of more than 50% from 2009. Newly Filed foreclosures also increased from the previous year by about 2 percent to 23,800 in 2010.
CRN's Analysis of the Third Quarter Housing Production |
The Department of Community Development reported the City's housing production at the end of the Third Quarter.
During the third quarter, the City of Chicago has been awarded $16 million in additional NSP funding. The City is required to submit a plan for NSP3 similar to NSP1 which will also include a public comment period. Now is the time to ask, "How has NSP impacted foreclosures? How can it be improved?" What were missed opportunities?" and let the City know by participating in the public planning process.
The NSP3 Plan and Public Comment period is anticipated to happen sometime in February. Stay tuned for more info as we receive additional details.
Additional findings include:
- The Department reports that at the end of the third quarter, the City has committed 100 percent of its NSP1 grant. The Department reports acquiring a total of 343 units in 85 properties since the start of NSP
- The TBI-Condo Deconversion Program is reported for the first time this quarter. A program targets troubled condominium developments and The Department reports assisting 160 units in nine different wards.
The hearing is part of the City of Chicago Five Year Affordable Housing Plan. The Department of Community Development releases a report on its progress on housing production under this Plan and presents the report to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate every quarter. This is an open meeting in which anyone can attend or present testimony.
For past CRN analysis of the quarterly progress reports, visit our Quarterly Reports Archive.
Building Our Future Chicago |
CRN has released the first part of its Building Our Future Chicago Toolkit. We have created this toolkit as a resource to empower residents, decision-makers and policy leaders with the necessary information about their neighborhoods and to understand the dynamic changes across Chicago's neighborhoods.
The first part includes the most recent housing and income data for the City and its communities.
Notable facts and trends include:
- A 13 percent unemployment rate, or nearly 195,000 Chicagoans
- A decline of 8 percent in median household income
- 23,250 newly filed foreclosures in 2009
- More than half of Chicago households are housing cost burdened
Download the Full Toolkit
Look for the next data releases soon! You may also visit www.chicagorehab.org to download these materials and to learn more about Building Our Future Chicago. If you have questions or need any assistance, please contact CRN at 312-663-3936.
Opportunities with the Urban Weatherization Initiative |
The Urban Weatherization Initiative (UWI) is a new program administered by the Office of Urban Assistance in the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
The purpose of the Initiative is both to increase energy efficiency and to create jobs and job training opportunities, with the ultimate goal of stimulating the local economy.
The Urban Weatherization Initiative is currently looking for weatherization training specialists and has released a Request for Qualifications to "solicit submissions from any public, private or non-profit entity that provides or demonstrates the ability to: 1) provide high caliber weatherization specialist training and: 2) utilize effective local employment strategies to identify, support and retain program participants."
The RFQ can be found by visiting the Urban Weatherization Initiative website.
Senator Durbin Tours Rosa Parks Apartments |
CRN Board hosted Senator Dick Durbin on a tour of Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation's Rosa Park Apartments in Humboldt Park.
After the tour, the Senator and CRN's community development leaders engaged in a discussion which highlighted the fundamental role of place-based strategies in making our housing programs work and the stewardship role of non-profit CDCs in anchoring communities and making programs work for low-income households.
Read about the tour on the Humboldt Park Portal and view a slideshow.
Photo: Senator Durbin with CRN Board members (l-r): Marty Shalloo, Kim Jackson, Guacolda Reyes.
Network NewsMakers |
Congratulations to Pat Abrams, CRN's Board Vice-President and Executive Director of The Renaissance Collaborative, who was presented with the Jane Addams' Women of Valor Award. We salute Pat, who is truly deserving of the award for her commitment and dedication.
Congratulations to Joe Neri who has been named IFF's next Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Trinita Logue, IFF's founder, who will remain as President.
On January 17th, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation will be taking rental applications for 45 new rental housing units within the MLK Legacy Apartments, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Find out more about this event here.
Photo: Pat Abrams (third from left) awarded Jane Addams Women of Valor Award.
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The Chicago Rehab Network is the oldest and
largest coalition of non-profit community
developers and practitioners in the Midwest.
CRN works to provide a
foundation for new
strategies for effective policy,
communications, training and technical
assistance to support the development and
preservation of affordable housing across
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