Sylvina Consulting                                                           January 2011
Direct Selling Newsletter

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Insights for
 Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Top 10 Problems of Direct Selling Companies
Outgrowing Your MLM Software
Ask Victoria
Startup  Guide
Startup Guide

Sylvina Consulting

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Direct selling companies face and conquer many problems as they launch, grow, and become successful enterprises.  What are these problems and how do you solve them?  In our first article, we'll tell you.

One of those problems can be your MLM software.  Be sure to read this month's second article.

Victoria tackles the important question, "How Do I Get My Reps to Improve Their Customer Service?" in her January column.


Top 10 Problems of Direct Selling Companies

Direct selling companies face and conquer many problems as they launch, grow, and become successful enterprises.Top-10


As top MLM consultants, we have observed that there are 10 types of problems faced by network marketing, MLM, and party plan direct selling companies. 

Outgrowing Your MLM Software

MLM software is a necessity if yours is a direct selling, network marketing, MLM, or party plan company.  New companies can live without it for only a short while.


Over time, you may find that your MLM software company is challenged by your needs.  What should you do?


MLM Software - The Heart of Your Business


Ask Victoria
Victoria Dohr

How do I get my reps to improve their customer service?


Customer service starts at the top with the owners and executives.  If you show good customer service, the examples you set will be followed by your representatives.


Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to enlighten the owners, management team, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to improve the health and stability of their businesses.

In short, we improve businesses!
With guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from 24 years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We design and improve compensation plans and recognition programs, write and edit marketing and training materials, design and assess key operating indicators, lead or assist with software acquisition and software implementation projects, and many other important projects.
We welcome the opportunity to be of service to your company.


Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787