The Jodies' Buzz:
Included in this edition of the Clover Chatter you will find everything you need to know about the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition. Read through this newsletter carefully so you do not miss any important dates. Please share with other members in your club that do not have internet access. If you have any questions about any events listed contact us at (989) 895-4026.
2012 Bay County Fair
and Youth Exposition
The Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition will be held from Tuesday, August 7, through Saturday, August 11, 2012.
Superintendents at the Fair will be:
Canteen: Melissa Meier Canteen: Michelle Field Canteen: Mary Jo Brandt Livestock: Gordon DuBay Livestock: Derek LeCronier Livestock: Amy Sylvester Horse: Joann Jasman Horse: Marc Irish
Fair Week 4-H Events
Saturday, August 4 Horse check-in 12 PM - 6 PM
Sunday, August 5 Parade of Champions Horse Show begins at 9 AM Large Animal Weigh-in 12 PM to 3 PM Still Project Judging 4 PM - 6:30 PM Adult and Youth Vegetable Contest Drop-off 4 PM - 6:30 PM Horse Check-in 4 PM - 8 PM Livestock and Horse Barn Decorating 12 PM-6 PM
Monday, August 6 Horse Check-in 12 PM - 8 PM Container Garden Displays Completed 12 PM Small Animal/Fowl Weigh-in 4 PM - 8 PM Pullorum Testing 4 PM - 8 PM
Tuesday, August 7 4-H Horse Show/Equestrian Contest begins at 9 AM Poultry Judging begins at 4 PM
Wednesday, August 8 Swine Judging begins at 9 AM Steer Judging begins at 10:30 AM Lamb Judging begins at 1:00 PM Goat Judging begins 1:30 PM Rabbit Judging 3 PM
Thursday, August 9 4-H Gymkana Horse Show begins at 9 AM Livestock Auction Opening Ceremony/Reception 5:30 PM Livestock Auction 6 PM
Friday, August 10 Archery Show 10 AM Ag Olympics begins 1 PM Saturday, August 11 Open Horse Show begins at 8 AM
Sunday, August 12 Livestock Removed from Barn/Clean-up 8 AM - 12 PM Horses Removed from Barn/Clean-up 8 AM - 12 PM Still Project Pick-up 8 AM - 12 PM
Fair Entry Registration Entries for all project areas (crafts, horses, livestock, and everything else) will be accepted at the following times only! Projects should not be brought to Fair Entry Registration.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Bay County Fairgrounds, Canteen Building
Wednesday, July 18, 2012, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Bay County Fairgrounds, Canteen Building
Remember, the Canteen Building is located at the south end of the Fairgrounds, 800 Livingston Street, in Bay City. All 4-H members take note: no changes may be made to your entries once they have been submitted at Fair Entry Registration.
Still Project Information
Still Project Procedures Sunday, August 5, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. The doors to the Canteen will open as soon as the judges' welcome and instructional meeting concludes. An adult leader or responsible adult from each 4-H Club needs to be present to help with the set up of tables and placement of the judged projects in the clubs designated area. Each club will have at least one table. Additional tables are available, first come first serve. This is also a great opportunity to showcase the 4-H projects. After 7:00 p.m., only Superintendents, Clerks, and MSUE staff will be allowed in the Canteen due to the placement of the higher awards and open class judging.
Canteen will be open to the public August 7 thru 13, 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. During these hours, the public can view the great 4-H projects our youth have made. Each club will need to sign up to work two -2 hour shifts to supervise the canteen projects during fair week. The main responsibility will be to supervise the area to help insure the projects are not handled and they remain in the Canteen until they are released to the members on Sunday. The workers can be a leader or adult volunteer. This is a great way for parents to get involved and help showcase the youth of Bay County. A sign up sheet will be at Fair Entry Registration.
Canteen clean up and project pick-up will be Sunday, August 14, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Absolutely no exhibits may be removed from the Canteen Building before the above date! Each club is responsible for taking down and putting away tables, sweeping floors, and tidying their area. Any club that exhibits field crops, vegetables, or food must take the exhibits home, or discard them in the dumpster behind the Canteen Building.
Still Project Judging Sunday, August 5 Judging will be from 4pm-7pm
Just a few reminders: * Complete a separate entry form for still projects, livestock, and horse project areas. * Be sure to make a copy of the entry forms before you turn them in. * Entry tags will be available at registration. * Creative writing projects of 2 pages or more need to be turned in at registration. Please attach completed entry tag on project. * Sign up sheet will be available for each club to designate their location in the Canteen to display their projects.
Project Pick-up Sunday, August 13 Still projects are to be picked up by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) at the Canteen. REMEMBER- IF ITEMS ARE NOT PICKED UP BY NOON ON Sunday, AUGUST 13, THEY WILL BE DISCARDED!!
