Sylvina Consulting                                                               March 2012
Direct Selling Newsletter
March Madness    

Call 503.244.8787  

Insights for
 Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Don't Be A Pyramid!
Who Is My Competition?
Ask Victoria: Hostess Pay?
We wrote the book on direct selling.
Startup Guide

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Pyramid schemes are illegal, but what exactly is a pyramid and how do you avoid having one?  Our first article answers these questions.


Are you competing for independent representatives?  If so, who exactly are you competing against?  Discover the answer - and how to compete well - in our second article.


In her March column, Victoria answers the question, "Why don't we pay hostesses?" 


Don't Be A Pyramid!

Pyramid schemes are clearly illegal, but what exactly is a pyramid and what is not?


In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission is one of the governmental bodies that has the power to shut down pyramids.


What is a pyramid scheme?


Who Is My Competition? 


winner In life, we all compete to win.


Are you competing for your independent representatives? If so, exactly what are you competing against?


The first step in competing well is to identify your competition.


Next, you can develop strategies to win.


You're on.  Tell me about my competitors.


Ask Victoria

Victoria Dohr

Why don't we pay hostesses?


Hosts at home parties like to get rewarded well for inviting their friends and acquaintances, but money isn't offered.



Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to improve the health of your direct selling company. 
We achieve our mission when we enlighten the owners, management team, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions. 

In short, we assess, guide, and improve party plan and network marketing businesses!

With guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from 25 years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.

Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787 
Email:   [email protected]