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United Way 

Local Dollars Helping Local People



June 14, 2012

Dear Neighbor,

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June brings summer fun and the end of our fiscal year. We continue to actively raise funds to reach our goal of $30,000 for the newly launched Fund for Children and Youth. We only have $3,000 left to go!


Join us at the Annual Meeting to celebrate the non-profit spirit and our 1st Annual Volunteer of the Year Award.


This has been a strong year for us at ABUW and great thanks go to our volunteers, donors and human service agencies who contribute to our thriving community.


Thank you. 


Rachel Sagan, ABUW Executive Director and Liz Markiewicz, ABUW President

In This Issue


Community Supper Revived  


 Upcoming Events


Community Forum Advocacy

Quick Link


 ABUW website 

enteerprise bank logo

We Thank Our 2011/12 Community Forum Sponsor


 Enterprise Bank 

  EventsUpcoming Events


 Annual Meeting

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Sargent Memorial Library Boxborough


PLEASE JOIN US on Wednesday, June 6th for our Annual Meeting. Celebrate the nonprofit spirit, welcome new directors and honor our Grantees.   


Day of Caring

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Save the Date!

Help make a difference where you live and work. Volunteer!



Please contact Executive Director, Rachel Sagan, with any questions

abuw@abuw.org or  978.263.1777



Jenna Mullen 

We welcome Jenna Mullen as our Program Associate for the summer. Jenna served on the ABUW Board in her last two years of high school and is currently a sophomore at NYU. Jenna plans to major in Global Studies with a minor in Business.

CommunitysupperCommunity Supper Has New Home

Filling a Local Need

by Pat Flanagan, ABUW Volunteer


After a hiatus of 10 months, a
Rachel & Jay at Community Supper
ABUW's Rachel Sagan and Jay Bhatia recently visited and volunteered at the new Community Supper
community supper is active again in Acton and Boxborough. The newly-launched Mt. Calvary Community Supper, at 472 Mass. Ave in Acton, started up in April and offers meals free of charge from 5:00-6:00 on Wednesdays. The next suppers will be held June 20 and July 11. After July 11, they will be open every Wednesday.
Mt. Calvary Community Supper provides an opportunity for families and individuals of all ages to enjoy a healthy, nutritious meal served in a warm and friendly environment.


The new Mt. Calvary Community Supper Board comprises an equal number of members from Mt. Calvary Church and the previous Community Supper Board. Chairman Michael Tobia stated that the Board visited programs in surrounding towns "to determine, in fact, if the need existed, and we confirmed that the void existed in the Acton Boxborough community."


Fifty-five guests attended the first dinner in April. Since then the number has increased to an average of 65 with an additional 15-20 take home meals. As word gets out, it is expected that these numbers will grow.


 To Read More, Click Here


Community Forum May 2012 

Advocating for Human Services   


State Rep. Jen Benson

The ABUW Community Forum on May 10th was dedicated to Advocating for Human Services at the state level. Lead speaker, State Representative Jennifer Benson, delivered an insightful presentation on the Massachusetts legislative and budget processes. She explained when and how to effectively advocate for human service issues with state government.


Benson and State Senator Jamie Eldridge fielded many questions from the audience of community leaders and human service representatives.


 We thank them for their participation and valuable advice.

Lauren Rosenzweig-Morton, ABUW Board, Representative Jen Benson and
Senator Jamie Eldridge

Please FORWARD this email to your friends, family and business associates in Acton and Boxborough.

Cathy Utt, eNews Editor, Board of Directors