Sylvina Consulting                                                         October 2011
Direct Selling Executive Newsletter

Call 503.244.8787  

Insights for
 Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Common Compensation Plan Mistakes
Be A Top Direct Selling Company
Ask Victoria
We wrote the book on direct selling.
Startup Guide

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302 Update 


Everyone makes mistakes.  Have you ever wondered whether you've made mistakes with your compensation plan?  Learn 8 mistakes others have made with their plans.


What do you need to do to be a top direct selling company? What exactly is a top direct selling company?


In her October column, Victoria answers the question, "How was our Direct Seling Edge Conference?"


Common Compensation Plan Mistakes

Compensation Plan MistakesAt our Direct Selling Edge Conference, I presented three different sessions on compensation plans.


Toward the end of the third segment, I shared with the attendees common compensation plan design mistakes.


These are very important, so I am sharing them with you now.


What mistakes should I avoid?


Be A Top Direct Selling Company


#1What is a top direct selling company?  What do you need to do to have one?


First you need to decide how to measure your company.


How do I get to the top? 


Ask Victoria

Victoria Dohr

How was our Direct Selling Edge Conference?


If I could answer this question in only one word, that word would be "awesome."


Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to enlighten the owners, management team, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to improve the health and stability of their businesses.


Business plan development, compensation plan design, training programs, software guidance, and executive coaching are some of most frequently requested services.

In everything we do, we assess and improve party plan and network marketing businesses!

With help from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from 25 years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.

Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787 
Email:   [email protected]