Sylvina Consulting                                                                July 2011
Direct Selling Newsletter
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Insights for
 Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Direct Selling Edge Conference
Time For An Incentive Trip?
Ask Victoria
We wrote the book on direct selling.
Startup Guide

Sylvina Consulting

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302 Update 


Sylvina Consulting is pleased to announce that we are the co-sponsor of the upcoming Direct Selling Edge Conference for new and young party plan and network marketing companies.


Learn about compensation plans, legal considerations, MLM software, social media, merchant accounts, taxes and so much more at the Direct Selling Edge Conference.  Discover the details in our first article!


Almost everyone loves to take a trip to an exotic or new destination.  Is it time to plan your next incentive trip?  Get good tips on how to plan one in our second article.


In her July column, Victoria answers the question, "How do I create a Unique Selling Proposition?"


Direct Selling Edge Conference


Direct Selling EdgeWhere can you go to learn all about compensation plans, legal considerations, MLM software, social media, merchant accounts, tax obligations and much more?


If you are starting or running a new direct selling, party plan, or network marketing company, you are hereby invited to join Sylvina Consulting, MLM attorney Kevin Thompson, and other direct selling professionals at the Direct Selling Edge Conference.


Where is this conference? 


Time For An Incentive Trip?

CruiseA good compensation plan is essential, but field compensation should include both compensation plan earnings and recognition. 


Incentive trips are one category of recognition for both party plan and network marketing companies.


How should I design an incentive trip?


Ask Victoria

Victoria Dohr

How Do I Create A Unique Selling Proposition?


Differentiation is the key to successful marketing.  A Unique Selling Proposition is one or more unique selling points.


We are pleased to co-sponsor the Direct Selling Edge Conference in Las Vegas on September 22 and 23, 2011.  It would be great to meet and talk with you there.  For details, visit


Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to enlighten the owners, management team, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to improve the health and stability of their businesses. 

In short, we assess and improve party plan and network marketing businesses!

With guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from 25 years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.

Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787 
Email:   [email protected]