Entry Fees Members may enter up to 35 exhibits for judging. Entry fees for still project exhibits displayed in the Canteen Building will be $4.00 for the first 15 entries, and an additional $1.00 for each additional entry. Absolutely no changes may be made to any still project once Fair Entry Registration has been submitted!
Horse Project Information
Calendar of Events: Saturday, August 4 Horse Check-in 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 5 Parade of Champions Show 9:00 a.m. Horse Barn decorating 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. Horse Check-in 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Monday, August 6 Horse Check-in 12:00 - 8:00 p.m. Horse Barn decoration judging 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 7 4-H Horse Show/Equestrian Contest begins at 9:00 a.m. . Thursday August 9 4-H Gymkana Horse Show begins at 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 10 Open Horse Show begins 8:00 a.m.
Sunday, August 13 Barn Clean-up and horses must be removed from the barn from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Coggins Testing Required Any horse being entered into any horse show during the Fair must have a negative Coggins test, as required by state law. You will be required to show a copy of your proof of Coggins paperwork during Fair Entry Registration.
Horse Stall Entry Fees Horse Stall entry fee for Fair: Box stall (horse) $10.00
Horse Barn Theme The suggested theme for the horse barn this year will be "College Teams". Note that members who do not make use of the theme will not be marked down, though including this theme is your decorating is strongly suggested. Decoration judging is based on creativity, cleanliness, evidence of stalls created with youth involvement, and promotion of 4-H programs.
Horse Barn Set-up Each horse club is responsible for setting up your own stalls for the 2012 Fair. After Fair entry registration your club leader will be notified of what stalls your club has been assigned. These stalls must be cleaned and ready before the start of Horse check-in!
Equestrian KQPP Contest Bay County 4-H members who applied for the Equestrian King, Queen, Prince, and Princess contest will interview on Tuesday, July 17, at 5:00 p.m. at Fair Entry Registration. Contestants will be judged based on a written test, educational display, interview, and participation in the Equestrian showmanship and equitation classes on Tuesday, August 7, 2012.
The winner will represent the Bay County 4-H horse project area for the upcoming year. Participation in all aspects of the competition is required. Results will be announced at the 4-H Horse Show Tuesday, August 7, 2012.
Helmet Reminder The Bay County Fair Board has implemented a helmet policy as of the 2011 Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition. The policy states: "All riders must wear a helmet. Any rider refusing to wear a helmet must sign a waiver. Minors can not sign for themselves, a parent or guardian must sign for them." Note: 4-H riders must wear helmets as outlined in the 2012 Horse and Pony Show rules and Regulations.
This policy includes youth, as well as adult riders. This policy also applies to all open and 4-H horse shows that take place during the Fair. Please plan ahead to ensure your child is prepared to wear a helmet. Judges will not penalize youth who wear safety headgear in a class that typically requires a specific hat (Western).
Livestock Information
Calendar of Events Sunday, August 5 Livestock Barn Decorating 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. Large Animal Weigh-in 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Monday, August 6 Small Animal Fowl Weigh-in and Pullorum Testing from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 7 Livestock King, Queen, Prince and Princess winners announced at Fair opening ceremonies.
Wednesday, August 8 Large Animal Judging begins at 9:00 a.m. the times below are suggested times. If the show moves along quicker the times are subject to change. Swine Judging begins at 9:00 AM Steer Judging begins at 10:30 AM Lamb Judging begins at 1:00 PM Goat Judging begins 1:30 PM Rabbit Judging begins 3:00 PM
Thursday, August 9 Livestock Auction -- Food for buyers reception delivered by 4:30 p.m.; youth to Livestock Arena for opening ceremony by 5:30 p.m.; bidding begins at 6:00 p.m.. Sunday, August 13 Animals may be removed from the barn starting at 8:00 a.m.
Livestock Barn Theme The suggested theme for the livestock barn is " College Teams" Note that if you do not use the theme you will not be marked down. Including this theme in your design is strongly encouraged. Judging is based on creativity, cleanliness, evidence of youth involvement, and promotion of 4-H programs.
Livestock Entry Fees Livestock entry fees for the Fair will be as follows: Box stall (horse) $10.00 Cattle (per head) $6.00 Chickens (per pen) $1.50 Ducks (per pen) $1.50 Geese (per pen) $1.50 Goats (per head) $4.00 Pigeons (per pen) $1.50 Rabbits (per pen) $1.50 Sheep (per head) $4.00 Swine (per head) $4.00
Pullorum Testing Pullorum testing on all fowl entering the Livestock Barn will be conducted during Small Animal Weigh-in, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, August 6, 2012.
