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Living and working together as the Body of Christ
within the Full Household of God
April 2008

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A Real American Hero
Peace in the Holy Land
McClain to Receive Brabham Award
SCCAC Annual Meeting
From Across My Desk...
A Real American Hero
photo KneeceTo the best of my knowledge she never leaped over a tall building or stopped a speeding train; she never even caught a bullet with her teeth. She does not have x-ray vision,  super human strength, or own Fort Knox. Yet, if I were voting today on heroes she would make my top ten for sure.
No tall buildings. Just the imposing wall of segregation.
No speeding trains. Just the fast road to nowhere of dehumanizing poverty.
No bullets. Just the lethal reality of unjust law.
No x-ray vision. Just the insight of one devoted to living the Gospel--not just talking about it.
No champion of physical strength. Just the fortitude that comes from the long walk of faithful obedience.
No mass of wealth. Just the richness of knowing your life made a difference and having gathered many co-workers in the fight for the common good.
My friend and a role model for many, Barbara McClain, is to be honored in May by the Columbia Community Mediation Center. Those of you who know her and have been touched by her will want to celebrate with her this recognition. For more information, call Whitney Evans at the Mediation Center at 803-714-1176.
For those of you who do not know Barbara, who have not seen her work on behalf of the poor, the imprisoned, young women, public school students, congregations and the Church at-large, for racial understanding and healing, for a vibrant and purposeful ecumenical family--for YOU, I pray, that God will raise up a host of "Barbaras" to serve as your prophets, your guiding lights, your advocates for change, your role models, your leapers of tall buildings, your heroes!
To Barbara: your life among us challenges us to size up the speeding trains of our lives; and work to stop the ones that need to be stopped, turn around the ones going in the wrong direction, and jump on the ones that will move us toward the "Beloved Community."
That's view today!
The Rev. Brenda  Lynn Kneece, Executive Minister
Peace in the Holy Land
Justice for Israelis & Palestinians

Sabeel Conference
April 11-12, 2008
Shandon Presbyterian Church
607 Woodrow Street
Columbia, SC
Presenters include:
- Jeff Harper
- Sami Awad
- Don Wagner
- Cedar Duaybis
- Phyllis Bennis
- Mazin Qumslyeh
- Donna Hicks
- Allison Weir
- Naji Ali
- Tom Stern & Tema Okun
- Ellen o'Grady
Planned workshops:
- Ending the Cycle of Violence
- Settlements & the Wall
- Christians in the Holy Land
- Jerusalem
- Christian Zionism
- Effective Advocacy
- Christian, Jewish, & Muslim Voices for Peace
- Nonviolence
- Palestinian Refugees
- Gaza in Crisis
- The Role of the Media
- US Foreign Policy
Begins 1 PM Friday, ends Saturday afternoon.
CLICK HERE for registration and more information, or call David Matos at 803.215.3263, or email by CLICKING HERE. 
May 8, 2008
Who has been associated with SCCAC longer than anyone else? Barbara McClain, of course! And she is receiving a special award on May 8.
The Community Mediation Center of Columbia has chosen Barbara (widow of long-serving SCCAC Executive Minister Howard McClain) to receive the McKay Brabham Building Bridges Award in recognition of a lifetime of service to the SCCAC, YWCA, public schools, Sister Care, peacemaking, mediation etc., etc., etc.
YOU are invited (and encouraged) to come to the dinner and program to celebrate this honor with her. If you can't come, send her a note of congratulations or make a contribution to the Mediation Center in her honor.
To get tickets or more information, call Whitney Eaves at the Mediation Center at 803.714.1176. Notes to Barbara and contributions should be sent to the Community Mediation Center, PO Box 5942, Columbia, SC 29250.
To learn more about the Community Mediation Center CLICK HERE.
May 15, 2008
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
7820 Farrow Road, 

SCCAC Annual Meeting

Faith and Politics
      What is the appropriate relationship between faith and politics? Does faith inform politics? Does politics inform faith? A timely discussion in this politically charged year. A timeless discussion for a society that holds the ideal of religious freedom.
KEYNOTE: Dr. Robert Parham, Executive Director, Baptist Center for Ethics, Nashville, TN
  9:30 AM  Registration & Fellowship
10:00        Ecumenical Worship
11:10        Keynote: Faith and Politics
Noon         Fellowship meal
12:40 PM   Keynote Responses and Q&A
  1:15        Business Session
  2:00        Adjourn 
- $30 includes lunch
- $20 without lunch
- $15 students (includes lunch)
Registration at the door - $25 (no lunch)
CLICK HERE for printable registration form. Complete and return with check payable to SCCAC to PO Box 3248, Columbia, SC 29209. Due on or before May 8.
CLICK HERE for more information.
E-newsletter Editor
South Carolina Christian Action Council