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SC Christian Action Council Newsletter Christian Action
January 2006

As the only statewide ecumenical agency in South Carolina, SC Christian Action Council respresents a partnership of 16 denominations and 21 regional judicatories, including 4,500 congregations.

The Council serves as a catalyst for:

  • Social justice through public policy advocacy;
  • Christian Unity and inter-religious dialogue through relationships, collaborations and events;
  • Racial and cultural healing by building bridges of trust and understanding.

In this issue:
  • Across My Desk...
  • Jim Adams to Speak at USC
  • Community News and Events

  • Jim Adams to Speak at USC

    James R. Adams, President of The Center for Progressive Christianity, will speak at Gambrell Hall on the Columbia USC campus on Friday, February 24th at 7:30 p.m.

    In a period when more and more people are looking for spiritual enrichment, it is ironic to see them turning away from the church, looking for answers in the secular world. Within their traditions, the Western Christian Churches have an incredibly rich heritage to draw from. But fewer and fewer people seem to know or care.

    In his latest book From Literal to Literary, The Essential Reference Book for Biblical Metaphors Jim Adams takes deliberate aim at addressing this perceived deficiency. Beyond the Creeds and Liturgy there is an incredibly rich heritage of spirituality. In many “thriving” churches it is this spirituality that sets them apart, makes them special. They have discovered that Christian Love is heart centered, not head centered. While intellect may respond to reason, the heart responds to more subtle messages, some shaped by the senses, others best expressed by metaphor.

    The topic From Literal to Literary will be offered in the first 45 minutes (7:30 to 8:15pm) followed by 45 minutes of question and answers.

    A workshop will be offered on Saturday to address "The Tools of the Trade." This is intended to be a brief but focused hands-on opportunity to develop parish programs which address the metaphorical significance of the bible.

    The workshop will begin at 9:30 and there is a $10 registration fee. For more information and registration materials, please see www.ecsss or call Larry Newton at 803.238.9558.

    Community News and Events

    January 16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Multiple opportunities in your community for deliberate action toward racial healing.

    February 23: Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships Community Conference. Nehemiah Community Revitalization Corporation (CRC) is co- sponsoring with SCCAC a Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships Conference to be held at Brookland Baptist Church in Columbia. Keynoters are Dr. Charles E. Young, President of Allen University, and Rev. Jim Dickerson, pastor of New Community Church and founder and Board Chairman of Manna, Inc. in Washington, D.C. For more information, check www.nehemiahcr or contact Natoshia Mayer at (800)438- 7315 or

    February 24 and 25: James R. Adams, President of The Center for Progressive Christianity. Please see article above for more information about these Columbia area events.

    March 7: 3rd Annual Advocacy Day. Watch for more information about Advocacy Day-- sponsored by SCCAC and many denominational judicatories. To be held at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia.

    Have other South Carolina community news? Let us know at

    Across My Desk...

    Happy New Year! This newsletter is a reminder and announcement of several events upcoming.

    We look forward to a wonderful 2006 with you as partners in ministry.

    There will be more in this column in the months to come. For now, blessings for your epiphanies...

    ...and that’s the view across my desk.

    Brenda Kneece Executive Minister

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