Livestock King, Queen, Prince and Princess Contest The Bay County King, Queen, Prince, and Princess contestants that registered for the contest will interview on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. at Fair Entry Registration. Winners will be announced at the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition's Opening Ceremony on Tuesday, August 7, 2012.
Pheasant Judging Pheasants projects will be judged at the same time as other poultry. The poultry show will be on Tuesday, August 7, beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Livestock Auction and Buyers Reception The Livestock Auction will be held on Thursday, August 9, 2012, with bidding beginning at 6:00 p.m. Remember that the Livestock Auction is conducted in accordance with the currently ratified Livestock Association By-laws. Contact MSU Extension - Bay County at (989) 895-4026 with questions. Click Here for the tri-fold promotional flyer. For the portrait promotional flyer Click Here.
Bedding in the Livestock Barn Remember it is the responsibility of the member to supply bedding for your animals at Fair. All bedding in the Livestock Barn must be wood chips. Livestock Association voted that wood chips would be the only bedding for all animals in the barn during Fair. Contact Patti DuBay to reserve bags from Heriters Saw Mill at (989) 948-5499 by July 13, 2012.
Other Important Fair Information
Bay County 4-H Cook Book Bay County 4-H Advisory Council is selling 4-H cook books. The book is a hardcover book made up of 300 recipes from 4-H family, friends, and alumni over the years. The cost is $10 each. To guarantee receiving a Bay County 4-H Cook Book you may purchase them pre-sale by printing the pre-sale form. All pre-sale books must be picked up during Fair. no shipping is provided. Left over books will be on-sale during Fair 2012. Bonnie Gleason Memorial The 4-H Advisory Council is putting together a memorial garden for Bonnie Gleason. The garden will be outside of horse barn. If you are interested in helping to fund this project you may send donations to MSU Extension - Bay County 515 Center Ave. Ste 301 Bay City MI 48708. Make checks payable to 4-H Advisory Council. Any additional funds raised will be donated as a memorial to the family of Bonnie Gleason.
Buyers' Reception The Buyers' reception is a very important thank you to auction buyers and requires everyone's participation to be a success. Sign-up for food, paper products, and work schedule will be available at the July Livestock Association meeting. Many desserts are needed, so each livestock family is asked to bring a generous contribution.
Archery Contest The contest will be held on Friday, August 10, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the Bay County Fairgrounds. Pre-registration is required during Fair Entry Registration. For more information contact MSU Extension - Bay County at (989) 895-4026, or reference the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition Fair book for details.
Parking Passes for Fair 4-H families must purchase a parking pass to gain access into the fairgrounds during Fair week. The Bay County Fair Board will be selling these passes during Fair Entry Registration on July 17 and 18, 2012. Passes will cost: $10 for a weekly pass, $2 for a daily pass, Also, two weekly passes will be included in the camping fee. Please keep your pass in a safe place. Passes will not be reissued if they are lost. If you have questions, please contact Bay County Fair Board at (989) 895-3744.
Livestock Registration Forms Click here to print your Livestock Registration forms. These form must be returned to MSU Extension - Bay County by July 13, 2012. Cages are assigned by using these form.
Vegetable Contest This year's contest features the Giant Russian Sunflower. Each member who received a plant from MSU Extension may submit it to the Canteen Building for judging. Entries must be made at the Canteen Building on Sunday, August 5, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Sunflowers must arrive "garden fresh" in a paper bag or on a paper plate. Members should clearly print their name on the outside of the bag or on the top of the plate. The winner will be announced when the Canteen opens to the public on Tuesday, August 7, 2012.
Fair Camping Application The application forms for the 2012 fair camping are available by clicking here. Camping forms are due to Bay County Fair Board by July 13, 2012. The cost is $50 per campsite. All camping questions and concerns should be directed to Bay County Fair Board at (989) 895-3744.
Ag Olympics Don't miss out on the fun event on Friday, August 10, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. The deadline to turn your application in is Wednesday, July 18, 2012, by 7:00 p.m. during Fair Entry Registration. Click here for forms.
For Fair Information For more information about the Bay County Fair contact the Bay County Fair at (989) 895-3744. Or visit the Website
Sincerely, Jodi Wrzesinski Bay County 4-H Program Coordinator
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Fair Books Are In!
2012 Fair Premium Books can be picked up at the MSU Extension - Bay County office Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 - 12:00 p.m. or by appointment. Contact MSU Extension at (989) 895-4026 with questions.
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No Fair Premiums For 2012
For the 2012 Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition premiums will NOT be paid. The Bay County Fair Board is working very hard to plan a fun and exciting Fair for families around Bay County with limited resources. We know that 4-H youth gain many skills from particpating in the events held during Fair. We hope you will still encourage youth to participate and experience all their is to learn during Fair 2012!