Sylvina Consulting                                                                June 2011
Direct Selling Newsletter

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Insights for
 Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Policies and Procedures: Sale and Inheritance
Canada and Multilevel Marketing
Ask Victoria
We wrote the book on direct selling.
Startup Guide

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302 Update 


Did you know that only some direct selling companies permit the sale or inheritance of independent representative businesses?  Discover the two issues at hand in our lead article this month.


If you think the laws for multilevel marketing companies in Canada are the same as those in the USA, you'd be mistaken.  Find out what's different up north in our first article.


In her June column, Victoria answers the question, "What Makes A Good Company Story?"


Policies and Procedures:  Sale or Inheritance


PPShould you permit the sale or inheritance of independent representative businesses in your Policies and Procedures?  Ponder the issues while reading this post.   


Sale or no sale? 


Canada and Multilevel Marketing 

CanadaWhile we share the North American continent with Canada, our laws aren't the same, especially those for multilevel marketing companies.


What are the differences?


Ask Victoria

Victoria Dohr

What Makes A Good Company Story?


Every company should have a good company story, but what makes it good?


Even the best teams have a coach. 


Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to enlighten the owners, management team, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to improve the health and stability of their businesses.

In short, we assess and improve party plan and network marketing businesses!

With guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from 25 years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.

Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787 
Email:   [email protected]