Would you like a personal, close-up look at two direct selling companies?
Join us on March 16th and 17th for company facility tours, educational sharing sessions, networking opportunities and more.
If you're new to direct selling, keep reading as our second article, "What About Sales Tax?" and this month's Ask Victoria question "Do I Need A Business Plan?" were written especially for you.
Visit With Oxyfresh and Scentsy! |
 Join us on March 16th and 17th in Boise, Idaho for a close-up and personal look at how these two direct selling companies operate. Company facility tours, educational sharing sessions with company leadership, networking opportunities, and plenty of Q & A will get you to the heart of what you want to know about what makes these companies succeed. Tell me more about this seminar.
What About Sales Tax? |
If you're launching a new direct selling company, you should be asking this question! Most businesses register for sales tax collection authority, collect
sales taxes, and remit collected taxes only in the states where the
business has a physical presence (a store, an office, or a warehouse). However, direct selling companies are regulated differently. Direct Selling and Sales Tax |
Ask Victoria |
 Do I Need A Business Plan?
If you are thinking about or are in the midst of creating a new party plan or MLM company, you may be wondering if you need a business plan.
Would you like to stop wondering? |